
Particle Pȷūw Not/不律 Writing Brush Pron Wú 吳

Zeichen 季氏將伐顓臾。冉有、季路見於孔子曰:「季氏將有事於顓臾。」孔子曰:「求!無乃爾是過與?夫顓臾,昔者先王以為東蒙主,且在邦域之中矣,是社稷之臣也。何以伐為?」冉有曰:「夫子欲之,吾二臣者皆不欲也。」孔子曰:「求!周任有言曰:『陳力就列,不能者止。』危而不持,顛而不扶,則將焉用彼相矣?且爾言過矣。虎兕出於柙,龜玉毀於櫝中,是誰之過與?」冉有曰:「今夫顓臾,固而近於費。今不取,後世必為子孫憂。」孔子曰:「求!君子疾夫舍曰欲之,而必為之辭。丘也聞有國有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患貧而患不安。蓋均無貧,和無寡,安無傾。夫如是,故遠人不服,則修文德以來之。既來之,則安之。今由與求也,相夫子,遠人不服而不能來也;邦分崩離析而不能守也。而謀動干戈於邦內。吾恐季孫之憂,不在顓臾,而在蕭牆之內也。」
MC Kȷwı̀ȷ dz̯é tsȷāng bȷot ts̯wēn yū. N̯ȷēm hȷúw ; kȷwı̀ȷ lù kèn 'ȷō khúwng tsı́ hȷwot : " kȷwı̀ȷ dz̯é tsȷāng hȷúw dẓı̀ 'ȷō ts̯wēn yū. " khúwng tsı́ hȷwot : " gȷūw ! mȷū nóȷ néȷ dz̯é kwā yó ? pȷū ts̯wēn yū , sȷek ts̯áe sēn hȷwāng yı́ hȷwē tūwng mūwng ts̯ú , tsȷō dzóȷ pāewng hwık ts̯ı̄ ṭȷūwng hı́ , dz̯é dz̯áe tsık ts̯ı̄ dz̯ı̄n yáe. Hā yı́ bȷot hȷwē ? " n̯ȷēm hȷúw hȷwot : " pȷū tsı́ yowk ts̯ı̄ , ngū n̯ı̀ȷ dz̯ı̄n ts̯áe kēaȷ pȷūw yowk yáe. " khúwng tsı́ hȷwot : " gȷūw ! ts̯ūw n̯ı̀m hȷúw ngȷōn hȷwot : " ḍı̄n lık dzȷùw lȷet , pȷūw nōng ts̯áe ts̯ı́. " ngȷwē n̯ı̄ pȷūw ḍı̄ , tēn n̯ı̄ pȷūw bȷū , tsok tsȷāng 'ȷēn yòwng pȷé sȷāng hı́ ? tsȷō néȷ ngȷōn kwā hı́. Xú zı́ȷ ts̯hwıt 'ȷō haep , kȷūw ngȷowk xȷwé 'ȷō duwk ṭȷūwng , dz̯é dz̯wı̄ȷ ts̯ı̄ kwā yó ? " n̯ȷēm hȷúw hȷwot : " kı̄m pȷū ts̯wēn yū , kù n̯ı̄ gȷų̀n 'ȷō phȷų̀ȷ. Kı̄m pȷūw tshúw , húw s̯èȷ pȷıt hȷwē tsı́ swōn 'ȷūw. " khúwng tsı́ hȷwot : " gȷūw ! kȷūn tsı́ dzıt pȷū s̯áe hȷwot yowk ts̯ı̄ , n̯ı̄ pȷıt hȷwē ts̯ı̄ zı̄. Khȷūw yáe mȷūn hȷúw kwok hȷúw kāe ts̯áe , pȷūw hwàen kwáe n̯ı̄ hwàen pȷūw kȷwı̄n , pȷūw hwàen bı̄n n̯ı̄ hwàen pȷūw 'ān. Kàȷ kȷwı̄n mȷū bı̄n , hwā mȷū kwáe , 'ān mȷū khȷwı̄eng. Pȷū n̯ō dz̯é , kù hȷwón n̯ı̄n pȷūw bȷuwk , tsok sȷūw mȷūn tok yı́ lōȷ ts̯ı̄. Kȷų̀ȷ lōȷ ts̯ı̄ , tsok 'ān ts̯ı̄. Kı̄m yūw yó gȷūw yáe , sȷāng pȷū tsı́ , hȷwón n̯ı̄n pȷūw bȷuwk n̯ı̄ pȷūw nōng lōȷ yáe ; pāewng pȷūn pōng lȷē sek n̯ı̄ pȷūw nōng s̯úw yáe. N̯ı̄ mȷūw dúwng kān kwā 'ȷō pāewng nop. Ngū khȷówng kȷwı̀ȷ swōn ts̯ı̄ 'ȷūw , pȷūw dzóȷ ts̯wēn yū , n̯ı̄ dzóȷ sēw dzȷāng ts̯ı̄ nop yáe. "
Bedeutung youngest \ clan \ bring \ cut; strike; attack \ untaught,ignorant, decent,honest.exclusively/without exception \ pull, drag \ undefined \ have, exist \ ; \ youngest \ road \ see (v.) \ at (locative preposition) \ (surname) \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ say \ : \ " \ youngest \ clan \ bring \ have, exist \ serve; service, affair \ at (locative preposition) \ untaught,ignorant, decent,honest.exclusively/without exception \ pull, drag \ " \ (surname) \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ say \ : \ " \ seek \ ! \ not have/volitional prefix/don’t \ your/then \ numerous \ this \ tough, fibrous (vegetables)/to pass \ give; for; and \ ? \ man \ untaught,ignorant, decent,honest.exclusively/without exception \ pull, drag \ in the past \ (nominalizing particle) \ first \ king \ take, use \ make, do, act as \ east \ cover (v.) \ master; host \ [final particle] \ be at, be present \ country \ territory \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ center \ (final particle) \ this \ sacrifice to the spirit of the soil \ millet (Setaria italica) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ slave, subject \ (final particle) \ what \ take, use \ cut; strike; attack \ make, do, act as \ ? \ " \ undefined \ have, exist \ say \ : \ " \ man \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ desire (v.) