religion | En Albania no ha ninguna religión oficial. | There is no official religion in the Republic of Albania. |
religion | No conoce lógica, lenguaje o religión. | It knows no logic, no language or religion. |
religion | Y queremos que sepa sobre religión. | And we want him to know about religion. |
religion | Aquí practicaba mi madre su religión. | This is where my mother practiced her religion. |
religion | Hago todo esto por mi religión. | I'm doing all this for my religion. |
religion | No me importa su religión; allá vamos. | I don't care how much religion they've got, we're going there right now. |
religion | Los que tienen mucha hambre de religión. | Let us just say, shall we, they have a great hunger for religion. |
religion | Convertirme sugeriría que ya sigo una religión. | Converting would suggest that I already follow a religion. |
religion | No tomes la religión demasiado en serio. | Now, don't take this religion too seriously. |
religion | Creo que esa religión tiene algo. | I think there's something to that religion. |
religion | Mientras no discutas de religión o política. | Just as long as you don't discuss religion or politics. |
religion | El Estado no reconocerá ninguna religión como obligatoria. | No religion shall be recognized by the State as mandatory. |
religion | No hay diferencia entre culto y religión. | There's no difference between a cult and a religion. |
religion | Gente que no siquiera piensa en religión pidieron hablar conmigo. | People who wouldn't normally even think about religion, they asked me to speak. |
religion | No estoy buscando una religión fácil. | Well, I'm not looking for an easy religion. |
religion | También es vuestra religión, Jacobo. | It's your religion, too, James. |
religion | Es una religión como cualquier otra. | It's a religion, like any other. |
religion | Las brujas Wiccan son una religión. | Modern witches, known as Wiccan, are a religion. |
religion | Mi religión es la propiedad privada. | See, my first religion is private property. |
religious | No me importa qué religión tengan. | I don't care how much religious they've got. |