service | El servicio sustitutivo no debe tener carácter punitivo. | The alternative service must not be of a punitive nature. |
service | El servicio comunitario es una sanción penal frecuente. | Community service as a criminal penalty is shown to be in active use. |
service | La Comisión no reconoce la interpretación inexacta del servicio... | The Commission does not accept that there has been any inaccurate interpretation of service... |
service | La Dirección de Inmigración está ampliando su servicio de asesoramiento interdisciplinario. | The Directorate of Immigration is in the process of further developing its interdisciplinary advisory service. |
service | Habrá un servicio radicado en prácticamente cada Estado y Territorio. | There will be approximately one service located in each State and Territory. |
service | El pertinente servicio fiscal verifica el informe financiero. | This financial report is verified by the relevant tax service. |
service | Costo directamente atribuible a un producto o servicio determinado. | A cost that is directly attributable to a specific product or service. |
service | Creía que volvía al servicio hoy. | I thought I was back on service today. |
service | Sus lobos estaban al servicio del Wehrmacht. | His wolves were in the service of the Wehrmacht. |
service | No es seguro asistir al servicio. | It's not safe to attend the service. |
service | El club ofrece un servicio - ninguno Aprovecho. | The club provides a service - not one I avail myself of. |
service | Nunca deberías haberme devuelto al servicio. | You never should've brought me back in the service. |
service | Pagaré cualquier servicio de limpieza que necesites... | I will pay for whatever cleaning service you need for the cabin... |
service | Mi último acto a su servicio, Steven... | My last act of service to you, Master Steven... before you come running home. |
service | El servicio me cobrará docientos dolares extras. | The service will charge me an extra $200. |
service | Estoy seguro de que quedará satisfecho del servicio. | Thank you, sir. I'm sure you'll find the service to your complete satisfaction. |
service | Descuida. Es un servicio profesional. | Don't worry, it's a professional car service. |
duty | Asumo Usted está recomendando retirarse Skye del servicio activo. | I assume you're recommending Skye be removed from active duty. |
duty | Pienso en el servicio hacia ti. | I'm thinking of your duty to yourself. |
service | Recibirás un pago de dos mil dólares por tus servicios. | You'll receive a payment of two thousand dollars for your services. |
place setting | Prepararon la mesa para la cena con diez servicios. | They set the dinner table with ten place settings. |
at the service of | Trabajamos duro y siempre al servicio de nuestros clientes. | We work hard and always at the service of our clients. |
service area | El área de servicio cuenta con gasolinera, taller y cafetería. | The service area has a petrol station, garage and café. |
customer service area | Los probadores se encuentran en el área de servicio. | The changing rooms are in the customer service area. |
customer service representative | Los asesores de servicio al cliente deben tener habilidades sociales y paciencia de santos. | Customer service representatives should have social skills and the patience of saints. |
staff bathroom, service bathroom | La casa tiene cinco habitaciones, un baño completo, y un baño de servicio. | The house has five bedrooms, a full bathroom and a service bathroom. |
washroom | Yo uso el baño de servicio y mis hermanos usan el baño principal. | I use the washroom and my brothers the main bathroom. |
friendly service, friendly customer service | El restaurante es conocido por la calidez en el servicio. | The restaurant is known for its friendly service. |
on duty | El policía está de servicio. | The police officer is on duty. |
service | La empleada doméstica duerme en la habitación de servicio. | The maid sleeps in the service room. |
secondary, service | El edificio tiene un ascensor de servicio además del principal. | The building has a service (or: secondary) elevator in addition to the main one. |
commitment to service | Las personas que trabajan en este comedor social tienen un gran espíritu de servicio. | The people working in this soup kitchen have great commitment to service. |
service station | Esta es la última estación de servicio que veremos en mucho tiempo así que aprovechemos para llenar el tanque. | This is the last service station that we will see for a long time so we will take advantage of the opportunity to fill the tank. |
out of order | El baño se encuentra fuera de servicio. | The toilet is out of order. |
do [sb] a disservice | Los comentarios malintencionados hacen un flaco servicio a los compañeros. | Malicious comments do the coworkers a disservice. |
serve | Pedro prestó servicio en la empresa por 10 años. | Pedro served the company for 10 years. |
service door | Los empleados de la mansión salieron por la puerta de servicio. | The employees of the mansion exited through the service door. |
home delivery | Las pizzerías tienen servicio a domicilio. | Pizzerias offer home delivery. |
customer service | Nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente brinda asesoría técnica las 24 horas. | Our customer service department offers 24 hour technical consultancy. |
customer service | Esta marca de computadoras es famosa por su excelente servicio de atención al cliente. | This computer brand is famed for its excellent customer service. |
cleaning service | La empresa contrató un servicio de limpieza. | The company hired a cleaning service. |
maintenance service | El servicio de mantenimiento en este lugar es muy bueno. | The maintenance service in this place is really good. |
courier service | Pedro mandó los papeles por un servicio de mensajería. | Pedro sent the documents through a courier service. |
place setting | Agrega otro servicio de mesa que acaba de llegar Rubén. | Add another place setting, as Ruben just arrived. |
table service | Los camareros de este lugar dan un excelente servicio de mesa. | The waiters here give excellent table service. |
cover charge | Ese restaurante tiene un servicio de mesa de $20. | This restaurant has a cover charge of $20. |
taxi service, taxicab service, cab service | El hotel cuenta con servicio de taxi las 24 horas. | 24 hour taxi service is available at the hotel. |
military service | En Israel el servicio militar es obligatorio. | In Israel military service is compulsory. |
after-sales service | El soporte técnico forma parte del servicio postventa. | Technical support is part of after-sales service. |
public service | Los conductores de taxis pidieron que los considerasen un servicio público. | Taxi drivers asked to be considered a public service. |
social service | Los manifestantes reclaman mejoras en los servicios sociales. | The protesters are demanding improvements in social services. |
technical assistance | La conexión a Internet andaba mal y Pablo llamó al servicio técnico. | The Internet connection was bad and Pedro called for technical assistance. |
willingness to serve, desire to serve | El perfil del puesto estipula que requerimos colaboradores con voluntad de servicio. | The job profile specifies that we require workers with a willingness to serve. |