young | Una joven enmascarada nadaba en el agua. | A masked young girl was swimming in the water. |
young | Es demasiado joven para conocerlo mejor. | Hmph. He's too young to know better. |
young | Sería mortal para una democracia joven. | It would be deadly for a young democracy. |
young | Era nuestra gobernanta cuando era joven. | She'd be my governess when I was young. |
young | Además eres demasiado joven para ir a conciertos. | Besides, you're still too young to be going to concerts. |
young | Mi joven pariente, lamento decir. | My young relative, I regret to say. |
young | Eres joven, guapo, sensible. | You're young, good looking, sensitive... |
young | Mi madre falleció cuando era muy joven. | My mom passed away when I was really young. |
young | Pero Amber era joven y saludable. | But Amber, she was young and healthy. |
young | Tuvo problemas con una joven señora. | He had some problems with a young lady. |
young | Era demasiado joven y aloborotado para notarlo. | You were too young, too excited to notice. |
young | Eres joven y no conoces las limitaciones. | You're young and you don't know all the limitations. |
young | Está interesado en el joven ferengi. | He seems to have taken some interest in the young Ferengi. |
young | De joven recibí entrenamiento monástico estricto en las montañas. | I had strict monastic training when I was young in the mountains. |
young | Estoy investigando la muerte de una joven estudiante... | I'm here investigating the death of a young student... |
young | Pero es un brillante y joven arquitecto. | But he is one of our brightest young architects. |
young | Es demasiado joven para estar casada. | You're too young to be a married woman. |
younger | Pero portabas mejor la armadura cuando eras joven. | But the armor suited you better when you were younger. |
younger | No entiendo a esta generación joven. | I just don't understand this younger generation. |
younger | No serás siempre joven, Mark. | You're not getting any younger, Mark. |
young | Es muy maduro para ser tan joven. | He is mature for someone so young. |
youthful, young | Nunca serás viejo si conservas un espíritu joven. | You will never be old if you maintain a youthful attitude. |
young person, young man, young woman | Mi hijo es un joven muy responsable. Aquellas jóvenes son las sobrinas del alcalde. | My son is a responsible young man. |
youthful spirit | Aunque ya tiene casi 80 años, mi abuela conserva su espíritu joven. | Even though she's almost 80, my grandmother still has a youthful spirit. |
rising star | María es la joven promesa del cine nacional. | Maria is the rising star of national cinema. |