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ I, my \ two \ slave, subject \ (nominalizing particle) \ all \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ desire (v.) \ (final particle) \ " \ (surname) \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ say \ : \ " \ seek \ ! \ Zhōu (dynasty and place)/cycle; all around \ burden; charge (n.) \ have, exist \ (a particle)/I, we/speak; speech/tall \ say \ : \ " \ arrange \ strength \ go to \ tear apart; rank \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ a kind of bear/able; ability \ (nominalizing particle) \ foot; stop \ " \ in danger \ and, but \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ grasp, hold \ top \ and, but \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ crawl/assist \ then/rule, pattern \ bring \ how \ use (v.) \ that \ mutually \ (final particle) \ ? \ [final particle] \ numerous \ (a particle)/I, we/speak; speech/tall \ tough, fibrous (vegetables)/to pass \ (final particle) \ tiger \ rhinoceros (or water buffalo?) \ go or come out \ at (locative preposition) \ cage; box \ tortoise \ jade \ demolish \ at (locative preposition) \ coffer; box \ center \ this \ who \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ tough, fibrous (vegetables)/to pass \ give; for; and \ ? \ " \ undefined \ have, exist \ say \ : \ " \ now \ man \ untaught,ignorant, decent,honest.exclusively/without exception \ pull, drag \ fortified, secure \ and, but \ be near to (v.t.) \ at (locative preposition) \ squander \ now \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ take \ after \ generation \ necessarily \ make, do, act as \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ grandchild; descendant \ grief, grieved \ " \ (surname) \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ say \ : \ " \ seek \ ! \ lord; ruler \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ sickness \ man \ set aside, give up \ say \ desire (v.) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ and, but \ necessarily \ make, do, act as \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ words \ hill, mound \ (final particle) \ hear (v.) \ have, exist \ state (n.) \ have, exist \ household \ (nominalizing particle) \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ calamity; distress \ few \ and, but \ calamity; distress \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ even, equal \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ calamity; distress \ poor \ and, but \ calamity; distress \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ peace(ful)/how/安息 Ānxī (Iranian country in the western regions, W. Hàn; from Aršaka = Arsaces, founder of the Arsacid dynasty) \ cover (v.); cover (n.) \ even, equal \ not have/volitional prefix/don’t \ poor \ harmonious \ not have/volitional prefix/don’t \ few \ peace(ful)/how/安息 Ānxī (Iranian country in the western regions, W. Hàn; from Aršaka = Arsaces, founder of the Arsacid dynasty) \ not have/volitional prefix/don’t \ incline (v.) \ man \ go to/as, like, if \ this \ fact; reason/old (not new) \ far \ (other) person \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ quiver (n.)/garment; wear (v.)/subdue, submit \ then/rule, pattern \ adorn \ ornate \ virtue \ take, use \ a kind of wheat/come \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ complete (v.) \ a kind of wheat/come \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ then/rule, pattern \ peace(ful)/how/安息 Ānxī (Iranian country in the western regions, W. Hàn; from Aršaka = Arsaces, founder of the Arsacid dynasty) \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ now \ follow; from \ give; for; and \ seek \ (final particle) \ mutually \ man \ 1st earthly branch/child; gentleman, master \ far \ (other) person \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ quiver (n.)/garment; wear (v.)/subdue, submit \ and, but \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ a kind of bear/able; ability \ a kind of wheat/come \ (final particle) \ ; \ country \ divide \ collapse (v., of a mountain) \ meet with, encounter/depart from \ split (v.) \ and, but \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ a kind of bear/able; ability \ keep, guard \ (final particle) \ and, but \ plan (v.) \ move \ pole/shield (n.)