
Si I De Sí La El En Lo

Index 36
Question si
Question sentences
El proceso demostrará si necesitaremos nuevos instrumentos contractuales.
Él nunca sabe si es conducido hacia ella... si le controlan... si se lo inventa... o si lo sueña.
Answer whether; if; though; even
Answer sentences and translations
whetherEl proceso demostrará si necesitaremos nuevos instrumentos contractuales.It will emerge from this process whether or not we need new treaty instruments.
whetherÉl nunca sabe si es conducido hacia ella... si le controlan... si se lo inventa... o si lo sueña.As for him, he never knows whether he moves toward her, whether he is driven, whether he has made it up, or whether he is only dreaming.
whetherPregunta si las ONG están representadas y si participan los donantes.She wondered whether NGOs were represented and whether there were any donor participants.
whetherSírvase especificar si pueden aplicarse sólo a los sospechosos y si un tribunal debe autorizarlas primero.Please specify whether they may only be applied to suspects and whether a court must first sanction their use.
whetherMuchos pacientes están interesados en si es posibleEmbarazo si toman duhfaston.Many patients are interested in whether it is possiblePregnancy if they take duhfaston.
whetherSu médico decidirá si usted debe recibir oseltamivir si está embarazada.Your doctor will decide whether you should receive oseltamivir if you are pregnant.
whetherPodría ayudar si pudiera actuar como si me importaran mis estudiantes y si aprenden o no.It might help if I could act as though I care about my students and whether or not they learn.
ifHubiera sabido instantáneamente si planeábamos algo.He would have known instantly if we were up to something.
ifEspecialmente si continúas permitiéndome ponerla dura.Especially if you continue to let me make it so hard.
ifComprobaré si hoy tenemos habitaciones disponibles.I'll check for you if there are available rooms today.
ifNecesitábamos comprender este poder si queríamos utilizarlo.We needed to understand this power if we were intent on utilizing it.
ifLlámame si tienes más revelaciones maravillosas.Give me a call if you have any more amazing insights.
ifLo sabrías perfectamente si prestaras atención.That would be obvious, if you'd been paying attention.
ifAvísame si aparece o si tienes noticias.Let me know if she turns up or if you hear anything about her.
ifNi si quiera sabía si estaría...I didn't even know if he'd be...
ifPreguntaba si sabía si sus padres aún viven.I was wondering if you knew if your parents were still alive.
ifMe preguntaba si nos dejarías entrar, y si podríamos hacerlo.I was wondering if you would let us come in here, and, we could, like, do it.
ifMuchos pacientes están interesados en si es posibleEmbarazo si toman duhfaston.Many patients are interested in whether it is possiblePregnancy if they take duhfaston.
ifSu médico decidirá si usted debe recibir oseltamivir si está embarazada.Your doctor will decide whether you should receive oseltamivir if you are pregnant.
ifPodría ayudar si pudiera actuar como si me importaran mis estudiantes y si aprenden o no.It might help if I could act as though I care about my students and whether or not they learn.
ifNo utilice Rebif si observa cualquier signo visible de deterioro como si la solución en el cartucho ya no es clara e incolora o si contiene partículas.Do not use Rebif if you notice any visible signs of deterioration such as if the solution in the cartridge is no longer clear and colourless or if it contains particles.
thoughPodría ayudar si pudiera actuar como si me importaran mis estudiantes y si aprenden o no.It might help if I could act as though I care about my students and whether or not they learn.
evenNi si quiera sabía si estaría...I didn't even know if he'd be...
ifSi quieres curarte, toma tu medicina. Si fuera rica, compraría la casa de la esquina.If I were rich, I'd buy the house on the corner.
whetherNo sé si mi jefe recibió mi mensaje o no.I don't know whether to take the train or go by car.
BEl si viene después del la.B is the seventh note in the musical scale.
right?, isn't that right?, am I right?Vamos a ir hoy al cine, ¿a que sí?We're going to the cinema today, right?
yes or no?Quieres ir al cine, ¿sí o no?Do you want to go to the movies, yes or no?
