responsible | Debo procurar comportarme de modo responsable. | I have to be careful to behave in a responsible way. |
responsible | Deseche la aguja de forma responsable. | Dispose of the needle in a responsible manner. |
responsible | Quieren que crean que yo soy responsable. | Now, they want you to believe that I'm responsible. |
responsible | Confieso que soy responsable por nuestro dulce afecto vacilante. | I confess that I'm responsible for our sweet affection faltering. |
responsible | Me dijeron que si paraba ahora, sería responsable. | They told me that if I stopped now, I would be responsible. |
responsible | Soy como cualquier otra madre responsable. | I'm just like any other responsible parent. |
responsible | Es importante que averigüemos quién es el responsable. | It's important that we find out who's responsible. |
responsible | Porque Usted es responsable para decidir qué hacer conmigo. | Because you're responsible for deciding what to do with me. |
responsible | Supongamos que sea cierto y fuera el responsable. | Let's just say that you're right and he was responsible. |
responsible | Encontraron al hombre responsable, asumo. | You found the man responsible, I take it. |
responsible | Aún me gustaría agradecer al tipo responsable. | I'd still love to thank the guy responsible. |
responsible | Soy responsable por haberte metido en esto... | I am responsible that you got involved in it... |
responsible | Me hace responsable por algo que ocurrió. | He holds me responsible for something that happened there. |
responsible | Serás responsable por la matanza de seres inocentes. | You'd be responsible for slaughter & starvation the likes of which you've never seen. |
responsible | Cerrar sus experimentos genéticos y te haré personalmente responsable. | To shut Geneti-Sharp down, and to make you personally responsible. |
responsible for | Haesten es directamente responsable del ataque. | Haesten, for one, is directly responsible for the attack. |
responsible for | Pero no seré responsable del resultado. | But I won't be responsible for the result. |
responsible for | Sé que soy responsable del programa. | I know I am responsible for the program. |
accountable | Debemos tener un consejo representativo, legítimo y responsable. | We should have a Council that is representative, legitimate and accountable. |
accountable | Pero puedes pedirle que sea responsable. | But you can ask it to be accountable. |
responsible | Aunque solo tiene diez años es un niño muy responsable. | Even though he is only ten years old, he is a responsible boy. |
responsible | El guarda es responsable de la seguridad del museo. | The security guard is responsible for security at the museum. |
manager | Llamé al restaurante y hablé con la responsable. Me dijo que está prohibido el ingreso de mascotas. | I called the restaurant and spoke to the manager, who told me pets were not allowed in. |
person responsible | El responsable del incendio tendrá que pagar por ello. | The person responsible for the fire will have to pay for it. |