probably | Deberías probablemente agradecerme por tu ascenso. | You know, you should probably be thanking me for your promotion. |
probably | Quebrantar ese espíritu resulta riesgoso y probablemente irreversible. | To destroy that spirit would be risky and probably irreversible. |
probably | Ésta es probablemente mi última oportunidad. | Yes. Well, this is probably my last chance. |
probably | Bueno es probablemente como me quemé. | Well, it's probably how come I burnt myself. |
probably | Uno de ellos está probablemente esperando obtener un resultado. | One of them is probably hoping to get a paper out of it. |
probably | Creo que fue probablemente porque la estábamos molestando. | I think it was probably because we were disturbing her. |
probably | Creo que probablemente debería tranquilizarme un poco. | I guess I probably could sober up a little bit. |
probably | Bueno, probablemente estaba equivocada porque luce verdaderamente bien. | Well, I was probably wrong because it looks really nice. |
probably | Creo que probablemente me ocurre algo. | I think there's probably something wrong with me. |
probably | Sharon probablemente ya está en tierra. | I was just thinking Sharon's probably on the ground by now. |
probably | El último conductor probablemente vendría de un autobús. | The last driver probably swiped it from a bus for a laugh. |
probably | Porque creo que probablemente fue mi culpa. | 'Cause I think it probably was my fault. |
probably | Sabes, pobre chico, probablemente está confundido. | You know, poor kid, he's probably confused. |
probably | Ellos probablemente no me aceptarían ahí. | They probably wouldn't accept me out there. |
probably | Son probablemente los medios tratando de entrevistarme. | It's probably just the media trying to interview me. |
probably | Bueno, probablemente hubiera terminado en las noticias. | Well, I'd probably would've ended up on the tv news. |
probably | Bueno, un castigo probablemente no funcione. | Well, grounding her again probably won't work. |
likely | Soy muy probablemente El hijo del cartero. | I'm more than likely the postman's son. |
likely | Song probablemente tendría sus derechos parentales restaurados. | Mr. Song would likely have his parental rights restored. |