I bet—No creo que me contraten. —A que sí; ya lo verás.-I don't think they'll hire me. -I bet they will, you'll see.
himself, itself, herself, yourselfUno tiene la capacidad de analizarse a sí mismo y de rectificar sus propias acciones.You need to take a good look at yourself in the mirror and decide whether you need to make changes in your life.
himself, itself, herself, yourselfComo Alberto no deseaba implicarse a sí mismo en el asunto, se mantuvo al margen. Marina volvió a su casa cabizbaja, repitiéndose a sí misma que nada había salido bien.As Alberto didn't want to implicate himself in the matter he decided to stay out of it. Marina went home with her head hanging low and kept telling herself it had all gone wrong.
let's see whether, let's see if¡A ver si te callas, que no puedo oír la serie!Let's see if (or: let's see whether) you shut up; I can't hear the programme!
let's seeDice que cocina bien, a ver si es cierto.He says he cooks well; let's see if he's right.
now it's time¡Ahora sí! El cuadro ha quedado terminado.Now it's time! The painting has been completed.
hardly speaksFernanda es muy tímida y apenas si habla.Fernanda is very shy and hardly speaks.
so if you know anythingAsí que si sabes de algo me avisas, por favor.So if you know anything, let me know please.
help oneselfNo te pueden ayudar si no te ayudas a ti mismo.They can't help you if you don't help yourself.
of course!¡Claro que sí! Podemos hacer la tarea juntos.Of course! We can do our homework together.
like yourself, as yourself, as you would yourselfEl ser humano debe respetar al prójimo como a sí mismo.Treat others as you would yourself.
as if, as thoughTenía una migraña tan fuerte que sentía como si la cabeza me fuera a explotar.I had a migraine so strong that it felt as if my head would explode.
as if, as thoughPara lograr que su esposa lo perdonara, Luis la trató como si fuera lo más importante en el universo.To get his wife to forgive him, Luis treated her as though she were the most important thing in the world.
as if for the first time, as if it were the first timeDisfrutaron como si fuera la primera vez que iban a la playa.We partied as if for the first time going to the beach.
without a second thought, without giving it a second thoughtDijo que se casaba como si nada, sin ilusión.He said he was getting married, without a second thought.
just like thatJuan hizo su tesis en un año, así, como si nada.Juan did his thesis in a year, just like that.
like water off a duck's backSe quedó como si nada, como si le estuviera hablando del tiempo.He took it like water off a duck's back, as though somebody was talking to him about the weather.
self-confidenceJuan tiene una gran confianza en sí mismo; nunca duda de lo que hace.Juan has great self-confidence; he never doubts what he does.
know yourselfEl artista necesita conocerse a sí mismo para llegar al culmen de su creatividad.The artist needs to know herself in order to reach the peak of her creativity.
correct me if I'm wrongCorrígeme si me equivoco, pero ¿tú no estabas de viaje?Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you go on vacation?
believe in yourselfCree en ti mismo: eres capaz de lograr grandes cosas.Believe in yourself; you are capable of achieving great things.
I think so, I believe so—¿Tu hermana fue a clases? —Creo que sí.Did your sister go to class? I think so.
stretchEl pantalón dará de sí después de unos días.The pants will stretch after a few days.
go a long wayEl proyecto dio de sí después de unos meses.Exercising on a regular basis goes a long way, it keeps you healthy.
give the best of yourself, give your best, give your allSiempre dio lo mejor de sí mismo, por eso es un gran pintor.He always gave his all and that's why he's a great painter.
in itself, on its ownUna preposición de por sí no significa nada, pero combinada con otras palabras puede significar muchas cosas.A preposition in itself doesn't mean anything, but combined with another word it means many things.
say yesLe pedí permiso a mi papá y dijo que sí.I asked my dad for permission and he said yes.
prove to yourselfCreo que se casa para demostrarse a sí mismo que puede comprometerse con alguien de por vida.I think he's getting married to prove to himself that he can commit to one person for life.
deep insideTengo un mal presentimiento dentro de mí.I've got a bad feeling deep inside me.
doubt yourselfDuda de sí mismo porque nadie ha tenido fe en él.He doubts himself because nobody has had faith in him.
have self-control, be in controlNo me voy a comer ese helado porque soy dueña de mí misma.I'm not going to eat the ice-cream because I've got self-control.
in itselfLa cuestión en sí no es grave, pero podría empeorar si no hacemos algo al respecto.The issue in itself is not serious, but it could get worse if we don't do something about it.
in itself, in himself, in herselfEl tema en sí mismo es apasionante.The theme is passionate in itself.
find yourselfSe fue a la India solo en un viaje iniciático, para encontrarse a sí mismo.She went India on an initiation trip, in order to find herself.
fool yourselfLo que está haciendo Manuel es engañarse a sí mismo. Tiene que reconocer que está gordo y moverse.Manny is just fooling himself, because he won't admit that he needs to exercise more.
