solution | Ninguna iniciativa reguladora se podía considerar la solución definitiva. | No one regulatory initiative could be viewed as the ultimate solution. |
solution | Es fundamental adoptar medidas concertadas para salvar la solución biestatal. | Concerted action is essential if we are to salvage the two-State solution. |
solution | Sin su participación será imposible alcanzar una solución negociada viable. | Without their participation it will be impossible to reach any viable negotiated solution. |
solution | La solución inyectable diluida debe utilizarse inmediatamente. | The diluted solution for injection should be used immediately. |
solution | Verá aparecer una gota de solución. | You should see a drop of solution appear. |
solution | Aranesp 10 microgramos solución inyectable en jeringa precargada. | Aranesp 10 micrograms solution for injection in a pre-filled syringe. |
solution | Cada vial contiene 0,6 ml de solución inyectable. | 8 Each vial contains 0.6 ml of solution for injection. |
solution | Beba la solución o adminístresela al paciente inmediatamente. | Drink the solution or administer it to the patient immediately. |
solution | En esas circunstancias es imposible lograr una solución. | It is impossible to reach a solution in such circumstances. |
solution | NeoRecormon se presenta como liofilizado y disolvente para solución inyectable en cartucho. | NeoRecormon is provided as a lyophilisate and solvent for solution for injection in cartridge. |
solution | GONAL-f se presenta como polvo y disolvente para solución inyectable. | GONAL-f is presented as a powder and solvent for solution for injection. |
solution | Omnitrope se presenta como solución inyectable. | Omnitrope is presented as a solution for injection. |
solution | Optimark 500 micromol/ml solución inyectable en jeringa precargada Gadoversetamida Vía IV. | Optimark 500 micromol/ ml solution for injection in a pre-filled syringe Gadoversetamide IV use. |
solution | PhotoBarr es un polvo para solución inyectable. | PhotoBarr is a powder that is made up into a solution for injection. |
solution | TRACTOCILE 7,5 mg/ ml, solución inyectable debe utilizarse inmediatamente. | The TRACTOCILE 7.5 mg/ ml, solution for injection should be used immediately. |
solution | Use una técnica aséptica para preparar TYSABRI solución para perfusión intravenosa. | Use aseptic technique when preparing TYSABRI solution for intravenous (IV) infusion. |
solution | La concentración de la solución resultante será 1 miligramo/mililitro. | The concentration of the resulting solution will be 1 mg/ ml. |
settlement | El Gobierno siempre ha favorecido la solución pacífica de controversias internacionales. | His Government had always favoured the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means. |
settlement | Zambia espera que se encuentre pronto una solución. | Zambia is hopeful that a settlement will be found soon. |
resolution | Estamos llegando a un solución, señora Montgomery. | We're moving toward a resolution, Mrs. Montgomery. |
answer, solution | La violencia no es la solución. | Violence is not the answer. |
solution | El planteamiento es correcto pero la solución no. | The approach is correct, but the solution is not. |
comprehensive solution | La empresa está en quiebra y necesita una solución integral para volver a funcionar. | The company is bankrupt and needs a comprehensive solution to get back in business. |
there's a solution for everything but death | La familia tiene muchas deudas, pero todo tiene solución menos la muerte. | The family has many debts, but there's a solution for everything but death. |