Zeichen | 子路、曾皙、冉有、公西華侍坐。子曰:「以吾一日長乎爾,毋吾以也。居則曰:「不吾知也!』如或知爾,則何以哉?」子路率爾而對曰:「千乘之國,攝乎大國之間,加之以師旅,因之以饑饉;由也為之,比及三年,可使有勇,且知方也。」夫子哂之。「求!爾何如?」對曰:「方六七十,如五六十,求也為之,比及三年,可使足民。如其禮樂,以俟君子。」「赤!爾何如?」對曰:「非曰能之,願學焉。宗廟之事,如會同,端章甫,願為小相焉。」「點!爾何如?」鼓瑟希,鏗爾,舍瑟而作。對曰:「異乎三子者之撰。」子曰:「何傷乎?亦各言其志也。」曰:「莫春者,春服既成。冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,風乎舞雩,詠而歸。」夫子喟然歎曰:「吾與點也!」三子者出,曾皙後。曾皙曰:「夫三子者之言何如?」子曰:「亦各言其志也已矣。」曰:「夫子何哂由也?」曰:「為國以禮,其言不讓,是故哂之。」「唯求則非邦也與?」「安見方六七十如五六十而非邦也者?」「唯赤則非邦也與?」「宗廟會同,非諸侯而何?赤也為之小,孰能為之大?」 |
MC | Tsı́ lù ; tsōng sek ; n̯ȷēm hȷúw ; kūwng sēȷ hwāe dz̯ı̀ dzwá. Tsı́ hȷwot : " yı́ ngū 'ȷıt n̯ıt ḍȷāng hū néȷ , mȷū ngū yı́ yáe. Kȷō tsok hȷwot : " pȷūw ngū ṭȷē yáe ! " n̯ō hwok ṭȷē néȷ , tsok hā yı́ tsōȷ ? " tsı́ lù lwı̀ȷ néȷ n̯ı̄ twòȷ hȷwot : " tshēn z̯ı̄ng ts̯ı̄ kwok , s̯ep hū dà kwok ts̯ı̄ kēan , kāe ts̯ı̄ yı́ ṣı̄ȷ lȷó , 'ȷı̄n ts̯ı̄ yı́ kȷų̄ȷ gı̀n ; yūw yáe hȷwē ts̯ı̄ , pȷı́ȷ gıp sām nēn , khá ṣı́ hȷúw yówng , tsȷō ṭȷē pȷāng yáe. " pȷū tsı́ s̯ı́n ts̯ı̄. " gȷūw ! néȷ hā n̯ō ? " twòȷ hȷwot : " pȷāng lȷuwk tshıt dz̯ıp , n̯ō ngú lȷuwk dz̯ıp , gȷūw yáe hȷwē ts̯ı̄ , pȷı́ȷ gıp sām nēn , khá ṣı́ tsȷowk mȷı̄n. N̯ō gı̄ léȷ lak , yı́ ẓı́ kȷūn tsı́. " " ts̯hek ! néȷ hā n̯ō ? " twòȷ hȷwot : " pȷų̄ȷ hȷwot nōng ts̯ı̄ , ngȷwòn haewk 'ȷēn. Tsōwng mȷèw ts̯ı̄ dẓı̀ , n̯ō hwàȷ dūwng , twān ts̯āng pȷú , ngȷwòn hȷwē sȷéw sȷāng 'ȷēn. " " tém ! néȷ hā n̯ō ? " kú ṣıt xȷų̄ȷ , khēang néȷ , s̯áe ṣıt n̯ı̄ tsak. Twòȷ hȷwot : " yı̀ hū sām tsı́ ts̯áe ts̯ı̄ dẓȷwén. " tsı́ hȷwot : " hā s̯āng hū ? yek kak ngȷōn gı̄ ts̯ı̀ yáe. " hȷwot : " mak ts̯hwı̄n ts̯áe , ts̯hwı̄n bȷuwk kȷų̀ȷ dz̯ēng. Kwān ts̯áe ngú lȷuwk n̯ı̄n , dūwng tsı́ lȷuwk tshıt n̯ı̄n , yowk hū ngȷų̄ȷ , pȷūwng hū mȷú hȷū , hȷwàeng n̯ı̄ kȷwų̄ȷ. " pȷū tsı́ khwèaȷ n̯ēn thān hȷwot : " ngū yó tém yáe ! " sām tsı́ ts̯áe ts̯hwıt , tsōng sek húw. Tsōng sek hȷwot : " pȷū sām tsı́ ts̯áe ts̯ı̄ ngȷōn hā n̯ō ? " tsı́ hȷwot : " yek kak ngȷōn gı̄ ts̯ı̀ yáe yı́ hı́. " hȷwot : " pȷū tsı́ hā s̯ı́n yūw yáe ? " hȷwot : " hȷwē kwok yı́ léȷ , gı̄ ngȷōn pȷūw n̯àng , dz̯é kù s̯ı́n ts̯ı̄. " " ywı̄ȷ gȷūw tsok pȷų̄ȷ pāewng yáe yó ? " " 'ān kèn pȷāng lȷuwk tshıt dz̯ıp n̯ō ngú lȷuwk dz̯ıp n̯ı̄ pȷų̄ȷ pāewng yáe ts̯áe ? " " ywı̄ȷ ts̯hek tsok pȷų̄ȷ pāewng yáe yó ? " " tsōwng mȷèw hwàȷ dūwng , pȷų̄ȷ ts̯ō hūw n̯ı̄ hā ? ts̯hek yáe hȷwē ts̯ı̄ sȷéw , dz̯uwk nōng hȷwē ts̯ı̄ dà ? " |
Bedeutung | 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ road \ ; \ remote (ancestor)/Surname: Zēng \ white \ ; \ undefined \ have, exist \ ; \ impartial, just; public/father; prince \ west \ flower (v.); flowery (adj.) \ accompany, wait upon \ sit/to set \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ say \ : \ " \ take, use \ I, my \ one \ sun; day \ long (adj.)/n., Chang (a personal name) \ (Q particle)/in, at \ numerous \ don't \ I, my \ take, use \ (final particle) \ squat; stay, dwell/final particle \ then/rule, pattern \ say \ : \ " \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ I, my \ know \ (final particle) \ ! \ " \ go to/as, like, if \ some; or \ know \ numerous \ then/rule, pattern \ what \ take, use \ begin/(particle) \ ? \ " \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ road \ bird net \ numerous \ and, but \ respond \ say \ : \ " \ thousand \ ride (v.) