theme | Quiero detenerme también en ese tema. | Let me dwell on that theme as well. |
theme | Los chicos traen un tema de ciencia ficción. | Well, Scott, the boys seem to be using a science fiction theme tonight. |
subject | Es preciso que la delegación comente este tema. | It was imperative for the delegation to express itself on this subject. |
subject | Se pregunta también si el tema incluye algún componente práctico. | He also wondered whether there was any practical element to the subject. |
subject | Pregunta si existen estadísticas sobre ese tema. | He asked whether there were any statistics available on the subject. |
subject | Nos satisface que continúen las consultas sobre ese tema. | We are happy that consultations will be continued on that subject. |
subject | Pasaré ahora al tema de nuestro debate temático. | I turn now to the subject of our thematic debate. |
subject | Francia seguirá contribuyendo activamente a la reflexión actual sobre este tema. | France will continue to participate actively in the current debate on that subject. |
subject | No podíamos tratar el mismo tema. | We couldn't both treat the same subject. |
subject | Lamentablemente, no reconozco el tema. | Unfortunately, I don't recognize the subject. |
subject | Me interesé más por este tema. | I just became more interested in this subject. |
subject | La anfitriona quiere cambiar de tema. | It's the hostess' prerogative to change the subject. |
subject | Entonces nadie habría tocado este tema. | Back then, no-one would touch this subject. |
topic | Las respuestas están agrupadas por tema. | The individual answers, however, are grouped according to topic. |
topic | Desearía referirme ahora al tema del desarme nuclear. | I wanted to turn to the topic of nuclear disarmament. |
topic | Estimo que este tema no se agotará pronto. | It seems to me that this topic will not be soon exhausted. |
topic | Tampoco se han realizado estudios exhaustivos sobre ese tema. | Likewise, thorough study on the same topic is yet to be conducted. |
topic | Debería mantenerse el título del tema. | The title of the topic should be retained. |
topic | Pensé que podrían hacer un tema hawayano. | I thought that they could make a topic hawayano. |
topic | Se debatieron dos cuestiones principales como aspectos del planteamiento del tema. | Two main questions were discussed as aspects of the approach to the topic. |
matter, theme, issue | En la reunión se tratarán varios temas. | At the meeting, they will deal with many matters. |
lesson | En el tema cinco estudiaremos la reproducción. | In lesson five, we will study reproduction. |
to each his own | Yo no juzgo a nadie, cada loco con su tema. | I don't judge anyone; to each his own. |
change the subject | Roberto cambió de tema para no hablar de eso. | Roberto changed the topic so he did not have to talk about that. |
go back to a subject | El profesor retomó un tema de la clase anterior. | The teacher went back to a subject from the previous class. |
bring up a topic | Pedro sacó un tema polémico y todos empezaron a discutir. | Pedro brought up a controversial topic and everyone started to argue. |
jump from one subject to another | El profesor saltaba de un tema a otro y los alumnos no entendían de qué hablaba. | The teacher jumped from one subject to another and the students did not know what he was talking about. |
touch on the topic | Durante la cena, los abuelos tocaron el tema del negocio familiar. | During dinner, the grandparents touched on the topic of family business. |