have | Porque intento tener una charla civilizada. | 'Cause I'm just trying to have a civilized conversation. |
have | No pretendía tener ese extraordinario efecto. | BRANDO: I didn't intend to have that extraordinary effect. |
have | Esa noche se sentaron para tener una conversación seria sobre tener hijos. | That night they sat down to have a serious practical discussion about having kids. |
have | Su hijo puede tener una mayor probabilidad de tener dificultades psicosociales. | Your son may have a higher chance of having psychosocial difficulties. |
have | Debian parece tener bastante tradición de tener desarrolladores en edad de ir al instituto. | Debian seems to have quite a tradition of having high-school aged developers... |
have | No podíamos pretender tener más experiencia. | We could not pretend to have more experience than we had. |
have | Necesitamos tener efectos que sean duraderos. | We need to have effects that are going to be long-lasting. |
have | Podría tener suerte y tener unos minutos para el almuerzo. | You might get lucky and have a few minutes for lunch. |
have | Yo pueda tener una salida que debe tener mínima resistencia. | I may have a way out that should have minimal resistance. |
have | Necesito tener suerte para tener dinero. | I need to get lucky to have money. |
have | Para tener nietos hay que tener hijos. | One has to have children before one has grandchildren. |
have | Es posible tener hipertensión crónica y pasar a tener un bebé sano. | It is possible to have chronic hypertension and go on to have a healthy baby. |
have | Debemos tener sueños, debemos tener visiones. | We must have dreams, we must have visions. |
have | Para tener tanto seguridad como prosperidad, debemos tener paz. | To have both security and prosperity, we must have peace. |
have | Debemos tener buenas familias, debemos tener buenos niños. | We must have good families, we have good children. |
have | Jessica bangkok tener un funing a tener somethign... | Jessica bangkok have a funing to have somethign up... |
get | En algunos casos, las mujeres pueden tener preeclampsia después de tener a su bebé. | In some cases, women can get preeclampsia after having their baby. |
get | Podría tener suerte y tener unos minutos para el almuerzo. | You might get lucky and have a few minutes for lunch. |
get | Necesito tener suerte para tener dinero. | I need to get lucky to have money. |
have | Su familia tiene mucho dinero. | Her family has lots of money. |
be | Ana tiene veinte años. | Ana is twenty years old. |
have | Carlos tiene la gripe. | Carlos has a cold. |
hold | Ten el cable por un extremo y no lo sueltes. | Hold the cable by the end and don't let it go. |
be | En ese momento, Germán tenía rabia y celos. | Right now, Germán is annoyed and jealous. |