structure | Se han introducido diversas mejoras e innovaciones en la estructura programática. | A number of improvements and innovations have been introduced to the programmatic structure. |
structure | También es imprescindible examinar la estructura actual del comercio. | Also, it is essential to examine the current structure of trade. |
structure | Puede haber una estructura más grande enterrada. | There could be a much larger structure buried beneath. |
structure | Es una gran estructura en el perímetro suroriental. | There is a large structure at the south east perimeter. |
structure | Es obvio por su estructura facial. | It's made obvious by your facial structure. |
structure | Ya existen los elementos fundamentales de la nueva estructura. | The basic elements of the new structure are now in place. |
structure | En virtud de su estructura atómica emite radiaciones. | A particle of clay... because... its structure atom emits radiation. |
structure | Normalmente buscando una estructura parecida a una colmena. | NARRATOR: Usually by seeking out a structure that most resembles a hive. |
structure | Estoy alterando la estructura molecular del compuesto... | I'm altering the molecular structure of the compound... |
structure | Quizás su estructura de ADN sufrió una mutación aleatoria... | It's possible that your DNA structure underwent a random mutation that... |
structure | Pensé que era una estructura sólida. | I just thought they were like a solid structure. |
structure | Haremos del casino una estructura separada. | We'll make the casino a separate structure. |
structure | Estoy buscando debilidades en la estructura molecular. | I'm scanning for weaknesses in the molecular structure. |
structure | Necesitas estructura, una rutina saludable. | I mean, you need structure, you need a healthy routine. |
structure | Es importante para la estructura del jardín. | It is important for the structure of the garden. |
structure | Tu estructura genética tiene secuencias nucleótidas inmunes al virus. | I believe your genetic structure has phage-resistant nucleotide sequences, yes. |
structure | Lamento tener esta estructura o sea perfecta. | I'm sorry I was born with this perfect bone structure. |
structure | También ha mejorado la estructura del empleo. | The structure of employed persons has improved as well. |
architecture | Se está erigiendo la estructura institucional correspondiente. | The relevant institutional architecture is being put in place. |
architecture | Habrá que reformar la estructura financiera mundial. | The global financial architecture will need to be overhauled. |
structure | El terremoto dañó la estructura del edificio. | The earthquake damaged the structure of the building. |
structure | El director cambió toda la estructura de la obra. | The director changed the entire structure of the play. |