earth | Cada centímetro cuenta. Mordíamos la tierra. | "Every centimetre counts."We bite the earth. |
earth | Puedes ayudarme a salvar la tierra. | You can help me save the earth from the hell. |
earth | Luisa movería cielo y tierra para contactarme. | Lois would move heaven and earth to contact me. |
earth | Hazme caminar desfigurada en esta tierra... | Make me walk disfigured on this here earth... |
earth | Usted cava la tierra suficiente para cubrirme. | You shovel in just enough earth to cover me. |
land | África, hermosa tierra de incalculables riquezas. | Africa, land of great beauty and untold riches. |
land | Necesitas personas que trabajen la tierra contigo. | You need people to work the land with you. |
land | Ahora quiero que oigas música de mi tierra. | Now, I'd like you to hear some of the music of my land. |
land | Hay demasiada tierra para que busquemos. | There is too much land for us to cover. |
land | Unas camionetas pasaron por su tierra. | Said a bunch of trucks rode over his land. |
land | Estoy comprando toda la tierra alrededor nuestro. | I'm buying up all the land around us. |
land | Viviremos como compañeros en esta tierra. | We'll live off the land like peasants. |
land | Quieren la tierra para su oleoducto. | They're wanting the land for their pipeline. |
land | Todos moriremos si intentamos ocupar esa tierra. | We will all die if we try to occupy this land. |
land | Muchos Hollywoodenses vienen aquí y compran tierra. | A lot of Hollywooders come up here and buy up land. |
land | Mientras viva, tendré esta tierra. | As long as I live I'm going to keep this land. |
ground | La tierra parecía sacudida por un terremoto. | The ground was shaking, just like in an earthquake. |
ground | Siento la tierra estremecerse bajo mis pies al moverse. | I get to feel the ground shuddering under my feet as they move about. |
ground | Primer asalto, llevaremos nuestras tropas a tierra. | First trick will be getting our troops on the ground. |
ground | Reclamo esta tierra en nombre de España. | I Announce this the ground the property of Spain. |
shore, land | Los marineros bajaron a tierra. | The castaways eventually made it to shore. |
soil | Compramos tierra para las macetas. | We bought soil for the pots. |
ground | Las naranjas rodaron por tierra. | The oranges rolled on the ground. |
homeland | Mi hermano se mudó a Canadá hace tres años y extraña mucho su tierra. | My brother moved to Canada three years ago and really misses his homeland. |
land | El apuesto príncipe venía de una tierra lejana y hablaba un idioma desconocido. | The handsome prince came from a faraway land and spoke an unknown language. |
ground attendant | Las azafatas de tierra trabajan en el mostrador de las aerolíneas en los aeropuertos. | Ground attendants work at the airline counters in airports. |
disembark | Los marines bajaron a tierra después de semanas en alta mar. | The marines disembarked after weeks at sea. |
bring [sth] down to earth | Hay que bajar el concepto a tierra para que se entienda. | The concept must be brought down to earth to be understood. |
come back down to earth | Pedro, por favor, baja a tierra ya: ese plan es imposible de realizar. | Pedro, please, come back down to earth. That idea is impossible to pull off. |
with your feet firmly on the ground, with both feet on the ground | El padre le enseñó a tomar sus decisiones con los pies sobre la tierra. | His father taught him to make his decisions with his feet firmly on the ground. |
with your feet firmly on the ground | Mi yerno es un hombre con los pies sobre la tierra. | My son-in-law is a man with his feet firmly on the ground. |
ground connection | La conexión a tierra evita que suframos descargas eléctricas al tocar electrodomésticos. | The ground connection prevents electric shocks on touching electrical appliances. |
hit the deck | Nadie esperaba que los luchadores dieran en tierra tan pronto. | Nobody expected the fighters to hit the deck so soon. |
bring down | El joven emprendedor dio en tierra con la empresa y debe declarar bancarrota. | The young businessman brought down the company and it must now declare bankruptcy. |
give up hope | Las adversidades llevaron al estudiante a dar en tierra con su sueño de ser médico. | The setbacks led the student to give up all hope of becoming a doctor. |
earthly, earth | Pensaron que era un asteroide, pero es un mineral de la tierra. | They thought it was an asteroid, but it's an earthly mineral. |
destroy | La explosión en el laboratorio echó por tierra años de estudio. | The explosion in the lab destroyed years of research. |
hush up | El gobierno echó tierra al asunto de la malversación de fondos. | The government hushed up the matter of the embezzlement of funds. |
Mother Earth | Debemos respetar a la madre tierra. | We should respect Mother Earth. |
move heaven and earth | Pedro removió cielo y tierra para conseguir entradas para el espectáculo. | Pedro moved heaven and earth to get tickets for the show. |
the Earth's surface, the surface of the Earth | La superficie de la tierra tiene 12 km de espesor. | The Earth's surface is 12 km thick. |
earthquake | Ayer se registró un gran temblor de tierra en Haití. | Yesterday a significant earthquake was registered in Haiti. |
have your feet on the ground | Al parecer, los jóvenes de hoy en día tienen los pies en la tierra y actúan con precaución. | Apparently, young people today have their feet on the ground and act with caution. |
dry land | El 12 de octubre de 1492, Colón desembarcó en tierra firme. | On the 12th of October 1492, Christopher Columbus stepped out onto dry land. |
solid ground | Los astronautas soñaban con pisar tierra firme. | The astronauts dreamt of stepping on solid ground. |
the promised land | La isla era la tierra prometida para los agricultores. | The island was the promised land for the farmers. |
earth wire | La toma de tierra protege a las personas de descargas. | The earth wire protects people from electric shocks. |
lateral grounding, side grounding | La toma de tierra lateral es para clavijas de patas redondas. | Side grounding is for plugs with round prongs. |
local wine | En este restaurante tienen un estupendo vino de la tierra. | They have a great local wine in this restaurant. |
no man's land | Esta es tierra de nadie, te recomiendo que tengas cuidado. | This is no man's land; I advise you to be careful. |