be worth | Deben valer al menos medio millón. | They got to be worth at least half a million. |
be worth | Debe valer al menos 200 rublos. | That must be worth at least 200 rubles. |
be worth | Este debería valer, el Mercedes CL55 AMG. | This should be worth a go, the Mercedes CL 55 AMG. |
be worth | El terreno tiene que valer algo. | The land, at least, has got to be worth something. |
be worth | Pensaba que la lealtad debería valer algo. | You'd think that loyalty would be worth something. |
be worth | Esto debe valer millones, Sargento. | This stuff must be worth millions, Sarge. |
be worth | Puedo valer tanto como Brad Pitt. | I can be worth as much as Brad pitt. |
be worth | Debería valer eso para saber dónde está Marsha. | Well, it should be worth that to know where Marsha is. |
be worth | El crío puede valer mucho dinero. | The foal could be worth a great deal. |
be worth | Incluso podría valer algo algún día. | It might even be worth something one day. |
be worth | Tierras que habrían de valer millones. | Land that would one day be worth millions. |
be worth | Bueno, eso parece valer algo. | Well, that seems to be worth something. |
be worth | Estas estatuas deben valer mucho dinero. | These statues must be worth a lot of money. |
be worth | Ninguna vida puede valer más que eso. | Nobody's life could be worth more than that. |
be worth | Entonces, esta Lengüeta debe valer bastante dinero. | So, this Tongue - it must be worth a lot of money. |
be worth | Pensad lo que podría valer esta información. | Just think what information like this might be worth. |
be worth | Algún día podría valer mucho dinero. | It might be worth a lot of money someday. |
be worth | Podría valer 200 o 300 palabras. | Could be worth two or three hundred words. |
be worth | Tienes que valer algo para alguien. | You've got to be worth something to someone. |
be worth | Savannah Capital dice que debería valer 3.100 millones. | Savannah Capital says it should be worth $3.1 billion. |
cost | El coche que quiero vale 20 mil euros. | The car I want costs twenty thousand euros. |
be equal to | Una ficha roja vale tres verdes, y una verde vale cuatro azules. | A red chip is equal to three greens and one green is equal to four blues. |
be valid | Mi licencia de conducir no vale en el extranjero. | My driving license is not valid abroad. |
be valid | La decisión de la dirección de despedir a la mitad de los empleados es inaceptable y no hay explicación que valga. | The management's decision to fire half of the workforce is unacceptable and no explanation is valid. |
cost an arm and a leg | Todo en ese restaurante cuesta un ojo de la cara. | Everything in this restaurant costs an arm and a leg. |
not be worth a damn | Ese libro no vale un carajo; es un mamotreto. | That book is not worth a damn: it's a giant paperweight. |
be worth it | El detective cree que vale la pena buscar más pistas en la escena del crimen. | We could go and see if he's at home, but I don't think it's worth it. |
be worth its/[sb]'s weight in gold | Sánchez es un jugador que vale su peso en oro y le aportará mucho al equipo. | Sanchez is a player who is worth his weight in gold and will contribute a lot to the team. |