only | En Kazajstán solamente los tribunales administran justicia. | In Kazakhstan justice is dispensed only by the courts. |
only | La administración intravenosa solamente debe realizarla un profesional sanitario. | Intravenous administration should only be carried out by health care professionals. |
only | Con Niles, solamente tomará dos minutos. | With Niles, it'd only take two minutes. |
only | Ahora solamente es buena para golpear latas. | Now it's only good for pounding out dings. |
only | Temo solamente el fracaso, honorable señor. | I am afraid only of failure, venerable sir. |
only | Sí, solamente me importa una chica. | Íáé, there's only one girl who matters to me. |
only | Ahora solamente Wonder Woman podría entrar aquí. | The only person who can manage to get in here is Super Heroine. |
only | La compuso pensando solamente en usted... | Well, he composed it thinking only of you... |
only | Ahora solamente tenemos siete que funcionan. | Now, we only have seven wells in operation. |
only | Habrá solamente una cama para dos personas. | There'll only be one bed for two people. |
just | Quisiera solamente destacar algunos acontecimientos importantes. | I would just like to highlight the following important developments. |
just | Podrías solamente esperar y ver si eres compatible. | You could always just wait and see if you're a match. |
just | Esas son solamente mariposas, chico. | Now, those are just butterflies, kid. |
just | Déjame solamente mojar el viejo silbador. | Let's just wet the ol' whistle. |
just | Resulta que solamente estaba aburrido porque era demasiado listo. | Turns out, I was just bored 'cause I was too smart for all the classes. |
just | Supongo que siempre seré solamente una piedra rodante... | I guess I'll always be just a rolling stone... |
just | Quizás solamente estás soñando y no quieres despertarte. | Or maybe you're just dreaming, and you don't want to wake up. |
alone | Quince puntos en la segunda mitad solamente. | What, 15 points in the second half alone. |
alone | Yo solamente quería verte en privado. | I needed to see you privately, alone. |
only, just | Solamente recuerdo el primer verso de "Me gustas cuando callas", de Neruda. | I only bought two tickets for the concert and now my sister says she wants to come along as well. |