show | Este asunto debería abordarse con mentalidad abierta y disposición a mostrar flexibilidad. | This issue should be approached with an open mind and readiness to show flexibility. |
show | Tienes miedo de mostrar tu lado sensible. | You're just afraid to show your sensitive side. |
show | Hay maneras más convencionales de mostrar tus sentimientos. | There are other ways to show your feelings, Lee. More conventional ways. |
show | Debo mostrar la fotografía 10B del profesor. | I should like to show the professor photograph 10B. |
show | Nunca pensé que tuvieras agallas para mostrar tu cara. | I just never thought you'd have the nerve to show your face. |
show | Una extraña manera de mostrar amor maternal. | An odd way to show a mother's love. |
show | Quieren mostrar algún tipo de vínculo. | See, he wanted to show some kind of link. |
show | El director quería incluirte para mostrar confianza... | The director wanted you in the loop to extend a show of faith... |
show | Al menos tenemos esto para mostrar. | At least we got this to show for it. |
show | Podría mostrar compasión si fueses decentes. | I could show mercy if they were clean. |
show | Tendrán una audiencia disciplinaria para mostrar. | They're holding the disciplinary hearing just for show. |
show | Están orgullosas y quieren mostrar que es real. | They're proud and they want to show that it's real. |
show | Es una oportunidad para mostrar que también tenemos ideales. | So, here's an opportunity to show that we have ideals, too. |
show | Pensé que podrías mostrar más juicio. | I just thought you would show more judgement. |
show | Quiero hacer algo para mostrar mi agradecimiento. | I'd like to do something to show my appreciation. |
display | No necesito mostrar mi patetismo al mundo. | I don't need to display my patheticness to the world. |
show | El niño mostró el juguete a sus amigos. | The young boy showed the toy to his friends. |
show, teach | El vendedor nos mostró el funcionamiento del ventilador. | The salesman showed us (or: taught us) how the fan worked. |