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ state (n.) \ catch, gather up \ (Q particle)/in, at \ big \ state (n.) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ interval/間關 sound of a chariot's linchpin (Ode 218.1) \ add \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ take, use \ army/master \ military unit of 500 men; to go \ rely on \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ take, use \ famine \ famine \ ; \ follow; from \ (final particle) \ make, do, act as \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ compare \ reach to \ three \ harvest; year \ may; acceptable \ send; cause \ have, exist \ brave \ [final particle] \ know \ square/method/just, then \ (final particle) \ " \ man \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ smile \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ " \ seek \ ! \ numerous \ what \ go to/as, like, if \ ? \ " \ respond \ say \ : \ " \ square/method/just, then \ six \ seven \ ten \ go to/as, like, if \ five \ six \ ten \ seek \ (final particle) \ make, do, act as \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ compare \ reach to \ three \ harvest; year \ may; acceptable \ send; cause \ sufficient/foot \ people \ go to/as, like, if \ modal particle/(3p possessive) \ propriety, ceremony \ to cure/joy; enjoy \ take, use \ wait/move on \ lord; ruler \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ " \ " \ red \ ! \ numerous \ what \ go to/as, like, if \ ? \ " \ respond \ say \ : \ " \ is not \ say \ a kind of bear/able; ability \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ to wish \ study; imitate \ how \ ancestral temple \ a kind of building with side rooms \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ serve; service, affair \ go to/as, like, if \ meeting; have a meeting/阿會亘 ēhuìxuān: Skt. ābhāsvara ‘shining’ (E. Hàn) \ together, join \ tip (n.) \ brilliant; distinctive mark; to display \ begin/great \ to wish \ make, do, act as \ small \ mutually \ how \ " \ " \ black spot \ ! \ numerous \ what \ go to/as, like, if \ ? \ " \ drum (n.) \ lute \ thin, sparse \ onom. sound of bells \ numerous \ set aside, give up \ lute \ and, but \ do, work \ respond \ say \ : \ " \ different \ (Q particle)/in, at \ three \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ (nominalizing particle) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ create, invent \ " \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ say \ : \ " \ what \ wound \ (Q particle)/in, at \ ? \ armpit/also \ each \ (a particle)/I, we/speak; speech/tall \ modal particle/(3p possessive) \ goal, intention, aspiration \ (final particle) \ " \ say \ : \ " \ there is no X such that X …/deliberate (v.) (loan) \ springtime \ (nominalizing particle) \ springtime \ quiver (n.)/garment; wear (v.)/subdue, submit \ complete (v.) \ to become (v.i.)