wake up | Es hora de despertar, dormilón. | It's time to wake up, sleepyhead. |
wake up | Podría no despertar de la anestesia. | Could go under anesthesia and never wake up. |
wake up | No quiero despertar a tu familia. | I don't want to wake up your family. |
wake up | Es muy agradable despertar y ver... | It's so nice to wake up and see... |
wake up | Probablemente sólo quiere despertar cuando todo termine. | It probably just wants to wake up when it's all over. |
wake up | Mañana tenemos que despertar los arrozales. | Tomorrow we have to wake up the paddies. |
wake up | No quiero despertar a las ardillas. | I don't want to wake up any squirrels. |
wake up | Nunca la encontrarás chupándote al despertar. | You'll never wake up to find her sucking you. |
wake up | Sheldon, toda Blancanieves necesita un beso para despertar. | Sheldon, all Snow White needs is one little kiss to wake up. |
wake up | Necesitamos despertar y recuperar este país. | We need to wake up and take this country back. |
wake up | Instintos que parecen despertar el sentimiento de la pérdida. | Instincts that seem to wake up the feeling of the loss. |
wake up | Necesitas despertar y descubrir como funciona todo esto realmente. | You need to wake up and find out how this stuff really works. |
wake up | Tengo que despertar mañana súper temprano. | Okay. I have to wake up super early tomorrow. |
awaken | Debo despertar su oído, comprensiblemente débil. | I must awaken his hearing, which is understandably dull. |
wake | Una maldad que no querrán despertar. | An evil you wouldn't want to wake. |
wake | No quería despertar a tus padres. | I just didn't want to wake your parents up. |
wake | Servirá para despertar a los dormilones. | It'll be good to wake everybody up. |
wake up | Despierto fresco y descansado cuando tomo una siesta. | I wake up reinvigorated and rested after I take a nap. |
wake up | Alma tenía una pesadilla y despertó gritando. | Alma had a nightmare, and she woke up screaming. |
wake up! | ¡Despierta y deja de decir tonterías! | Wake up and stop saying silly things! |
wake up | Los truenos despertaron al bebé anoche. | The thunder woke the baby up last night. |
awaken, rouse | Hacer deporte despierta el apetito. | Playing sports awakens (or: rouses) the appetite. |
bring back | Hay canciones que despiertan buenos recuerdos en los ancianos. | There are songs that bring back pleasant memories to old people |
awaken interest | La música puede despertar interés en la cultura de una región. | Music may awaken interest in the culture of a region. |