without | Prestaba cuidados sin información, sin pericia y sin recursos. | She was a caregiver without information, without skills and without supplies. |
without | Se impone sin pensamiento, sin teoría y sin intelectuales. | It imposes itself without thinking, without theories, and without intellectuals. |
without | Estaríamos ahora sin armas, sin cañones, sin fortificaciones. | We should now be without arms, without cannons, without fortifications. |
without | Una nación sin cultura es una entidad sin rostro, es decir, sin ojos, sin oídos, sin nariz, sin boca... y sin cerebro. | A Nation without culture is an entity without face, in other words without eyes, without ears, without a nose, without a mouth and without a brain. |
without | Lo que muestran es una industria pesada, sin movimiento, sin energía, sin fuego, sin vapor, sin residuos, sin productos, sin obreros. | They demonstrate an oppressive view of industrial buildings, without movement, without energy, without fire, without vapour, without residue, without products and without workers. |
without | Los sin tierra, sin casa, sin trabajo, sin alimentos, sin salud, sin esperanza... son los que abundan en nuestros ministerios. | Those without land, without housing, without work, without food, without good health, without hope... these are the people that we find in great numbers in our ministries. |
without | Imaginen un mundo sin teatro, sin arte, sin música, sin baile, sin fútbol, sin risas. | Imagine a world without theater, without the arts, without song, without dancing, without soccer, without football, without laughter. |
without | Una ciudad sin ley, sin líder, sin televisión. | A town without rules, without leadership, without television. |
without | Están sin un alma sin un nombre sin una identidad. | They are without a soul... without a name... without an identity. |
without | El terrorismo debe combatirse sin excepción, sin vacilación y sin temor. | Terrorism must be fought without exception, without hesitation and without fear. |
without | Trabajarás sin cadenas, sin bozal y sin navajas. | You work without chains, without the bit and without shivs. |
without | Que es elocuente sin preparación, exacto sin cálculo y profundo sin reflexión. | That he is eloquent without preparation exact without calculation and profound without reflection. |
without | Lo hago sin abogados, sin banqueros, sin inversores. | I do it without lawyers, without bankers, without brokers. |
without | Todo sin esfuerzo, sin trabajo, sin conocimiento. | Everything without effort, without work, without knowledge. |
without | Imagínese vagando por el bosque sin industria, sin lenguaje y sin hogar . | Imagine wandering up and down the forest without industry, without speech and without home. |
without | Sara hubiera querido hacer cine sin cámaras... sin micrófonos, sin nada. | Sara would have loved to make cinema without cameras... without microphones, without anything. |
without | Usted sin guardar sería como Navidad sin Santa. | You with no store would be like Christmas without Santa. |
without | Subiré escaleras y caminaré sin quedarme sin aliento. | I will climb stairs and walk without getting out of breath. |
without | Funciona totalmente sin ventilador y sin producir ruido. | And since it works without a fan, it is completely noise-free. |
out of | Estaremos sin leche y hasta sin pañales. | We're out of milk, and she's down to her last nappy. |
out | Subiré escaleras y caminaré sin quedarme sin aliento. | I will climb stairs and walk without getting out of breath. |
without | Me gusta el café sin azúcar. | I like coffee without sugar. |