sleep | Ahora déjalo porque tengo que dormir. | Now she cries because I have to sleep. |
sleep | Tomé algunas pastillas para dormir anoche. | I took some pills to sleep last night. |
sleep | Todo bien, puedes dormir tranquila. | He's alright, you can sleep on both ears. |
sleep | Pretendo totalmente dormir contigo esta noche. | I fully intend to sleep with you tonight. |
sleep | Y... estoy teniendo problemas para dormir. | And... and I'm having difficulty to sleep. |
sleep | No necesito dormir para estar guapa. | I don't need sleep to be beautiful. |
sleep | Vuelve a dormir, pequeña mestiza malvada. | Go back to sleep, you wicked little cross-breed. |
sleep | Yo quiero dormir en mi apartamento. | I want to sleep in my own apartment. |
sleep | Puedes dormir aquí hasta encontrar una escuela. | You can sleep here till you find a yeshiva. |
sleep | Tak tiene fiebre, necesita dormir. | Tak has a fever, he needs to sleep. |
sleep | Necesito dormir al menos una noche. | I just need one night of sleep, that's all. |
sleep | Lo encuentro relajante cuando no puedo dormir. | I find it relaxing when I can't sleep. |
sleep | No podía dormir por el llanto. | She couldn't sleep because of the crying. |
sleep | Me han dado píldoras para dormir. | I can't make it because they gave me pills to sleep. |
sleep | Bueno ya me avisarás cuando podamos dormir juntos. | And... us? OK, you'll tell me when we can sleep together. |
sleep | Sabía que no debíamos dormir juntos. | I knew that we had not sleep together. |
sleep | Hay un sofá que podría dormir. | There's a couch you could sleep on. |
sleep | No, anoche bajé cuando no podía dormir. | No, I went downstairs last night when I couldn't sleep. |
fall asleep | Lo habré tomado anoche para poder dormir. | What if I took it last night - because I couldn't fall asleep... |
sleep | El bebé duerme en la cuna. | The baby is sleeping in the cradle. |
sleep | Mañana dormiremos en un hotel. | Tomorrow night we will sleep in a hotel. |
put [sb] to sleep | Voy a dormir a mi bebé para poder descansar yo un rato. | I'm going to put my baby to sleep so I can rest a little. |
sleeping mask, sleep mask | Necesitaba usar un antifaz para dormir durante el día. | He had to use a sleeping mask to sleep during the day. |
your reputation follows you | Javier está intentando portarse mejor este año, pero parece que la maestra siempre tiene el ojo puesto en él; cría fama y échate a dormir. | Javier is trying to behave better this year, but it looks like the teacher always has her eye on him. Your reputation follows you. |
your reputation follows you | Escribió una novela buena y ahora todo lo que escribe se vende. Cría fama y échate a dormir. | She wrote one good novel and now everything she writes sells. Your reputation follows you. |
sleep outside | Mucha gente sin techo duerme al aire libre o bajo un puente. | Many homeless people sleep outside or under a bridge. |
put [sb] to sleep | Pon a dormir al bebé que es tarde para que esté despierto. | Put the baby to sleep; it's too late for him to be up. |
sleep | ¿Tu niñera se queda a dormir en tu casa? | Does your nanny sleep at your house? |
sleeping-bag | Llevaré mi tienda de campaña y mi saco de dormir. | I will take my camping tent and my sleeping bag. |