Analects Chinese/English/Middle-Chinese pronunciation
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- Particle 以約失之者,鮮矣 yı́ ȷı̀ew s̯ıt ts̯ı̄ ts̯áe sȷēn
- 席不正,不坐 pȷūw mat not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- 子於是日哭,則不歌 master day tsı́ ȷō dz̯é n̯ıt khuwk
- 子以四教:文,行,忠,信 tsı́ yı́ sı̀ȷ kāew mȷūn hāeng ṭȷūwng
- 由!知德者鮮矣 virtue particle yūw ṭȷē tok ts̯áe sȷēn
- 子夏曰:「小人之過也必文 particle tsı́ háe hȷwot sȷéw n̯ı̄n ts̯ı̄
- 君子不器 master kȷūn tsı́ pȷūw khı̀ȷ lord ruler
- 魯衛之政,兄弟也 particle brother lú hȷwèȷ ts̯ı̄ ts̯èng xȷwāeng
- Yáe final particle 柴也愚,參也魯,師也辟,由也喭 dẓēa ngȷū ṣı̄m lú
- 子不語怪,力,亂,神 extraordinary disorder tsı́ pȷūw ngȷó kwèaȷ lık
- 子罕言利,與命,與仁 yó give tsı́ xán ngȷōn lı̀ȷ mȷàeng
- 有教無類 hȷúw kāew mȷū lwı̀ȷ exist teach/to bring
- 攻乎異端,斯害也已 kūwng hū yı̀ twān sȷē hàȷ yáe
- 雍也可使南面 ȷōwng yáe khá ṣı́ nōm mȷı̀en harmonious,concordant;affable
- 入太廟,每事問 n̯ıp thàȷ mȷèw mwóȷ dẓı̀ mȷùn enter
- 君子貞而不諒 master v kȷūn tsı́ ṭȷēng n̯ı̄ pȷūw
- 子釣而不綱,弋不射宿 pȷūw master not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- V 吾未見好德如好色者也 xàw love virtue particle loves ngū
- 辭達而已矣 zı̄ dat n̯ı̄ yı́ hı́ words arrive
- Particle 子食於有喪者之側,未嘗飽也 earthly master side tsı́ z̯ık ȷō
- 以不教民戰,是謂棄之 people throw yı́ pȷūw kāew mȷı̄n ts̯èn
- 放於利而行,多怨 pȷáng ȷō lı̀ȷ n̯ı̄ hāeng tā ȷwòn
- 牢曰:「子云,『吾不試,故藝 master lāw hȷwot tsı́ hȷūn ngū pȷūw
- 道不同,不相為謀 pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- 鄉原,德之賊也 particle xȷāng ngȷwōn tok ts̯ı̄ dzok yáe
- Particle 語之而不惰者,其回也與 ngȷó ts̯ı̄ n̯ı̄ pȷūw dwá ts̯áe
- 剛毅、木訥,近仁 kāng ngȷų̀ȷ muwk nwot gȷų̀n n̯ı̄n strong
- 君子恥其言而過其行 gı̄ master modal particle/(3p possessive kȷūn tsı́
- 苟志於仁矣,無惡也 final particle kúw ts̯ı̀ ȷō n̯ı̄n hı́
- Earthly particle 子之燕居,申申如也,夭夭如也 s̯ı̄n n̯ō ȷēw master 9th
- 性相近也,習相遠也 sȷāng mutually final particle sȷèng gȷų̀n yáe
- 德不孤,必有鄰 tok pȷūw kū pȷıt hȷúw lı̄n virtue
- 巧言令色,鮮矣仁 kind kháew ngȷōn lēng ṣık sȷēn hı́
- N̯ı̄ 子溫而厲,威而不猛,恭而安 master tsı́ wōn lȷèȷ ȷwų̄ȷ pȷūw
- Kind 唯仁者能好人,能惡人 n̯ı̄n nōng bear/able ability love v
- 天生德於予,桓魋其如予何 yō bear virtue i thēn ṣāeng tok
- Particle v 已矣乎!吾未見好德如好色者也 xàw final love virtue loves
- 子游曰:「喪致乎哀而止 stop tsı́ yūw hȷwot sāng ṭı̀ȷ hū
- 君子欲訥於言,而敏於行 ȷō master v slow speech locative preposition
- Particle 其言之不怍,則為之也難 ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive difficult
- 巧言令色,鮮矣仁 kind kháew ngȷōn lēng ṣık sȷēn hı́
- N̯ı̄n kind 仁遠乎哉?我欲仁,斯仁至矣 i virtue hȷwón hū tsōȷ