/to complete (tr. v) \ cap (n.) \ (nominalizing particle) \ five \ six \ (other) person \ boy \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ six \ seven \ (other) person \ 1. wash the body, bathe, lave.a) ablution; purify.2. swoop and soar, of birds. \ (Q particle)/in, at \ (mountain and river in Shandong) \ wind (n.) \ (Q particle)/in, at \ dance (v.) \ sacrifice for rain \ chant (v.) \ and, but \ return (v.) \ " \ man \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ sigh \ so, thus; (adv suffix) \ to sigh \ say \ : \ " \ I, my \ give; for; and \ black spot \ (final particle) \ ! \ " \ three \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ (nominalizing particle) \ go or come out \ remote (ancestor)/Surname: Zēng \ white \ after \ remote (ancestor)/Surname: Zēng \ white \ say \ : \ " \ man \ three \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ (nominalizing particle) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ (a particle)/I, we/speak; speech/tall \ what \ go to/as, like, if \ ? \ " \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ say \ : \ " \ armpit/also \ each \ (a particle)/I, we/speak; speech/tall \ modal particle/(3p possessive) \ goal, intention, aspiration \ (final particle) \ cease; already \ (final particle) \ " \ say \ : \ " \ man \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ what \ smile \ follow; from \ (final particle) \ ? \ " \ say \ : \ " \ make, do, act as \ state (n.) \ take, use \ propriety, ceremony \ modal particle/(3p possessive) \ (a particle)/I, we/speak; speech/tall \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ yield \ this \ fact; reason/old (not new) \ smile \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ " \ " \ only \ seek \ then/rule, pattern \ is not \ country \ (final particle) \ give; for; and \ ? \ " \ " \ peace(ful)/how/安息 Ānxī (Iranian country in the western regions, W. Hàn; from Aršaka = Arsaces, founder of the Arsacid dynasty) \ see (v.) \ square/method/just, then \ six \ seven \ ten \ go to/as, like, if \ five \ six \ ten \ and, but \ is not \ country \ (final particle) \ (nominalizing particle) \ ? \ " \ " \ only \ red \ then/rule, pattern \ is not \ country \ (final particle) \ give; for; and \ ? \ " \ " \ ancestral temple \ a kind of building with side rooms \ meeting; have a meeting/阿會亘 ēhuìxuān: Skt. ābhāsvara ‘shining’ (E. Hàn) \ together, join \ is not \ many/(fusion of 之 + 於 *tə ʔa) \ feudal lord \ and, but \ what \ ? \ red \ (final particle) \ make, do, act as \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ small \ who \ a kind of bear/able; ability \ make, do, act as \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ big \ ? \ " |
Übersetzung | Zi Lu, Zeng Xi, Ran You, and Gong Xi Hua were sitting by the Master. He said to them, "Though I am a day or so older than you, do not think of that. From day to day you are saying, 'We are not known.' If some ruler were to know you, what would you like to do?" Zi Lu hastily and lightly replied, "Suppose the case of a state of ten thousand chariots; let it be straitened between other large states; let it be suffering from invading armies; and to