week | Recibirás puntualmente tu pensión cada semana. | You'll receive your allowance in a timely manner each week. |
week | Ese informe también se debería publicar la semana siguiente. | That report, too, should be issued the following week. |
week | Posteriormente, durante la semana siguiente se celebraron varias reuniones. | Subsequently, a series of meetings was held during the following week. |
week | Estarán listas para partir en una semana. | Reinforcements will be ready to march in a week. |
week | Estuvimos lidiando con esto la última semana. | We've been dealing with this for the last week now. |
week | Temo que esta semana hemos recibido muchas bajas. | I'm afraid we've taken a lot of casualties this week. |
week | Conseguiré otros dos mil esta semana. | I can have 2 more grand by the end of the week. |
week | Tengo el prospecto hace una semana. | I got the prospectus about a week ago. |
week | Esta semana va a ser fantástica. | This week is going to be just wonderful. |
week | Le interesará saber que recibí varias propuestas inesperadas esta semana. | You'll be interested to learn I received several unexpected propositions this week. |
week | Espero poder tratar en una semana o 10 días. | No, it's being assembled now. I hope to try it in a week or ten days. |
week | He estado diciéndote durante una semana que lo arreglaras. | I've been telling you for a week To get that thing fixed. |
week | Gracias por ayudarnos tanto esta semana. | Thank you for helping so much this week. |
week | La familia no volverá por otra semana. | The family won't be back for another week. |
week | Es crucial que practiquemos esta semana. | It is so crucial that at practice this week. |
week | Duró una semana entera antes de palmarla. | Lasted a whole week before he hit room temperature. |
week | Te he buscado toda la semana. | I've been trying to get in touch with you all week. |
week | Vale, haremos algo juntos esta semana. | Okay, we'll do something together this week. |
weekend | Simplemente solía desaparecer por una semana o más. | I used to just disappear for a weekend, or a week at a time. |
weekend | Es mi última semana como salvavidas. | It's my last weekend as a lifeguard. |
week | Dentro de una semana me voy a casa. | I will be going home in a week. |
week, work week | Por la semana no puedo que tengo que trabajar, ven el sábado o el domingo. | I can't during the week because I have to work. Come over on Saturday or Sunday. |