- Heaven 顏淵死。子曰:「噫!天喪予!天喪予 thēn sāng yō master mourning burial
- 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆 haewk n̯ı̄ pȷūw sı̄ tsok study imitate
- 子在川上,曰:「逝者如斯夫!不舍晝夜 master stream tsı́ dzóȷ ts̯hwēn dz̯áng hȷwot
- 人無遠慮,必有近憂 n̯ı̄n mȷū hȷwón lȷò pȷıt hȷúw gȷų̀n
- 士而懷居,不足以為士矣 dẓı́ officer gentleman n̯ı̄ hwēaȷ kȷō pȷūw
- 朝聞道,夕死可矣 hear v die ḍȷēw mȷūn dáw zȷek
- 貧而無怨難,富而無驕易 n̯ı̄ mȷū poor have/volitional prefix/don’t bı̄n ȷwòn
- 君子求諸己,小人求諸人 gȷūw ts̯ō master seek many/(fusion 之 於
- 道聽而塗說,德之棄也 particle dáw thēng n̯ı̄ dū s̯wèȷ tok
- 年四十而見惡焉,其終也已 v nēn sı̀ȷ dz̯ıp n̯ı̄ kèn ù
- 子之所慎:齊,戰,疾 master tsı́ ts̯ı̄ ṣȷó dz̯ı̀n dzēȷ ts̯èn
- 君子坦蕩蕩,小人長戚戚 dáng master beat furiously heart toad')/relatives/kind battle
- 君子上達,小人下達 master arrive progress man kȷūn tsı́ dz̯áng
- 君子疾沒世而名不稱焉 master kȷūn tsı́ dzıt mwot s̯èȷ n̯ı̄
- Master 季文子三思而後行。子聞之,曰:「再,斯可矣 mȷūn tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- 鳳鳥不至,河不出圖,吾已矣夫 pȷūw bird not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- Kū tall beaker wine,angular,sword grip,writing tablet cornered 觚不觚,觚哉!觚哉
- 過而不改,是謂過矣 kwā tough fibrous vegetables)/to pass n̯ı̄ pȷūw
- 君子矜而不爭,群而不黨 n̯ı̄ pȷūw master not/不律 writing brush pron
- 子所雅言,詩、書、執禮,皆雅言也 ngáe ngȷōn proper refined/kind musical instrument particle)/i
- 從我於陳、蔡者,皆不及門也 particle dzȷōwng ngá ȷō ḍı̄n tshàȷ ts̯áe
- Particle 回也非助我者也,於吾言無所不說 yáe final i hwōȷ pȷų̄ȷ dẓȷò
- 人能弘道,非道弘人 hwōng dáw person vast enlarge principles n̯ı̄n
- V 子謂顏淵,曰:「惜乎!吾見其進也,未見其止也 kèn gı̄ earthly master modal particle/(3p
- Ts̯áe pȷūw nominalizing particle not/不律 writing brush pron
- 君子周而不比,小人比而不周 n̯ı̄ pȷūw pȷı́ȷ master zhōu dynasty place)/cycle
- 誰能出不由戶?何莫由斯道也 yūw follow x dz̯wı̄ȷ nōng ts̯hwıt pȷūw
- V particle 禘自既灌而往者,吾不欲觀之矣 dèȷ dzı̀ȷ kȷų̀ȷ kwàn n̯ı̄
- 三年學,不至於穀,不易得也 pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- 驥不稱其力,稱其德也 ts̯hı̄ng gı̄ weigh evaluate call modal particle/(3p
- 巧言亂德,小不忍則亂大謀 lwàn disorder rebellion small kháew ngȷōn tok
- 民可使由之,不可使知之 khá ṣı́ people acceptable send to/(3p object
- 君子和而不同,小人同而不和 n̯ı̄ pȷūw dūwng master harmonious not/不律 writing
- 善人教民七年,亦可以即戎矣 good people dz̯én n̯ı̄n kāew mȷı̄n tshıt
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- 孟武伯問孝。子曰:「父母唯其疾之憂 filial master màeng mȷú paek mȷùn xàew
- 子游曰:「吾友張也,為難能也。然而未仁 earthly friend final particle kind tsı́ yūw
- 三年無改於父之道,可謂孝矣 particle sām nēn mȷū kóȷ ȷō bȷú
- 學如不及,猶恐失之 reach lose haewk n̯ō pȷūw gıp yūw