this let there be added a famine in corn and in all vegetables - if I were intrusted with the government of it, in three years' time I could make the people to be bold, and to recognize the rules of righteous conduct." The Master smiled at him. Turning to Ran You, he said, "Qiu, what are your wishes?" Qiu replied, "Suppose a state of sixty or seventy li square, or one of fifty or sixty, and let me have the government of it - in three years' time, I could make plenty to abound among the people. As to teaching them the principles of propriety, and music, I must wait for the rise of a superior man to do that." "What are your wishes, Chi," said the Master next to Gong Xi Hua. Chi replied, "I do not say that my ability extends to these things, but I should wish to learn them. At the services of the ancestral temple, and at the audiences of the princes with the sovereign, I should like, dressed in the dark square-made robe and the black linen cap, to act as a small assistant." Last of all, the Master asked Zeng Xi, "Dian, what are your wishes?" Dian, pausing as he was playing on his lute, while it was yet twanging, laid the instrument aside, and said, "My wishes are different from the cherished purposes of these three gentlemen." Said the Master, "What harm is there in that? Do you also, as well as they, speak out your wishes." Dian then said, "In this, the last month of spring, with the dress of the season all complete, along with five or six young men who have assumed the cap, and six or seven boys, I would wash in the Yi, enjoy the breeze among the rain altars, and return home singing." The Master heaved a sigh and said, "I give my approval to Dian." The three others having gone out, Zeng Xi remained behind, and said, "What do you think of the words of these three friends?" The Master replied, "They simply told each one his wishes." Xi pursued, "Master, why did you smile at You?" He was answered, "The management of a state demands the rules of propriety. His words were not humble; therefore I smiled at him." Xi again said, "But was it not a state which Qiu proposed for himself?" The reply was, "Yes; did you ever see a territory of sixty or seventy li or one of fifty or sixty, which was not a state?" Once more, Xi inquired, "And was it not a state which Chi proposed for himself?" The Master again replied, "Yes; who but princes have to do with ancestral temples, and with audiences but the sovereign? If Chi were to be a small assistant in these services, who could be a great one?" |
Kapitel | 6 |
Anzeigezeichen | 子路、曾皙、冉有、公西華侍坐。子曰:「以吾一日長乎爾,毋吾以也。居則曰:「不吾知也!』如或知爾,則何以哉?」子路率爾而對曰:「千乘之國,攝乎大國之間,加之以師旅,因之以饑饉;由也為之,比及三年,可使有勇,且知方也。」夫子哂之。「求!爾何如?」對曰:「方六七十,如五六十,求也為之,比及三年,可使足民。如其禮樂,以俟君子。」「赤!爾何如?」對曰:「非曰能之,願學焉。宗廟之事,如會同,端章甫,願為小相焉。」「點!爾何如?」鼓瑟希,鏗爾,舍瑟而作。對曰:「異乎三子者之撰。」子曰:「何傷乎?亦各言其志也。」曰:「莫春者,春服既成。冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,風乎舞雩,詠而歸。」夫子喟然歎曰:「吾與點也!」三子者出,曾皙後。曾皙曰:「夫三子者之言何如?」子曰:「亦各言其志也已矣。」曰:「夫子何哂由也?」曰:「為國以禮,其言不讓,是故哂之。」「唯求則非邦也與?」「安見方六七十如五六十而非邦也者?」「唯赤則非邦也與?」「宗廟會同,非諸侯而何?赤也為之小,孰能為之大?」 |
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