/piece, item/(placename) \ dagger-axe \ at (locative preposition) \ country \ bring or send in \ I, my \ fear \ youngest \ grandchild; descendant \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ grief, grieved \ not/不律 writing brush (pron. in Wú 吳 ap. Shuōwén; E. Hàn) \ be at, be present \ untaught,ignorant, decent,honest.exclusively/without exception \ pull, drag \ and, but \ be at, be present \ Artemisia/蕭蕭 neighing of horses \ wall of a building, funerary drape \ go to/(3p object pronoun; attributive particle) \ bring or send in \ (final particle) \ "
Übersetzung The head of the Ji family was going to attack Zhuan Yu. Ran You and Ji Lu had an interview with Confucius, and said, "Our chief, Ji, is going to commence operations against Zhuan Yu." Confucius said, "Qiu, is it not you who are in fault here? Now, in regard to Zhuan Yu, long ago, a former king appointed its ruler to preside over the sacrifices to the eastern Mang; moreover, it is in the midst of the territory of our state; and its ruler is a minister in direct connection with the sovereign - What has your chief to do with attacking it?" Ran You said, "Our master wishes the thing; neither of us two ministers wishes it." Confucius said, "Qiu, there are the words of Zhou Ren, 'When he can put forth his ability, he takes his place in the ranks of office; when he finds himself unable to do so, he retires from it. How can he be used as a guide to a blind man, who does not support him when tottering, nor raise him up when fallen?' And further, you speak wrongly. When a tiger or rhinoceros escapes from his cage; when a tortoise or piece of jade is injured in its repository - whose is the fault?" Ran You said, "But at present, Zhuan Yu is strong and near to Fei; if our chief do not now take it, it will hereafter be a sorrow to his descendants." Confucius said. "Qiu, the superior man hates those declining to say 'I want such and such a thing,' and framing explanations for their conduct. I have heard that rulers of states and chiefs of families are not troubled lest their people should be few, but are troubled lest they should not keep their several places; that they are not troubled with fears of poverty, but are troubled with fears of a want of contented repose among the people in their several places. For when the people keep their several places, there will be no poverty; when harmony prevails, there will be no scarcity of people; and when there is such a contented repose, there will be no rebellious upsettings. So it is. Therefore, if remoter people are not submissive, all the influences of civil culture and virtue are to be cultivated to attract them to be so; and when they have been so attracted, they must be made contented and tranquil. Now, here are you, You and Qiu, assisting your chief. Remoter people are not submissive, and, with your help, he cannot attract them to him. In his own territory there are divisions and downfalls, leavings and separations, and, with your help, he cannot preserve it. And yet he is planning these hostile movements within the state. I am afraid that the sorrow of the Ji Sun family will not be on account of Zhuan Yu, but will be found within the screen of their own court."
Kapitel 6
Anzeigezeichen 季氏將伐顓臾。冉有、季路見於孔子曰:「季氏將有事於顓臾。」孔子曰:「求!無乃爾是過與?夫顓臾,昔者先王以為東蒙主,且在邦域之中矣,是社稷之臣也。何以伐為?」冉有曰:「夫子欲之,吾二臣者皆不欲也。」孔子曰:「求!周任有言曰:『陳力就列,不能者止。』危而不持,顛而不扶,則將焉用彼相矣?且爾言過矣。虎兕出於柙,龜玉毀於櫝中,是誰之過與?」冉有曰:「今夫顓臾,固而近於費。今不取,後世必為子孫憂。」孔子曰:「求!君子疾夫舍曰欲之,而必為之辭。丘也聞有國有家者,不患寡而患不均,不患貧而患不安。蓋均無貧,和無寡,安無傾。夫如是,故遠人不服,則修文德以來之。既來之,則安之。今由與求也,相夫子,遠人不服而不能來也;邦分崩離析而不能守也。而謀動干戈於邦內。吾恐季孫之憂,不在顓臾,而在蕭牆之內也。」

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