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Hàn 晉文公譎而不正,齊桓公正而不譎 kūwng n̯ı̄ pȷūw ts̯ēng place impartial
- 曾子曰:「堂堂乎張也,難與並為仁矣 dāng hall final particle difficult tsōng tsı́
- 唯上知與下愚不移 class ywı̄ȷ dz̯áng ṭȷē yó háe ngȷū
- 周有八士:伯達、伯適、仲突、仲忽、叔夜、叔夏、季隨、季騧 paek ḍȷùwng s̯uwk kȷwı̀ȷ father’s elder brother
- 片言可以折獄者,其由也與?」子路無宿諾 particle master phèn ngȷōn khá yı́ dèȷ
- 不在其位,不謀其政 pȷūw gı̄ not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- 君子泰而不驕,小人驕而不泰 n̯ı̄ pȷūw kȷēw master great not/不律 writing
- 如有王者,必世而後仁 n̯ō hȷúw hȷwāng ts̯áe pȷıt s̯èȷ n̯ı̄
- Particle 已矣乎!吾未見能見其過而內自訟者也 kèn final v yı́ hı́ hū
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman 子謂子夏曰:「女為君子儒,無為小人儒 hȷwē
- 歲寒,然後知松柏之後彫也 húw year pine cypress particle sȷwèȷ hān
- 君子病無能焉,不病人之不己知也 bȷàeng pȷūw master extreme illness not/不律 writing
- 事君盡禮,人以為諂也 v dẓı̀ kȷūn dzı́n léȷ n̯ı̄n yı́
- Master 子路問事君。子曰:「勿欺也,而犯之 tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman ruler
- 曾子曰:「君子以文會友,以友輔仁 tsı́ yı́ hȷúw 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Tshet tshōȷ particle cut urgent able,talented cheerful yı̄
- 上好禮,則民易使也 propriety people dz̯áng xàw léȷ tsok mȷı̄n
- Final particle i 甚矣吾衰也!久矣吾不復夢見周公 hı́ ngū long dz̯ı́m
- 君子喻於義,小人喻於利 yù ȷō master understand metaphor locative preposition
- 關雎,樂而不淫,哀而不傷 n̯ı̄ pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- 當仁不讓於師 yield tāng n̯ı̄n pȷūw n̯àng ȷō ṣı̄ȷ
- 溫故而知新,可以為師矣 wōn kù n̯ı̄ ṭȷē sı̄n khá yı́
- 躬自厚而薄責於人,則遠怨矣 person kȷūwng dzı̀ȷ húw n̯ı̄ bak tṣeak
- Majestic 巍巍乎!舜禹之有天下也,而不與焉 ngȷwų̄ȷ high particle hū s̯wı̀n hȷú
- 廄焚。子退朝,曰:「傷人乎?」不問馬 stable kȷùw bȷūn tsı́ thwòȷ ḍȷēw hȷwot
- 南容三復白圭,孔子以其兄之子妻之 tsı́ white scepter 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- 父母之年,不可不知也。一則以喜,一則以懼 pȷūw ȷıt tsok yı́ particle not/不律 writing
- Hear v 子路有聞,未之能行,唯恐有聞 hȷúw earthly exist tsı́ lù
- 事君,敬其事而後其食 dẓı̀ gı̄ serve service affair modal particle/(3p
- 自行束脩以上,吾未嘗無誨焉 v bundle dried dzı̀ȷ hāeng s̯owk sȷūw
- 子夏曰:「大德不踰閑,小德出入可也 tok great virtue pass small tsı́ háe
- 述而不作,信而好古,竊比於我老彭 n̯ı̄ compare i z̯wıt pȷūw tsak sı̀n
- Particle 十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好學也 ts̯ı̄ n̯ō khȷūw ten to/(3p object
- 奢則不孫,儉則固。與其不孫也,寧固 tsok pȷūw swōn kù then/rule pattern not/不律
- Elegant 周監於二代,郁郁乎文哉!吾從周 ȷuwk zhōu dynasty place)/cycle stately follow
- 孝哉閔子騫!人不間於其父母昆弟之言 master brother xàew tsōȷ mı́n tsı́ khȷēn
- Master 1st earthly branch/child gentleman 子貢問君子。子曰:「先行其言,而後從之 tsı́ kùwng
