taste | Tienes un gusto extraño para hombres. | Well, you have a strange taste in men. |
taste | No conozco ninguna a tu gusto. | I don't know any refined enough for your taste. |
taste | Tendré que repensar mi gusto en todo. | I'll have to rethink my taste in everything. |
taste | Tienes un gusto interesante en amigos. | You got interesting taste in friends, Tommy. |
taste | Siempre he tenido gusto por lo exótico. | I have always had a taste for the exotic. |
taste | Los ingleses despiertan temprano para mi gusto. | The English always did get up too early for my taste. |
taste | Está adquiriendo un gusto por ellos. | She's acquiring quite a taste for them. |
taste | Podría decir que Liselle tenía gusto. | I could tell Liselle was a woman of taste. |
taste | No tienes gusto, Stanley Hudson. | You've got no taste, Stanley Hudson. |
taste | Definitivamente negativo, sin mencionar su gusto en música. | That's definitely a negative, not to mention his taste in music. |
taste | Nunca nadie quebró subestimando el gusto de los americanos. | Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. |
taste | Te comportas muy tranquilamente para mi gusto. | You are being a little bit too calm for my taste. |
taste | Una aplicación que reconoce tu gusto en música. | An app for an MP3 player that recognizes your taste in music. |
taste | Estuvo demasiado cerca para mi gusto. | It's a little too close to for my taste. |
taste | Está rematado con pirámides y bolas al gusto escurialense. | It is finished with pyramids and balls to the Escorial taste. |
taste | Lady Marjorie tiene un gusto exquisito. | [S] Lady Marjorie has exquisite taste. |
pleasure | Qué gusto en conocerla por fin. | The pleasure is mine. It's nice to finally meet you. |
liking | Hay demasiado conjeturas para mi gusto. | There's way too much conjecture for my liking. |
liking | Estás demasiado tranquilo para mi gusto. | You're a little too cool-headed for my liking. |
liking | He visto demasiados para mi gusto. | I've seen too many for my liking. |
taste | La lengua es el principal órgano del gusto. | The tongue is the main organ of taste. |
taste | La fruta tiene buen gusto. | Fruit generally has a nice taste. |
pleasure | Comer bombones es un gusto enorme para mí. | Eating sweets is an enormous pleasure for me! |
taste | Ana tiene buen gusto para la decoración. | Ana has good taste in decoration. |
liking | Juan es desobediente, todo lo hace a su gusto. | Juan is pìgheaded and does everything to his liking. |
at ease, comfortable | El anciano se sentía a gusto en su sillón al lado de la chimenea. Dentro de casa se está a gusto; no hace tanto calor. | The elderly man felt comfortable in his armchair by the fireplace. |
comfortable with [sb], comfortable around [sb] | La maestra es una persona muy dulce y los niños están a gusto con ella. | The teacher is a very sweet person and the children feel comfortable with her. |
comfortable with | Nos sorprendió que la secretaria renunciara: siempre decía que estaba a gusto con su trabajo. | The secretary's resignation took us by surprise: she had always said she was comfortable with her job. |
to your liking | Ponle sal al gusto a la sopa. | Add salt to you liking to the soup. |
take a liking to [sth] | Le estoy cogiendo gusto a salir a correr por el parque. | I've taken a liking to going running in the park. |
my pleasure, not at all | —¿Te importaría pasarme la sal? —Con mucho gusto. | -Would you mind passing me the salt? -My pleasure. |
with pleasure, with great pleasure | -¿Podría copiar este informe? -Claro, con todo gusto. | Could you make a copy of this report? With pleasure. |
make [sb] happy | Da gusto trabajar con buena gente. | Working with good people makes you happy. |
please [sb] | Marcos le da gusto a su novia comprándole flores. | Marcos pleases his girlfriend by buying her flowers. |
feel very pleased by [sth] | Les da mucho gusto ver a su hijo con la carrera terminada | They feel very pleased by seeing their son finish his studies. |
indulge yourself | Me gusta darme un gusto cada tanto. | I like to indulge myself every once in awhile. |
treat yourself to [sth] | Siempre me doy un lujo en mi cumpleaños. | I always treat myself on my birthday. |
tasteful, in good taste | La familia tiene un sillón de buen gusto en la sala. | The family has a tasteful chair in the hall. |
with excellent taste | Mariano es un hombre de buen gusto. | Mariano is a man with excellent taste. |
in bad taste, in poor taste | La decoración de la casa es de mal gusto. | The house is decorated in bad taste. |
crass, vulgar | Juan siempre hace chistes de mal gusto. | Juan always tells crass jokes. |
speak your mind | Mi suegra siempre se despacha a gusto en las reuniones familiares. | My mother-in-law always likes to speak her mind at family gatherings. |
it's a pleasure to meet you | Gracias por sus atenciones, es un placer conocerlo. | Thank you for your attention; it's a pleasure to meet you. |
bad taste | Mariana tiene muy mal gusto para vestirse. | Mariana has very bad taste in clothes. |
pleased to meet you, nice to meet you | Te presento a Juan. —Mucho gusto, yo soy Elena. | -Meet Juan. -Pleased to meet you, I'm Helen. |
out of pleasure | Todo este trabajo no lo hago por gusto, lo hago porque necesito ganar dinero. | I don't do all this work out of pleasure, I do it because I need to make money. |
go on as if nothing has happened | No soporto a Ernesto: nos miente todos los días y se queda tan a gusto. | I can't stand Ernesto: he lies to us every day and goes on as if nothing has happened. |
sense of taste | Juan tiene un sentido del gusto muy desarrollado. | Juan has a highly developed sense of taste. |
feel comfortable | Martín se siente a gusto en su nuevo trabajo. | Martin feels comfortable in his new job. |
have good taste | Laura tiene buen gusto y su casa está muy bien decorada. | Laura has good taste and her house is very well decorated. |