attitude | Esta tiene que ser nuestra actitud. | That has to be our attitude going in. |
attitude | Creo que tienes una actitud realmente horrible. | I think you've got a really horrible attitude. |
attitude | Quiero que mejore su actitud, caballero. | I want you to adjust your attitude, mister. |
attitude | Mantendré una actitud de vigilancia, apertura e iniciativa. | I shall maintain an attitude of vigilance, openness and initiative. |
attitude | Sólo creo que hay una actitud. | I just find that there's an attitude. |
attitude | Es difícil encontrarle pretendientes a causa de esta actitud... | It's hard to find you suitors because of this dare devil attitude... |
attitude | Me harté de tu actitud condescendiente. | I've had enough of your condescending attitude. |
attitude | Esa es una actitud bastante patriarcal y antigua. | That's a pretty patriarchal, old-fashioned attitude to have. |
attitude | El HVO ha adoptado una actitud similar. | A similar attitude has been adopted by the HVO. |
attitude | Puedes lamentar esa actitud, Louise. | You may be sorry for that attitude, Louise. |
attitude | Esa es una actitud bastante arrogante. | That's a pretty superior attitude to take. |
attitude | No necesito esta actitud engreída tuya. | I don't need this smug attitude of yours. |
attitude | Esta actitud condescendiente es muy destructiva. | You know, this condescending attitude is very destructive. |
attitude | Me sorprende tu actitud, Pacey. | I'm surprised by your attitude, Pacey. |
attitude | Con esa actitud encajarás perfecto por aquí. | With that attitude, you'll fit right in around here. |
attitude | Veamos, me gusta esa actitud competitiva. | Well, let's see, I like that competitive attitude. |
attitude | Erradicar esta actitud crónica es realmente una revolución importante y difícil. | Abolishing such chronic attitude is truly a "major and difficult revolution". |
approach | Esperamos también que se mantenga esa actitud. | We also hope that such an approach will be maintained. |
approach | Bien, todos, mantengan una actitud tranquila. | [Tires squeal] Okay, everyone, maintain a quiet approach. |
stance | Solo reaccionará ante una actitud agresiva. | He's only going to respond to an aggressive stance from us. |
attitude | Siempre muestra una actitud negativa. | He always has a negative attitude. |
attitude, behaviour | Su actitud provocadora le creo problemas desde el principio. | His provocative attitude caused him problems from the beginning. |