- 子游曰:「事君數,斯辱矣,朋友數,斯疏矣 ṣȷú sȷē count v split v.)/this/斯須 short
- 君子不以言舉人,不以人廢言 pȷūw yı́ n̯ı̄n master not/不律 writing brush
- 士志於道,而恥惡衣惡食者,未足與議也 ù ashamed hate v clothes particle bad
- 三軍可奪帥也,匹夫不可奪志也 khá dwat acceptable seize final particle man
- 聽訟,吾猶人也,必也使無訟乎 zȷòwng yáe litigate final particle thēng ngū
- Mȷū 子絕四:毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我 master tsı́ dzȷwet sı̀ȷ ı̀ pȷıt
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive nominalizing ts̯áe
- Particle final 中庸之為德也,其至矣乎!民鮮久矣 virtue long time ṭȷūwng yōwng
- 師摯之始,關雎之亂,洋洋乎!盈耳哉 ts̯ı̄ yāng to/(3p object pronoun attributive particle
- Particle 夷狄之有君,不如諸夏之亡也 ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive great
- Hȷwot final particle master 子貢問曰:「賜也何如?」子曰:「女器也。」曰:「何器也?」曰:「瑚璉也 tsı́ yáe hā
- 伯夷、叔齊不念舊惡,怨是用希 v paek yı̄ȷ s̯uwk dzēȷ pȷūw nèm
- 齊一變,至於魯;魯一變,至於道 ȷıt pȷèn ts̯ı̀ȷ ȷō lú change v
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- 父母在,不遠遊。遊必有方 wander bȷú múw dzóȷ pȷūw hȷwón yūw
- Particle 我非生而知之者,好古,敏以求之者也 ts̯ı̄ ts̯áe i to/(3p object pronoun
- Particle 古之學者為己,今之學者為人 ts̯ı̄ haewk ts̯áe hȷwē ancient to/(3p
- 晏平仲善與人交,久而敬之 àen bȷāeng ḍȷùwng dz̯én yó n̯ı̄n kāew
- Particle 人之生也直,罔之生也幸而免 ts̯ı̄ ṣāeng yáe to/(3p object pronoun
- Particle yáe final 君子之於天下也,無適也,無莫也,義之與比 ts̯ı̄ mȷū master to/(3p
- Earthly particle 曾子曰:「吾聞諸夫子:人未有自致者也,必也親喪乎 tsı́ yáe 1st branch/child gentleman
- I 加我數年,五十以學易,可以無大過矣 yı́ kāe ngá ṣȷú nēn ngú
- 齊人歸女樂,季桓子受之。三日不朝,孔子行 tsı́ v female hàn 1st earthly branch/child
- 孔子謂季氏:「八佾舞於庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也 dz̯é khá n̯ı́n yáe acceptable cruel/endure final
- I particle master final 子貢曰:「我不欲人之加諸我也,吾亦欲無加諸人。」子曰:「賜也,非爾所及也 tsı́ hȷwot ngá
- 子與人歌而善,必使反之,而後和之 n̯ı̄ master person to/(3p object pronoun attributive
- Master 子貢方人。子曰:「賜也賢乎哉?夫我則不暇 tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman i
- 孰謂微生高直?或乞醯焉,乞諸其鄰而與之 khȷųt beg neighbor begged dz̯uwk hȷwų̀ȷ mȷų̄ȷ
- Particle 非其鬼而祭之,諂也。見義不為,無勇也 yáe sacrifice v final pȷų̄ȷ gı̄
- Particle n̯ı̄n 君子而不仁者有矣夫,未有小人而仁者也 n̯ı̄ ts̯áe hȷúw earthly master
- Particle n̯ō ts̯ı̄ hā to/as to/(3p object pronoun
- 射不主皮,為力不同科,古之道也 pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Particle 人之過也,各於其黨。觀過,斯知仁矣 n̯ı̄n kwā tough fibrous vegetables)/to pass
- Master earthly 子使漆雕開仕。對曰:「吾斯之未能信。」子說 tsı́ 1st branch/child gentleman open
- 詩三百,一言以蔽之,曰『思無邪 poetry hundred s̯ı̄ sām paek ȷıt ngȷōn
- Particle 古者言之不出,恥躬之不逮也 ts̯ı̄ pȷūw to/(3p object pronoun attributive
