holy | Hablemos un poco del mantenimiento del sábado santo. | Let's talk a little about keeping the Sabbath holy. |
holy | Un hombre santo debe preocuparse de cuestiones espirituales. | And a holy man should concern himself with spiritual matters. |
holy | Será muy santo o estará demasiado ocupado para contestar. | I wrote to him weeks ago, but either he's too holy or too busy to answer. |
holy | Esto deber dirigirnos directo al lugar santo. | This should lead us straight to the holy place. |
holy | Hagamos nuestra reverencia al santo camino. | Let us pay homage to the holy way... |
holy | No hay que respetarlo porque finja ser un hombre santo. | Well, now, you don't need to have respect for him... because he pretends that he's holy. |
holy | El falso hombre santo del restaurante. | That's the restaurant's fake holy man. |
holy | Nuestro sacerdote es un hombre santo. | Our priest - he's a holy man. |
holy | Hablemos un poquito sobre mantener santo al Sabbat. | Let's talk a little about keeping the Sabbath holy. |
saint | Suena a santo medieval quemado en la hoguera. | It sounds like a medieval saint who was burned to you? I'm Mike Connor. |
saint | Se desarrolló literalmente como un santo. | In manhood, he literally became a saint. |
saint | Y podría arruinar tu fama de santo. | And it might harm your reputation as a saint. |
saint | Es venerado como santo pero no oficialmente canonizado. | He is venerated as a saint, but not officially canonised. |
saint | Pronto reconocido como mártir y santo. | He was soon recognized as a martyr and saint. |
saint | Concuerdo con ella cuando lo llama santo. | I agree with her when she's calling him a saint. |
saint | Tanta responsabilidad requiere la obediencia... de un santo. | A responsibility like this requires the obedience... of a saint. |
saint | Mírame a Pablo convertido en santo. | Look, man, Pablo's turned into a saint. |
saint | No recibirán las recompensas asignadas al santo victorioso. | They will not receive the rewards assigned to the victorious saint. |
saint | El santo especialmente niega sus apetitos y pasiones. | Especially does the true saint deny his appetites and passions. |
holy | Todos los domingos celebramos la santa eucaristía. | Every Sunday we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. |
saint | La fiesta de santa Sofía se celebra el 17 de septiembre. | The feast of Saint Sophia is celebrated on 17 September. |
sacred | Este es un objeto santo. Dicen que hace milagros. | This is a sacred object. They say that it will work miracles. |
saintly | Paco es un hombre santo y no tiene vicios. | Francis is a saintly man and has no vices. |
saint | Teresa les pidió un milagro a los santos. | Teresa asked the saints for a miracle. |
saint, angel | Pablo es un santo: siempre ayuda a sus amigos. | Pablo is a saint (or: angel): he always helps his friends out. |
statue of a saint, image of a saint | En la procesión sacan varios santos y vírgenes. | Several statues of saints and virgins are brought out in the procession. |
Jubilee Year | El 2010 fue un año jacobeo porque el 25 de julio cayó en domingo. | 2010 was a Jubilee year because the 25th of July fell on a Sunday. |
cemetery, graveyard | Los cipreses bordeaban el camino al camposanto de aquel pueblo. | Cypress trees lined the path to that town's cemetery (or: graveyard). |
in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit | Para darte la bendición debes decir: en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. | To give you the blessing you must say: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. |
Holy Spirit | Le pido al Espíritu Santo que me ilumine en esta decisión. | I pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten me in this decision. |
Holy Grail | Siempre me han fascinado las novelas artúricas y los relatos medievales sobre el santo grial. | I've always been fascinated by Arthurian novels and medieval tales about the Holy Grail. |
Maundy Thursday | El Jueves Santo es el día en que Jesucristo instituyó el sacramento de la eucaristía. | Maundy Thursday is the day that Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist. |
password | ¿Quién va? ¡Santo y seña! | Who goes there? Say the password! |
Good Friday | Se nos hizo complicado llegar: varias calles estaban cerradas debido a las procesiones de Viernes Santo. | Good Friday comes two days before Easter. |