skin | Quiere usar tu piel como traje. | He wants to wear your skin as a body suit. |
skin | Supongo que su piel suave y lisa. | Well, I guess it would have to be her soft, smooth skin. |
skin | Apenas podemos siquiera traspasar la piel. | We could barely even get through the skin. |
skin | Su piel ardía como un incinerador... | Her skin gave off heat like a furnace... |
skin | Tengo esta... extraña mancha en la piel. | It's like a weird patch of skin. I've had that a couple of weeks. |
skin | Porque está intentando meterse en tu piel. | MONTENEGRO: Be-Because he's trying to get under your skin. |
skin | Quitemos primero toda la piel muerta. | Let's brush off all the dead skin first. |
skin | Es mucho piel y huesos sin pautas identificatorias. | It's a load of skin and bone with no identifying features. |
skin | Su piel de lindos colores estaba helada. | His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew. |
skin | Con todo esto podrá proteger su preciosa piel. | With all this you will be able to protect your beautiful skin. |
skin | Están jugando a ser comunistas chinos con piel blanca. | They're all playing at being Chinese Communists with white skin. |
skin | Afortunadamente también había piel de alguien más... | Fortunately, there was also the skin of somebody else. |
skin | Y sólo uso loción porque tengo piel combinada. | And I only use lotion because I have combination skin. |
skin | Sube una foto enseñando mucha piel. | Upload a picture with a lot of skin showing. |
skin | Porque nací en esta piel viril. | Because I was born in this virile skin. |
skin | Tiene un acertijo sobre su piel. | The man's got a maze on his skin. |
skin | Probablemente no tuvieran nada sobre la piel. | So they probably weren't wearing anything on their skin. |
leather | SandaliaEXCLUSIVITYcombinada en piel charol y correa al talón en piel metalizada. | Combined sandalEXCLUSIVITYin patent leather and ankle strap in metallic leather. |
leather | Piel roja, piel amarilla, piel roja, piel amarilla. | Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather. |
fur | Estos divertidos piel calentadores están hechos con piel de conejo auténtica. | These fun fur leg warmers are made with genuine rabbit fur. |
skin | Si expones tu piel mucho tiempo al sol, tienes riesgo de que te salga un melanoma. | If you expose your skin to too much sun you are putting yourself at risk of a melanoma. // Persian cats have bluish skin. |
leather | No me gustan las cazadoras de piel. | Vegans don't use leather products. |
skin | Lava la piel de la fruta antes de comerla. | Wash the skin of the fruit before eating it. |
on edge, running high, raw | Mi hija tiene los nervios a flor de piel y se altera por cualquier cosa. Todavía tengo tu recuerdo a flor de piel. | My daughter's nerves are on edge and she gets upset at everything. |
pull the skin off, strip the skin off | El chef arrancó la piel del pollo a tiras. | The chef stripped the skin off the chicken. |
skin [sb] | El director de tesis le arrancó la piel a tiras a su estudiante. | The thesis director skinned his student. |
gooseflesh | Se me puso la carne de gallina cuando la escuché cantar. | I got gooseflesh when I listened to her sing. |
skin deep | No es amor, lo de ellos es cuestión de piel. | It's not love, their attraction is skin deep. |
fur | Piensa en los animales, no uses abrigos de piel. | Think about the animals and don't wear fur coats. |
skin | Su tono de piel se ha oscurecido al tomar el sol. | His skin color has darkened in the sun. |
fair-skinned | Las personas de piel clara deben usar protector solar siempre. | Fair-skinned people always have to use sun protection. |
break your back, work your fingers to the bone, slog your guts out | Me dejé la piel en ese proyecto y no lo han aprobado. | I broke my back on that project and they did not approve it. |
get goose bumps | Al sentir el peligro, a Mario se le enchinó la piel. | When he felt the danger, Martin got goose bumps. |
goosebumps | Sal del agua ya que tienes la piel de gallina. | Get out of the water; you've got goosebumps. |
dimply skin | Por mucho que me doy masajes no se va esta piel de naranja. | Even with all the massages I give myself, I can't get rid of this dimply skin. |
devil's spawn, little devil, little monster, real rascal | Este chico es de la piel del diablo; fíjate qué travesuras hace. | That boy is a little monster. Look at the mischief he gets into. |
dark skin, tanned skin, olive skin | Por la playa paseaban jóvenes de piel morena. | There were young people with tanned skin walking along the beach. |
be a real terror | Luis es la piel de Judas: siempre molesta a su hermana menor. Mi hijo, que es como la piel de Judas, hace travesuras todo el día. | My son is a real terror and gets up to mischief all day. |
skin tone, skin color | Tiene un tono de piel dorado precioso. | She's got a beautiful dark skin tone. |