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman 子謂子賤,「君子哉若人!魯無君子者,斯焉取斯 kȷūn
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive 不有祝鮀之佞而有宋朝之美,難乎免於今之世矣 hȷúw
- 葉公問政。子曰:「近者說,遠者來 ts̯áe government master nominalizing particle yep kūwng
- 吾自衛反魯,然後樂正,雅頌各得其所 songs ngū dzı̀ȷ hȷwèȷ báen lú n̯ēn
- 主忠信,毋友不如己者,過則勿憚改 ts̯ú ṭȷūwng sı̀n mȷū hȷúw pȷūw n̯ō
- 愛之,能勿勞乎?忠焉,能勿誨乎 nōng mȷut hū kind bear/able ability don't/not
- 見賢思齊焉,見不賢而內自省也 kèn hēn v worthy men sı̄ dzēȷ
- Examine 眾惡之,必察焉;眾好之,必察焉 ts̯ùwng ts̯ı̄ pȷıt tṣheat numerous hate
- Dzı́n exhaust v beautiful final particle perfectly 子謂韶,「盡美矣,又盡善也。」謂武,「盡美矣,未盡善也
- 子夏曰:「百工居肆以成其事,君子學以致其道 tsı́ yı́ gı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- 為政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而眾星共之 government virtue north place hȷwē ts̯èng yı́
- ȷō locative preposition 興於詩,立於禮。成於樂 xı̄ng s̯ı̄ lıp léȷ
- 論篤是與,君子者乎?色莊者乎 ts̯áe hū solid master nominalizing particle q
- Gı̄ ṣȷó modal particle/(3p possessive place n man
- 默而識之,學而不厭,誨人不倦,何有於我哉 n̯ı̄ pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- Particle 苗而不秀者有矣夫!秀而不實者有矣夫 n̯ı̄ pȷūw sȷùw ts̯áe hȷúw hı́
- N̯ı̄n person 君子成人之美,不成人之惡。小人反是 dz̯ēng ts̯ı̄ master v.i.)/to complete
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- 君子博學於文,約之以禮,亦可以弗畔矣夫 yı́ master particle propriety kȷūn tsı́ pak
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman particle heaven
- 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master tsı́ ts̯ēng month
- Day month 子夏曰:「日知其所亡,月無忘其所能,可謂好學也已矣 gı̄ ṣȷó mȷāng modal particle/(3p
- 子夏曰:「博學而篤志,切問而近思,仁在其中矣 n̯ı̄ tsı́ háe hȷwot pak haewk towk
- Master 子張問政。子曰:「居之無倦,行之以忠 tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Master 子貢問友。子曰:「忠告而善道之,不可則止,無自辱焉 tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman disgrace
- 子夏曰:「仕而優則學,學而優則仕 n̯ı̄ ȷūw tsok haewk serve entertainer liberal
- 孟公綽,為趙魏老則優,不可以為滕薛大夫 hȷwē great make act fit officer màeng
- 里仁為美。擇不處仁,焉得知 n̯ı̄n kind lı́ hȷwē mı́ȷ ḍaek pȷūw
- Particle master 子謂公冶長,「可妻也。雖在縲絏之中,非其罪也」。以其子妻之 tsı́ yáe tshèȷ gı̄ 1st
- Particle 無為而治者,其舜也與?夫何為哉,恭己正南面而已矣 hȷwē n̯ı̄ make act final mȷū
- Particle i good 三人行,必有我師焉。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之 gı̄ dz̯én ts̯áe n̯ı̄
- Master 子張問善人之道。子曰:「不踐跡,亦不入於室 tsı́ pȷūw 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- 子在齊聞韶,三月不知肉味。曰:「不圖為樂之至於斯也 pȷūw master music not/不律 writing brush pron
