you | Por vos nací, por vos tengo la vida, por vos he de morir y por vos muero. | For you was I born, for you do I have life, for you will I die, for you am I now dying. |
you | Pero vos... vos, vos sabéis, vos tenéis fielmente, milord. | But you... you, you know, you have truly, my lord. |
you | Pueden apropiarse de vos aunque vos no quieras. | They can take hold of you whether you wish them to or not. |
you | Y vos querés, vos sabés... superarte. | And you want to, you know... better yourself. |
you | Y vos querés, vos sabés... | And you want to, you know... |
you | «Nacieron de vos, por vos y para vos. Esa es la verdad. | «They were born from you, because of you and for you. That's the truth. |
you | También predijo que vos lo negarías. | He also foretold that you would deny him. |
you | Contaba contigo y vos no estuviste conmigo. | Counted on you, and you weren't there for me. |
you | Quiero conocer sus secretos tanto como vos. | I want to know its secrets as much as you do. |
you | Soy bastante adorable, vos sabes. | I'm... and quite durable, you know. |
you | Sé hacer esto mejor que vos. | Remember, I am better at this than you are. |
you | Será difícil para vos esta vez. | It will be difficult for you this time. |
you | Llevo luchando más tiempo que vos. | I've been fighting far longer than you. |
you | Conozco sus gustos mejor que vos. | I know her taste better than you do. |
you | Jacko, tengo novedades para vos. | 'Jacko, I've got some news for you. |
you | Tenelo y sentirás que estoy siempre con vos. | Keep it and you'll feel that I'm always with you. |
you | Señor, deseo conferenciar con vos. | Sir, I desire some confidence with you. |
you | Aunque no sé qué haremos sin vos. | Though I don't know what we'll do without you. |
thee | Milord, enseguida estoy con vos. | And so, my lord, I will be with thee straight. |
thee | Qué dolor he soportado por vos... | What heartache have l gone through for thee... |
you | ¿Vos tenés mi CD de La Traviata? Estas flores son para vos. | Do you have my CD of La Traviata? |
it's up to you | Si no quieres escucharlo allá tú, pero ya sabes que él tiene las respuestas. | If you don't want to listen to him it's up to you, but you know he has the answers. |
address [sb] informally | El que los hijos traten de vos a sus padres no significa que les estén faltando al respeto. | That the children address their parents informally doesn't mean they are disrespecting them. |