nice | Fue bonito conocerte, Peter Pan. | It was nice meeting you, Peter Pan. |
nice | Seria un bonito regalo para Lady Rutland. | It would make a nice present for Lady Rutland. |
nice | Puedes descansar y ponerte algo bonito. | You can relax and change into something nice. |
nice | Es un lugar muy bonito y privado... | It's a really nice private place to come and spend a few hours. |
nice | Hacía años que no soñaba algo bonito. | It's been years since I dreamt something nice. |
nice | Es muy bonito verte, también. | It's very nice to see you, too. |
nice | Muy bonito conocerte, soy Unsui. | Very nice to meet you, I am Unsui. |
nice | Qué bonito es ver tanta concurrencia. | It's so nice to see such a large turnout this afternoon. |
nice | Es realmente muy bonito, Allison. | It's really very nice here, Allison. |
nice | Deberíamos hacer algo bonito por él. | Maybe we ought to do something nice for him. |
nice | Espero que nuestro hogar sea bonito. | BETTY: I hope our place is as nice. |
nice | Pero solo quiero hacer algo bonito. | But I just wanted to do something nice. |
beautiful | Pero pensé en algo muy bonito. | But then, I thought of something very beautiful. |
beautiful | Nochebuena es un bonito día para casarse. | Christmas Eve is a beautiful day to be married. |
beautiful | Arruinas un bonito recuerdo, Isabel. | You're spoiling what was a beautiful memory, Isabel. |
beautiful | Este bonito cuerpo tiene que ser alimentado. | This beautiful body of mine has to be fed. |
pretty | Ok Janice, hazlo lucir bonito. | Okay, Janice, make him look pretty. |
pretty | Escuché que fue un bonito espectáculo. | It was a pretty sight, I hear. |
pretty | Nunca había visto Londres tan bonito. | I've never seen London look so pretty. |
pretty | Es también un muy bonito nombre. | And a very pretty name it is, too. |
nice, lovely | Este paisaje es muy bonito. | The landscape here is really lovely. |
tuna, bonito | Hoy comeremos arroz con bonito. | We're having tuna with rice today. |
albacore, longfinned tuna | El bonito del norte es abundante en zonas tropicales. | Longfinned tuna (or: albacore) is abundant in tropical areas. |
cheap and cheerful | ¡Compren, señoras! ¡Todo lo que vendo es bueno, bonito y barato! | Roll up, ladies! Everything I'm selling is cheap and cheerful! |
it was nice while it lasted | Aunque fue bonito mientras duró, el fin de semana ya terminó y hay que volver a la rutina. | Even though it was nice while it lasted, the weekend is now over and we have to go back to the grind. |
sweet-talk [sb] | Carlos le habló bonito a María y la conquistó. | Carlos sweet-talked Maria and won her over. |
golden boy, daddy's boy | El hijo mayor suele ser el niño bonito de papá. | The eldest son is usually daddy's golden boy. |