couple | Era la pareja nerviosa de Palisades. | They were this uptight couple from the Palisades. |
couple | Decías algo sobre la pareja de Palisades. | You were saying something about this couple from the Palisades. |
couple | Fingíamos ser pareja... comprando armas ilícitas. | We pretended to be a couple, bought guns off the outlaws. |
couple | Nosotros no salíamos cuando eramos pareja. | We didn't go away when we were a couple. |
couple | Nos separamos para ser mejor pareja. | We separated in order to be a better couple. |
couple | Ellas solo quieren bailar como pareja. | They just want to do the electric slide as a couple. |
couple | Ustedes tres, realmente hacen una pareja encantadora. | The three of you really do make a lovely couple. |
couple | Y Jack Trainer y yo ahora somos pareja. | And Jack Trainer and I are a couple now as well, so that's good. |
couple | Somos como gemelos... una pareja idénti... | We're just like twin - couple of identical... |
couple | Necesitamos otra pareja con quien salir. | We need another couple to hang out with. |
couple | Tus padres son una pareja conocida. | Your father and mother are a famous couple. |
couple | Siempre creí que ustedes eran pareja. | I always thought you guys were like a real couple. |
couple | Me gustaban mucho más cuando no eran pareja. | Boy, I really liked the two of you much better when you weren't a couple. |
couple | Claro, haríamos una bonita pareja. | Sure, we would make a beautiful couple. |
couple | Quizás solo sean una pareja normal. | Come on, they're probably just a normal couple. |
partner | Es difícil ser criticado por tu pareja. | It's hard to be critiqued by your partner. |
partner | Sólo estoy buscando a mi pareja. | I'm just looking out for my partner. |
pair | Pero preferiría que fuésemos una pareja. | But I'd rather we were a pair. |
pair | Se marcha con los Lloyd y tu pareja. | Because she's going, along with the Lloyds and that pair you let in. |
couple | Romeo y Julieta son la pareja romántica por excelencia de la literatura universal. | Romeo and Juliet are the quintessential couple of world literature. |
partner | Puedes venir a la fiesta con tu pareja. | You can come to the party with your partner. |
the other one | Solo tengo un guante porque extravié su pareja. | I only have one glove, I lost the other one. |
partner | Ginger Rogers fue la pareja perfecta de Fred Astaire sobre la pista de baile. | Ginger Rogers was the perfect partner for Fred Astaire on the dance floor. |