view | Desde un punto de vista microbiológico, debe usarse inmediatamente. | From a microbiological point of view the product should be used immediately. |
view | Tiene una vista preciosa del lago. | And it does have a lovely view of the lake. |
view | Una vista sólo comparable al Himalaya. | For someone here on holiday, the view is unbelievable. |
view | La vista es definitivamente mejor desde este ángulo. | The view is "def" better from this angle. |
view | Un punto de vista muy interesante. | A mighty interesting point of view, Mr. Houlton. |
view | Aquí arriba en la terraza hay una vista fantástica... | Up here on the terrace level is where you get your great view. |
view | Me pregunto cuántas novias han tenido esta vista. | Now, I wonder how many brides have taken in this view. |
view | Así facilitaría una mejor vista del interior. | This should facilitate a better view... of the interior of the alien spacecraft. |
view | Entonces tu vista es parcialmente bloqueada. | Then your view of the rabbit is partially blocked. |
view | Tiene una vista magnífica al mar. | You have a marvelous view of the sea. |
view | Pudimos llegar una vista parcial del dispositivo. | We were able to get a partial view of the device. |
view | Ves todo desde tu punto de vista. | You see everything from Brubaker's point of view. |
sight | Mientras estemos escapando, no puedo perderte de vista. | As long as we're on the lam, I can't let you out of my sight. |
sight | Tenía miedo perderla de mi vista. | I was afraid to let her out of my sight. |
sight | Tengo órdenes de no perderte de vista. | My instructions are that I am not to let you out of my sight. |
sight | No debería haberlo perdido de vista. | My fault. I shouldn't have let him out of my sight. |
sight | Lo perdí de vista unos dos segundos. | Lost sight of him for probably, like, two seconds, if that. |
sight | Alejaré de mi vista esa estatua... | I'll let this idol out of my sight... |
sight | No pierdas de vista tus obligaciones Alex. | Don't lose sight of your obligations, Alex. |
sight | Nunca me había enamorado a primera vista antes... | I have never really fallen in love at first sight like this before. |
sight | El ojo es el órgano de la vista. | The eye is the organ of sight. |
view | La cima de la montaña ofrecía una vista tan espectacular que me quitó el aliento. | The top of the mountain offered such a spectacular view that it took my breath away. |
in sight, visible | El ladrón llevaba un puñal a la vista. | The burglar carried a knife in sight. |
in view of, in light of | A la vista de los problemas que surgieron, no podremos terminar el proyecto a tiempo. | In view of the problems that came up, we won't be able to complete the project on time. |
at first sight | A primera vista, uno podría pensar que Andrés es una persona amigable. | At first sight, one might think that Andres is a friendly person. |
at first sight | A simple vista parece un ovni, pero es una nube lenticular. | At first sight it looks like a UFO, but it is a lenticular cloud. |
by its looks | No puedes juzgar a simple vista, debes ir más allá de las apariencias. | You shouldn't judge something by its looks; appearances can be deceiving. |
at a glance | Esto te lo aprendes a simple vista, es muy fácil de recordar. | You learn it at a glance; it is very easy to remember. |
delight the eye, please the eye | Ver el salón todo decorado me alegró la vista. | Seeing the living room all decorated pleased my eye. |
love at first sight | Cuando la conocí fue amor a primera vista. | When I met her it was love at first sight. |
in my view | Bajo mi punto de vista, no debemos aceptar la oferta. | In my view, we shouldn't accept the offer. |
catch [sb]'s eye | La chica lo buscaba con la vista pero él no se hacía cargo. | The girl caught his eye but he ignored her. |
with an ocean view, with a sea view | Las habitaciones con vista al mar suelen ser las más caras en los hoteles. | The hotel rooms with an ocean view are usually the most expensive. |
with a view of | Ana compró un bonito apartamento con vistas a la ciudad. | Ana bought a beautiful apartment with a view of the city. |
know [sb] by sight | A Alicia la conozco de vista únicamente: nunca nos hablamos. | I only know Alice by sight; we have never spoken. |
poor eyesight, poor vision | Le cuesta leer el cartel porque es corto de vista. | He has trouble reading the poster because he has poor eyesight. |
shortsighted | Es corto de vista y necesita gafas. | He is shortsighted and needs glasses. |
shortsighted | Has estado un poco corto de vista cuando le dijiste que lo amabas. | You were a bit shortsighted when you told him you loved him. |
in view of | En vistas del incidente de la semana pasada, todos los obreros deben usar guantes de seguridad a partir de ahora. | In view of the incident last week, all workers must wear protective gloves from now on. |
look the other way | Los alumnos no pueden salir del colegio durante el recreo, pero a veces los profesores hacen la vista gorda. | The students can't leave school during break time but sometimes the teachers look the other way. |
see you next time | ¡Hasta la vista! Espero que te diviertas mucho en el viaje. | See you next time! I hope that you have a lot of fun on the trip. |
look up, raise your eyes | El niño escuchó su nombre y levantó la vista. | The child heard his name and looked up (or: raised his eyes). |
lose sight of [sb], lose sight of [sth] | Estuvieron juntos durante la excursión, pero los perdieron de vista en el bosque. | They were together on the trip but they lost sight of them in the woods. |
overlook the fact that | Pierdes de vista que esta empresa tiene intereses distintos a los nuestros. | You overlook the fact that the business has interests that differ from our own. |
take your eye off | No pierdas de vista a los niños, que están cerca de la piscina. | Don't take your eye off the children. They're close to the swimming pool. |
lose sight of [sth] | Tras una hora de navegar, perdimos de vista la costa. | After an hour of sailing, we lost sight of the coast. |
a treat for the eyes, a feast for the eyes | La diosa Afrodita era un placer para la vista. | The goddess Aphrodite was a feast for the eyes. |
point of view | El punto de vista de Clara es muy válido y debemos tenerlo en cuenta. | Clara's point of view is valid and we should take it into account. |
stand out | El nuevo corte de pelo de Juan salta a la vista. | Juan's new hairstyle sticks out like a sore thumb. |
keep in view, follow with one's eyes | Juan siguió a su padre con la vista hasta que desapareció. | Juan kept his father in view until he disappeared. |
have sharp eyes, have an eagle eye | Mi abuela tenía vista de lince y nunca necesitó gafas. | My grandmother had sharp eyes, she never needed glasses. |
view of | Tengo un departamento con vista a la playa. | I have an apartment with a view of the beach. |
wider view, wide view | Para ver los detalles debes ver una vista ampliada. | To see the details you need to have a wider view. |
eyestrain | Tengo la vista cansada después de tanto trabajar. | I've got eyestrain after so much work. |
view of | María tiene una vista de la playa desde su casa. | Maria has a view of the beach from her house. |
interior view, inner view, inside view | La vista interior del departamento es muy buena. | The interior view (or: inside view) of the apartment is very good. |
wonderful view | La casa tiene una vista maravillosa del mar. | The house has a wonderful sea view. |
preliminary hearing | En la vista preliminar se determina si hay causa suficiente para un juicio. | Determining if there is just cause for a trial takes place in a preliminary hearing. |
preview | En este espacio de la pantalla aparece la vista previa del documento cuando esta se encuentra disponible. | In this part of the screen the preview of the document appears when it is available. |
look back | El abuelo volvió la vista atrás y habló de su juventud. | Grandpa looked back and spoke of his youth. |