top | Encontrarás una lona en el estante superior. | You'll find a drop cloth up on the top shelf. |
higher | En las universidades se organizan programas especiales de formación profesional superior. | Special programmes are organized at the universities for acquiring the so-called higher vocational education. |
higher | Situación similar muestran sus niveles de preparación secundaria y superior. | A similar situation is seen in their levels of secondary and higher education. |
higher | La enseñanza escolar y superior es gratuita. | Teaching in schools and higher educational establishments is free of charge. |
higher | Tengo que hablarle a alguien superior. | I have to talk to someone higher up. |
higher | Podría considerar apelar a un poder superior. | I might consider an appeal to a higher power. |
higher | Supongo que intentaban acercarse a algo superior. | But I think were to try to arrive to something higher. |
higher | Siempre tuviste una misión superior que cumplir. | You've always had some higher calling to follow. |
higher | Pero debe determinarlo el tribunal superior. | But that's for the higher court to determine. |
higher | Quiero alimentarte e investigar tu ser superior. | I want to feed you and probe your higher self. |
higher | Este incremento fue ligeramente superior entre la población rural. | Among all households, the growth of income was slightly higher among rural inhabitants. |
higher | Creo que existe un espíritu superior. | I mean, I think there is definitely a higher spirit. |
higher | El primer rector y superior fue Evasio Rabagliatti. | The first rector was the father and higher Evasio Rabagliatti. |
upper | Bien, atravesando la atmósfera superior. | All right, we're through the upper atmosphere. |
upper | Estamos captando ionización de la atmósfera superior. | We're picking up ionization from the upper atmosphere. |
upper | Tenías un edema en la tráquea superior. | You had an edema of the upper tracheal track. |
upper | Me perdí intentando encontrar el jardín comedor superior. | I got lost trying to find the upper dining garden. |
upper | Algunas partículas pueden penetrarlo cargando la atmósfera superior. | Some particles can penetrate it charging up the upper atmosphere. |
upper | Bien, estamos sobre la atmósfera superior. | All right, we're through the upper atmosphere. |
upper | Sirve como depósito superior de la central hidroeléctrica Roncovalgrande. | It serves as the upper reservoir for the pumped-storage Roncovalgrande Hydroelectric Plant. |
better | El equipo derrotado tuvo que reconocer que el adversario era superior. Martín es superior a Daniel en atletismo. | The defeated team had to admit that the opponent was better. |
top, upper | El gimnasio se encuentra en el piso superior del edificio. | The gym is located on the top floor of the building. |
choice, superior | La repostera solamente usa ingredientes de calidad superior. | The pastry chef only uses choice ingredients. |
higher education | María tiene educación superior. | Maria attended higher education. |
at the top | Las hélices están ubicadas en la parte superior del helicóptero. | The propellers are located at the top of the helicopter. |
higher education | Nuestro hijo pasará a la enseñanza superior el próximo año. | Our son is starting higher education next year. |
upper limb | El hombro es la parte de la extremidad superior que está unida al tronco. | The shoulder is the part of the upper limb joined to the upper body. |
superior being | Los antiguos griegos creían en muchos seres superiores. ¿Crees que hay un ser superior que juzga nuestros actos? | The ancient Greeks believed in many superior beings. |
beyond me | Este problema es muy superior a mis fuerzas, ya no sé cómo resolverlo. | This problem is beyond me; I don't know what more I can do. |
technician, superior technician | Mi sobrino es técnico superior en higiene dental y trabaja en el consultorio de un odontólogo. | My nephew is a dental hygiene superior technician and works in a dentist's office. |
bachelor's degree | Lucía obtuvo el titulado superior después de 6 años. | Lucía obtained her bachelor's degree after 6 years. |