YesEntonces sí nos dieron permiso de ir.Yes, they did give us permission to leave.
each otherLos animales de esta especie tienden a ser territoriales y a matarse entre sí.Animals of this species tend to be territorial and kill each other.
undoubtedlyNo se sabe de qué murió la víctima, pero, eso sí, se trata de un caso de homicidio.We do not know exactly how the victim died, but it was undoubtedly a case of homicide.
howeverCarlos es un excelente amigo. Eso sí, si le prestas dinero, no va a pagarte nunca.Carlos is a great friend. However, if you lend him money don't expect him to pay you back.
out of your witsTienes que calmar a tu novia; está fuera de sí.You have to calm your girlfriend down. She is out of her wits.
speak for itselfLos números hablan por sí mismos, las ventas están subiendo.The numbers speak for themselves, sales are rising.
speak for itselfLos números hablan por sí solos, el precio ha aumentado un 200%.The numbers speak for themselves: the price has gone up 200%.
see you tomorrow God willing—Hasta mañana, abuela. —Hasta mañana, si Dios quiere.- See you tomorrow grandma. - See you tomorrow, God willing.
even ifIncluso si tratas de evitarlo, no podrás.Even if you try to avoid it, you won't be able to.
what happensNo sé qué voy a hacer hoy, esperaré lo que dé de sí la noche.I don't know what to do today; I guess I'll wait and see what happens.
especiallyDebemos realizar el pago, más si cabe posibilidad de que nos corten la luz.We have to make the payment, especially given that they might cut off our electricity.
there's not a chance in hell¡Me corto los cojones si acierta el tiro!There's not a chance in hell that he will hit the bull's eye.
I hope so—Ya verás que te darán la beca. —¡Ojalá que sí!-You'll see, they'll give you the scholarship. -I hope so.
full of yourselfEstá tan pagado de sí mismo que no hay quien lo aguante.He is so full of himself that nobody can stand him.
to myself, to yourselfYo pensaba para mí que aquello no era una buena idea.I thought to myself that that was not a good idea.
indeedUn buen vino, por cierto.A good wine indeed.
in caseLlévate un paraguas por si llueve.Take an umbrella in case it rains.
in case, just in casePor si acaso, no salgas sin paraguas.Just in case, don't go out without an umbrella.
if that were not enoughJuan se comió todo mi almuerzo y por si eso fuera poco, ¡también el postre!Juan ate all of my lunch and, if that were not enough, also my dessert!
just in caseNo creo que llueva, pero llevaré un paraguas por si las dudas.I don't think it's raining, but I'll bring an umbrella just in case.
just in caseMejor llevo el paraguas por si las moscas.I better take my umbrella, just in case.
by itself, by himself, by herself, by yourselfDejó de fumar por sí mismo.He quit smoking by himself.
by yourself, aloneJuan hizo todo el trabajo por sí solo sin ayuda de nadie.Juan did all the work by himself without the help of anyone.
just because, because I say so—¿Por qué debo ir a la escuela? —Porque sí.- "Why do I have to go to school" - "Because I say so" -
perhaps, maybe—¿Crees que Juan irá a la fiesta? —Puede que sí.- Do you think Juan will go to the party? - - Maybe. -
yes!Que sí, ya te dije que voy a ir a tu fiesta.Yes, I already told you that I'll go to your party.
andMis hijos no dejan de pedirme cosas: que si un videojuego, que si una bicicleta, que si una pelota...My children never stop asking me for things: a video game, and a bicycle, and a ball...
how about [+gerund]?Qué tal si vamos al cine.How about we go to the movies?
who knows if¡Quién sabe si el futuro ya está escrito!Who knows if the future is already written.
go into your shellCuando está deprimido se repliega en sí mismo.He goes into his shell whenever he's depressed.
self-confidenceBuscamos un empleado que proyecte seguridad en sí mismo.We're looking for an employee who projects self-confidence.
in case, just in caseSi acaso viniese, ya tengo preparada la habitación.In case he comes, I have the room ready.
if that's the caseNo creo que llueva pero, si así fuere, tendremos que cancelar el día en la playa.I don't think it will rain, but if that's the case we'll have to cancel our day at the beach.
if that's your wish, if that's what you wantMañana iremos al teatro, si así lo deseas.We'll go the theatre tomorrow, if that's your wish.
if possibleMe gustaría ir al cine, si cabe la posibilidad.I'd like to go to the cinema, if possible.

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