
Saturday Sábado El Del Sabbath Se De La

Index 1179
Question sábado
Question sentences
Se realiza el tercer sábado de septiembre.
Hablábamos sobre la excursión del próximo sábado.
Answer Saturday; Sabbath
Answer sentences and translations
SaturdaySe realiza el tercer sábado de septiembre.It takes place every year on the third Saturday in September.
SaturdayHablábamos sobre la excursión del próximo sábado.We were talking about the hiking trip next Saturday.
SaturdayMira, llévalos contigo el sábado...Look, take 'em out with you Saturday...
SaturdayGracias por abrir su bodega en sábado.Thanks for opening up your warehouse on a Saturday.
SaturdayEs sábado, los restaurantes se llenan.It's Saturday, the restaurants will be full.
SaturdaySuerte cubriendo nuestra plaza del sábado.Good luck filling our spot by this Saturday.
SaturdayEl primer sábado de cada mes.It's the first Saturday of every month.
SaturdayNo debimos haberos movido al sábado.We never should have moved you to Saturday.
SaturdayEste sábado es el Festival del Rey Dragón...This Saturday is the day we offer a sacrifice to the Dragon King.
SaturdayNecesito 700 dólares antes del sábado.I've got to have 700 dollars by Saturday.
SaturdayParece que estás teniendo un sábado movido.Looks like you're having a rockin' Saturday.
SaturdayPrefiero pasar las noches del sábado relajado.I choose to spend my Saturday evenings kicking back with a Cohiba.
SaturdayVolaré para encontrarme contigo el sábado.I'll just fly in and meet you Saturday.
SaturdayEl sábado harán una gran revelación.Saturday, they're doing a big expose.
SaturdayQué raro verte aquí un sábado.Very strange seeing you here on a Saturday.
SaturdayHoy es sábado, no contestarán.If it's Saturday today, he won't get hold of him.
SaturdayPlaneo inscribirlo en la carrera del sábado.I plan on entering him in the handicap Saturday.
SaturdayAllí estaría bailando, si fuera sábado.There'd be dancing, if it was Saturday.
SabbathHablemos un poco del mantenimiento del sábado santo.Let's talk a little about keeping the Sabbath holy.
SabbathHagamos una prueba para el sábado.Let's make a test for the Sabbath.
SaturdayEl sábado no trabajo; si quieres, podemos ir al cine.I'm not working on Saturday. If you want, we can go to the cinema.

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