Saturday | Se realiza el tercer sábado de septiembre. | It takes place every year on the third Saturday in September. |
Saturday | Hablábamos sobre la excursión del próximo sábado. | We were talking about the hiking trip next Saturday. |
Saturday | Mira, llévalos contigo el sábado... | Look, take 'em out with you Saturday... |
Saturday | Gracias por abrir su bodega en sábado. | Thanks for opening up your warehouse on a Saturday. |
Saturday | Es sábado, los restaurantes se llenan. | It's Saturday, the restaurants will be full. |
Saturday | Suerte cubriendo nuestra plaza del sábado. | Good luck filling our spot by this Saturday. |
Saturday | El primer sábado de cada mes. | It's the first Saturday of every month. |
Saturday | No debimos haberos movido al sábado. | We never should have moved you to Saturday. |
Saturday | Este sábado es el Festival del Rey Dragón... | This Saturday is the day we offer a sacrifice to the Dragon King. |
Saturday | Necesito 700 dólares antes del sábado. | I've got to have 700 dollars by Saturday. |
Saturday | Parece que estás teniendo un sábado movido. | Looks like you're having a rockin' Saturday. |
Saturday | Prefiero pasar las noches del sábado relajado. | I choose to spend my Saturday evenings kicking back with a Cohiba. |
Saturday | Volaré para encontrarme contigo el sábado. | I'll just fly in and meet you Saturday. |
Saturday | El sábado harán una gran revelación. | Saturday, they're doing a big expose. |
Saturday | Qué raro verte aquí un sábado. | Very strange seeing you here on a Saturday. |
Saturday | Hoy es sábado, no contestarán. | If it's Saturday today, he won't get hold of him. |
Saturday | Planeo inscribirlo en la carrera del sábado. | I plan on entering him in the handicap Saturday. |
Saturday | Allí estaría bailando, si fuera sábado. | There'd be dancing, if it was Saturday. |
Sabbath | Hablemos un poco del mantenimiento del sábado santo. | Let's talk a little about keeping the Sabbath holy. |
Sabbath | Hagamos una prueba para el sábado. | Let's make a test for the Sabbath. |
Saturday | El sábado no trabajo; si quieres, podemos ir al cine. | I'm not working on Saturday. If you want, we can go to the cinema. |