youth | Castiga vuestra perversa juventud, excelencia. | It's the penalty of your wicked youth, Your Excellency. |
youth | En la juventud, por indiferencia... | During youth, for the most arid indifference... |
youth | Tuvo algunas indiscreciones en su juventud. | There were a few indiscretions in his youth. |
youth | Primero dime como mantener mi juventud. | First tell me how to extend my youth. |
youth | Está buscando respuestas sobre su juventud. | She's looking for answers about her youth. |
youth | Haciendome esas preguntas termine desperdiciando mi juventud. | I put the question of late wasted my youth... |
youth | Antes dime cómo prolongar mi juventud. | First tell me how to prolong my youth. |
youth | Algo que formó parte de su juventud. | Something that was a major part of their youth. |
youth | Simplemente estoy chupando tu juventud como una vampira. | I am merely sucking up his youth like a vampire. |
youth | Comenzaremos al principio con evidencia irrefutable de una juventud desperdiciada. | We'll begin at the beginning with incontrovertible evidence of a misspent youth. |
youth | Catorce años le robarán su juventud... | Fourteen years will rob him of his youth... |
youth | Iremos en carruaje como en nuestra juventud. | We'll go by carriage like in our youth. |
youth | Ahora mi juventud no está consciente. | My youth is not in my control now. |
youth | Siento que prácticamente desperdicié mi juventud. | I feel like I practically wasted my youth. |
youth | Fuller quería empezar recreando la época de su juventud. | Fuller wanted to start by re-creating the era of his youth. |
young people | Una película para educar la juventud. | A movie for the education of the young people. |
young | La juventud necesita respuestas positivas inmediatamente. | The young need positive answers, now, immediately. |
young | Debemos depositar nuestras esperanzas en la juventud. | We should place all our hope in the young. |