- Particle 如有周公之才之美,使驕且吝,其餘不足觀也已 ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive n̯ō
- Yı́ dz̯áng ascend/to put 中人以上,可以語上也;中人以下,不可以語上也 ṭȷūwng n̯ı̄n khá
- 文,莫吾猶人也。躬行君子,則吾未之有得 ngū x v i person particle earthly
- 1st master sheep 子貢欲去告朔之餼羊。子曰:「賜也,爾愛其羊,我愛其禮 tsı́ òȷ gı̄ earthly
- Particle to/(3p object pronoun attributive ts̯ı̄ yáe final
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Hwēaȷ bosom embrace small man thinks master 君子懷德,小人懷土;君子懷刑,小人懷惠
- Particle 吾猶及史之闕文也,有馬者借人乘之。今亡矣夫 to/(3p object pronoun attributive final horse
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive 唐棣之華,偏其反而。豈不爾思?室是遠而。」子曰:「未之思也,夫何遠之有 n̯ı̄
- 子謂仲弓曰:「犂牛之子騂且角,雖欲勿用,山川其舍諸 tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master v
- Ts̯áe nominalizing particle ṭȷē lak n̯ı̄n cure/joy enjoy
- Particle 臧文仲其竊位者與?知柳下惠之賢,而不與立也 yó good give stand tsāng mȷūn
- Particle 子夏曰:「君子有三變:望之儼然,即之也溫,聽其言也厲 tsı́ ts̯ı̄ yáe 1st earthly branch/child
- Ts̯ēng 1st month 苟正其身矣,於從政乎何有?不能正其身,如正人何 gı̄ s̯ı̄n hā modal
- Particle tsı́ mȷūn 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master
- N̯ı̄n 人而不仁,如禮何?人而不仁,如樂何 n̯ı̄ pȷūw n̯ō hā person not/不律
- I hwàen calamity distress concerned 不患無位,患所以立;不患莫己知,求為可知也 pȷūw ṭȷē
- N̯ı̄n kind 志士仁人,無求生以害仁,有殺身以成仁 yı́ seek virtue ts̯ı̀ dẓı́
- 回也,其心三月不違仁,其餘則日月至焉而已矣 gı̄ ngȷwot final particle modal particle/(3p possessive
- I master 二三子以我為隱乎?吾無隱乎爾。吾無行而不與二三子者,是丘也 n̯ı̀ȷ sām tsı́ ȷų́n hū
- 苟有用我者。期月而已可也,三年有成 hȷúw exist i particle kúw yòwng ngá
- Particle v die final 民之於仁也,甚於水火。水火,吾見蹈而死者矣,未見蹈仁而死者也 ȷō n̯ı̄n s̯wı́ȷ
- Ṭȷē particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive 由!誨女知之乎?知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman 子畏於匡,顏淵後。子曰:「吾以女為死矣。」曰:「子在,回何敢死 hȷwot
- Tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master 微子去之,箕子為之奴,比干諫而死。孔子曰:「殷有三仁焉 ts̯ı̄
- Kind pȷūw n̯ı̄n ts̯áe not/不律 writing brush pron
- Particle gı̄ modal particle/(3p possessive 或問禘之說。子曰:「不知也。知其說者之於天下也,其如示諸斯乎!」指其掌 ts̯ı̄ ṭȷē
- ȷō locative preposition 志於道,據於德,依於仁,游於藝 virtue ts̯ı̀ dáw kȷò
- Particle v ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive 子貢曰:「紂之不善,不如是之甚也。是以君子惡居下流,天下之惡皆歸焉
- Pȷūw v not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- 色厲而內荏,譬諸小人,其猶穿窬之盜也與 small particle ṣık lȷèȷ n̯ı̄ nop n̯ı́m
- 子張曰:「執德不弘,信道不篤,焉能為有?焉能為亡 pȷūw ȷēn nōng hȷwē not/不律 writing brush
- Sacrifice tsȷèȷ n̯ō to/as present 祭如在,祭神如神在。子曰:「吾不與祭,如不祭 z̯ı̄n pȷūw
- 孔子於鄉黨,恂恂如也,似不能言者。其在宗廟朝廷,便便言,唯謹爾 swı̄n ngȷōn bȷı̀en unfeigning,simple,unimpeded,fearful of,rdp respect care
