political | Más que nunca necesitamos liderazgo político. | Now, more than ever, do we need political direction. |
political | La administración pública es un ejercicio tanto político como técnico. | Public administration is as much a political exercise as a technical one. |
political | No milita en ningún partido político. | She is not affiliated to any political party. |
political | Quisiera ahora plantear algunas cuestiones de carácter político. | Allow me now to raise here a few points of a political nature. |
political | Esta dinámica se refleja también en el plano político. | However, this progress is also reflected at the political level. |
political | Hezbolá también funciona como partido político con representación parlamentaria. | Hizbollah also operates as a political party with representation in Parliament. |
political | En nuestra reunión no deberíamos limitarnos a prestar apoyo político. | Our Meeting should not be limited solely to providing mere political support. |
political | Al llegar a Italia solicitaron asilo político. | Upon arrival in Italy, the family applied for political asylum. |
political | Usted quiere saber a qué partido político pertenezco. | You want to know which political party I belong to. |
political | Utilicé mi capital político para ayudarlo. | I've used my political capital to help you. |
political | Si yo fuese político, cubriría mis apuestas. | If I were a political man, I would hedge my bets. |
political | Las investigaciones no descartan el móvil político. | A political motive has not been ruled out in the investigations. |
political | Es el enfrentamiento político del siglo. | It's the political showdown of the century. |
political | Que lo hace para ganar apoyo político. | Maybe he's staging this whole thing to win political support. |
political | O intenta cubrir su interés político. | Or he's trying to cover his political hide. |
political | Creo firmemente en el sistema político. | I believe in, heavily, in the political system. |
political | No sabía que era un mitin político. | I didn't realize we were meeting at a political rally. |
political | Imagina, quiere pasar de nuestro programa político. | I expect he'll go along with our political project. |
political | Correcto, pero cruzar la barrera sería suicidio político. | Right, but my crossing the aisle would be political suicide. |
political | Simplemente no tiene tanto capital político. | He simply doesn't have the political capital. |
politician | Los políticos dicen muchas mentiras. | Politicians tell a lot of lies. |
political | Varios líderes políticos se reunieron a discutir la actual coyuntura. | Several political leaders met to discuss the current state of affairs. |
political | La vida política del candidato no le dejaba tiempo para la familia. | Her political life didn't leave time for her family. |
political analyst | Un analista político expuso cuál candidato tiene mayores probabilidades de triunfo. | A political analyst explained which candidate has the best probability of winning. |
political asylum | El escritor pidió asilo político en México. | The writer sought political asylum in Mexico. |
political change | El avatar político traerá la reforma del sistema educativo. | Political change will bring reform to the educational system. |
political discourse | El objetivo que se busca con el discurso político es persuadir a los votantes indecisos. | The aim of political discourse is to persuade undecided voters. |
political party | Ese Senador pertenece al partido político más antiguo del país. | That Senator belongs to the oldest political party in the country. |
uncle by marriage | Mi tía política trabajó como secretaria del Alcalde por dos años. | My aunt by marriage worked as a mayor's secretary for two years. |