start | Courtney tiene que volver a comenzar. | Courtney has to go back to the start. |
start | O comenzar llorando porque no quieres que cambie. | Or start crying 'cause you don't want me to change. |
start | Y no intentaron comenzar una revuelta. | And I wasn't trying to start a rebellion. |
start | Van a comenzar el restablecimiento final. | They're going to start the final resettlement now. |
start | Algunas personas simplemente intentan comenzar de nuevo. | Some people just up and try to start over. |
start | Ambos necesitan comenzar un dialogo sobre respeto mutuo. | You two need to start a dialogue about mutual respect. |
start | Un mandato de negociación permitirá comenzar a aclarar esas cuestiones. | A mandate to negotiate will enable a start to be made in clarifying such issues. |
start | Creo que planean comenzar a legislar. | I think they're planning to start legislating. |
start | Podemos comenzar por la recámara principal si quieren verla. | We can start with the master bedroom if you want to see that. |
start | Dejame comenzar haciendo unas llamadas y vuelvo contigo. | Let me start making some calls and I'll get back to you. |
start | Debería comenzar a hablar sobre pagarle los daños. | You should probably start talking about paying for her damages. |
start | Viene cada noche al comenzar su turno. | He comes here every night at the start of his beat. |
begin | Permítanme comenzar explicando porqué es tan importante esa amenaza. | But let me begin by explaining why this threat is so important. |
begin | Tú debes comenzar a tartamudear también. | But why? - You must begin to stutter too. |
begin | Señor Cartwright, si desea comenzar. | JEERING Mr Cartwright, if you'd like to begin. |
begin | Están esperando comenzar el experimento, pero... | Are waiting for the experiment to begin, but... |
commence | Esperamos que la Conferencia pueda comenzar las negociaciones sin demora. | We hope that the Conference will be able to commence negotiations at an early date. |
commence | La reunión va a comenzar, caballeros. | [Esterhaus] The meeting is about to commence, gentlemen. |
begin, start | Cuando se titule de ingeniero comenzará sus estudios de doctorado. | When he gets his degree in engineering he will begin his doctoral studies. |
begin, start | Cuando termina el verano comienza el otoño. | When summer ends, autumn begins. |