total | Recibirá un total de tres perfusiones. | You will be given a total of 3 infusions. |
total | Respeto tu compromiso delante del fracaso total. | I respect your commitment in the face of total failure. |
total | El total incluye las duplicaciones notificadas por los gobiernos. | This total includes those duplicate claims that have been reported by Governments. |
total | Es hipocresía total, pero funciona. | It's total hypocrisy, but it works. |
total | Hizo una confesión total mientras lo interrogaba. | He made a total confession while I was questioning him. |
total | Significaría la ruina total del Reino. | It would mean the total ruin of the kingdom. |
total | Para inteligencia es un pérdida total. | We believe we're looking at a total loss. |
total | Ello elevaría el total a 211 minibuses. | This would bring the total minibus fleet to 211. |
total | Pronto tendré control total de la fuerza. | I shall soon have total control of the force. |
total | No puede parecerte una sorpresa total. | This can't come as a total surprise to you. |
total | Su remuneración total sólo sería el monto del sueldo anual. | Their total remuneration would only be the amount of the annual allowance. |
full | Inicien un escaneo total del área. | Initiate a full spectrum scan of the area. |
full | Esta corte garantizará el pago total. | In the meantime, this court will guarantee full payment. |
full | Permítame comprársela por el precio total. | Allow me to buy from you at full price. |
full | Tenemos el soporte total del ejército. | We've got the full backing of the Army. |
complete | Fue una pérdida de tiempo total. | It was a complete waste of my time. |
complete | Debo tener calma y privacidad total. | So, I must have complete quiet, and privacy. |
complete | Vine a disculparme por mi total ignorancia previa. | I've come to apologize for my complete ignorance earlier. |
total | Halla el total de la siguiente multiplicación. | Find the total of the following multiplication problem. |
total | La detonación de una bomba termobárica supondría la destrucción total. | The detonation of a thermobaric weapon would mean total destruction. |
with complete freedom, with total freedom | Los dos cantantes bailaron y cantaron con libertad por todo el recinto. | The two singers danced and sang with complete freedom (or: with total freedom) around the hall. |
freely | Pueden expresarse con total libertad y decirnos lo que pasa. | You can speak freely and tell us what happened. |
total cost | El costo total del viaje fue de 10.000 pesos. | The total cost of the trip was 10,000 pesos. |
in total, in all | En total, el hotel tiene 213 habitaciones. | In total, the hotel has 213 rooms. |
total loss | Aunque el accidente resultó en el siniestro total del automóvil, el conductor solo sufrió heridas leves. | While the accident resulted in the total loss of the vehicle, the driver suffered only minor injuries. |
total cost | El valor total del auto era casi 20% más cuando cuando se le agregaban los adicionales. | The total cost of the car was almost 20% more when the extras were added on. |