only | Antes él solo comía sardinas y bebía solo agua. | Before he ate only sardines and drank only water. |
only | No, creo que solo están intentando ayudarte a recordar porque solo tenías seis años. | No, I think that they are just trying to help you remember because you were only 6. |
only | Son solo historias que solo se detienen. | There are only stories that just stop. |
only | Ahora solo, el Furor sobrevivió solo cinco minutos más. | Now alone, Furor survived only five more minutes. |
just | Seguramente solo intenta establecer una relación. | I'm sure he's just trying to establish a rapport. |
just | Apuntarán a Miss Christopher solo solo como otra vagabunda muerta. | They'll chalk Miss Christopher up as just another dead drifter. |
just | No es solo relajación, solo respiración o solo meditación. | Yoga is not just stretching, just breathing, or just meditation. |
just | No, creo que solo están intentando ayudarte a recordar porque solo tenías seis años. | No, I think that they are just trying to help you remember because you were only 6. |
just | Tal vez solo una compensación regular con solo un indicio de infracompensación. | Maybe just some regular compensating with just a hint of under-compensating. |
just | Son solo historias que solo se detienen. | There are only stories that just stop. |
just | No pudo haber sido solo Tyr, o solo los Nietzscheanos. | It couldn't have been tyr alone, or just the nietzscheans. |
just | Es solo... solo una teoría. | It's just... just a theory. |
just | Lo pondré así solo sé que es mejor no estar solo. | Well, let me put it like this, I just know it's better to not be alone. |
just | Esto es solo... solo demasiado. | This is just... just too much. |
just | No, solo 4 de cada 5 dentistas recomiendan cepillarse así que solo fui al otro. | No. Only four out of five dentists recommend brushing, so I just go to the other guy. |
just | Yo solo quiero estar ahí para alguien que se sienta completamente solo. | I just want to be there for someone who feels completely alone. |
just | Es solo que no le gusta beber solo. | It's just not like him to drink alone. |
just | Ahora solo tienes que dejarle solo. | Now you just have to leave it alone. |
alone | Siempre estoy solo... solo... solo... | I'm always alone... alone... alone... |
alone | Comeré solo, dormiré solo, lloraré solo... | I eat alone, I sleep alone, I cry alone, so... |
alone | No pudo haber sido solo Tyr, o solo los Nietzscheanos. | It couldn't have been tyr alone, or just the nietzscheans. |
alone | Ahora solo, el Furor sobrevivió solo cinco minutos más. | Now alone, Furor survived only five more minutes. |
alone | Lo pondré así solo sé que es mejor no estar solo. | Well, let me put it like this, I just know it's better to not be alone. |
alone | Pero estarás solo, completamente solo. | But you'll be alone, all alone. |
alone | Yo solo quiero estar ahí para alguien que se sienta completamente solo. | I just want to be there for someone who feels completely alone. |
alone | Estarás solo, totalmente solo con tu desdichada compañía. | You'll be alone, all alone with your miserable old self. |
alone | Es solo que no le gusta beber solo. | It's just not like him to drink alone. |
alone | Ahora solo tienes que dejarle solo. | Now you just have to leave it alone. |
alone | Me fui de vacaciones solo. | I went on holiday alone. |
lone | En el parque hay un solo árbol. | There is one lone tree in the park. |
alone | Cuando mamá murió, quedé sola. | When mom died, I was alone. |
by just, with just, with a mere | Con tan solo escucharlo unos minutos, uno se da cuenta de lo que piensa. | You can figure out what he thinks by just listening to him for a few minutes. |
with just, with a mere | Con tan solo una llamada, este poderoso empresario puede solucionar cualquier problema. | With just one call this powerful businessman can solve any problem. |
at only, at just | Con tan solo 20 años, Daniel ya dirige un negocio exitoso. | At just 20 years of age Daniel is already running a successful business. |
speak for itself | Los números hablan por sí solos, el precio ha aumentado un 200%. | The numbers speak for themselves: the price has gone up 200%. |
talk to yourself | Esteban habla solo, está loco. | Esteban talks to himself. He's crazy. |
You only have one mother | Madre hay una sola, mejor cuídala y hazle caso. | You only have one mother; you better take care of her and listen to her. |
by yourself, alone | Juan hizo todo el trabajo por sí solo sin ayuda de nadie. | Juan did all the work by himself without the help of anyone. |
be left on one's own | Daniel trata mal a todo el mundo y por eso se quedó solo. | Daniel treats everyone badly and because of that he was left on his own. |
laugh to oneself | Juan se rió solo de sus propios pensamientos. | Juan laughed to himself about his own thoughts. |
if only | Si tan sólo fueras un poco más amable, tendrías más amigos. | If only you were a little more friendly, you would have more friends. |
if and only if | Los fondos de emergencia deberán usarse si y solo si se presenta un gasto extraordinario que la familia no pueda asumir. | Emergency funds must be used if and only if there's an unforeseen expense that the family can't afford. |
alone in the face of danger, alone to face the danger | El soldado acusó a sus compañeros de dejarlo solo ante el peligro en el campo de batalla. | The soldier accused his comrades of leaving him alone in the face of danger on the battlefield. |
only then | Cada uno debe hacerlo mejor posible la parte que le toca; solo así el producto final quedará bien. | Each person must do their part the best they can: only then will the end product be fine. |
it's just a matter of time | Manuel se arrepentirá de haberte insultado y te pedirá que lo perdones: solo es cuestión de tiempo. | Manuel will end up regretting insulting you and he'll ask you for forgiveness: it's just a matter of time. |
just out of curiosity | Solo por curiosidad, ¿quién es el nuevo jefe? | Just out of curiosity, who is the new boss? |
I only know that I know nothing | Solo sé que no sé nada es una frase confusa y contradictoria. | I only know that I know nothing is a confusing and contradictory statement. |
you only live once | En lugar de ahorrar para comprarme una casa, decidí irme de viaje por el mundo porque solo se vive una vez. | Rather than saving up to buy a house, I decided to travel around the world because you only live once. |
just, only | Mi tío es un tacaño: tan solo me dio diez pesos en mi cumpleaños. | My uncle is cheap. He only (or: just) gave me ten pesos for my birthday. |
fend for yourself | Carla se valía por sí misma desde los catorce años. | Carla fended for herself since she was fourteen. |
sell itself | Estos teléfonos se venden solos: son excelentes y baratos. | These telephones sell themselves; they're excellent and cheap. |
and that's not all | A Diego lo insultaban y lo trataban mal en esa empresa; y no solo eso: no le pagaron su último salario. | Diego was insulted and treated badly by that company, and that's not all: they didn't pay his final salary. |
all I know is that I know nothing | Yo solo sé que no sé nada; en eso me parezco a Sócrates. | All I know is that I know nothing. I'm like Socrates in that way. |