- Master 子路問政。子曰:「先之,勞之。」請益。曰:「無倦 tsı́ hȷwot 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle 唯女子與小人為難養也,近之則不孫,遠之則怨 ts̯ı̄ tsok master difficult to/(3p object
- 善人為邦百年,亦可以勝殘去殺矣。誠哉是言也 good country hundred final particle dz̯én n̯ı̄n
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- I 吾有知乎哉?無知也。有鄙夫問於我,空空如也,我叩其兩端而竭焉 hȷúw ṭȷē ngá khūwng exist final
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Khá acceptable small sȷéw 君子不可小知,而可大受也;小人不可大受,而可小知也 pȷūw ṭȷē n̯ı̄
- Pȷıt necessarily change 齊,必有明衣,布。齊,必變食,居必遷坐 dzēȷ uniform equal/qí place
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive v earthly
- Ngȷwē danger 邦有道,危言危行;邦無道,危行言孫 pāewng dáw ngȷōn hāeng country
- 道千乘之國:敬事而信,節用而愛人,使民以時 n̯ı̄ thousand v people dáw tshēn z̯ı̄ng
- Earthly 吾未見剛者。」或對曰:「申棖。」子曰:「棖也慾,焉得剛 kāng hȷwot branch strong hard particle
- 臧武仲以防求為後於魯,雖曰不要君,吾不信也 pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Mȷūn tsı́ ornate 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master
- Pȷūw gı̄ not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Father v bȷú 父在,觀其志;父沒,觀其行;三年無改於父之道,可謂孝矣 kwān gı̄ modal particle/(3p
- 泰伯,其可謂至德也已矣!三以天下讓,民無得而稱焉 tok yı́ call final particle people thàȷ
- 回也其庶乎,屢空。賜不受命,而貨殖焉,億則屢中 lȷù frequently goods hwōȷ yáe gı̄ s̯ò
- Master 子貢問曰:「有一言而可以終身行之者乎?」子曰:「其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施於人 tsı́ hȷwot hū 1st earthly branch/child
- I particle 富而可求也,雖執鞭之士,吾亦為之。如不可求,從吾所好 khá gȷūw ngū acceptable seek
- Particle master earthly final 由之瑟奚為於丘之門?」門人不敬子路。子曰:「由也升堂矣,未入於室也 yūw ts̯ı̄ ȷō
- 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master tsı́ 季康子患盜,問於孔子。孔子對曰:「苟子之不欲,雖賞之不竊 khúwng
- Hȷwē make act particle 微生畝謂孔子曰:「丘何為是栖栖者與?無乃為佞乎?」孔子曰:「非敢為佞也,疾固也 khúwng tsı́ hȷwot
- Pȷūw hū not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Strength pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Master tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman to/(3p
- Particle 賜也,女以予為多學而識之者與?」對曰:「然,非與?」曰:「非也,予一以貫之 yáe yı́ yō yó hȷwot pȷų̄ȷ
- V particle 孺悲欲見孔子,孔子辭以疾。將命者出戶,取瑟而歌。使之聞之 khúwng tsı́ surname 1st earthly
- Master country 子謂南容,「邦有道,不廢;邦無道,免於刑戮。」以其兄之子妻之 tsı́ pāewng dáw 1st earthly
- Hȷúw exist ts̯áe pȷıt nominalizing particle necessarily 有德者,必有言。有言者,不必有德。仁者,必有勇。勇者,不必有仁
- 飯疏食飲水,曲肱而枕之,樂亦在其中矣。不義而富且貴,於我如浮雲 n̯ı̄ eat v arm particle i bȷón
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive n̯ı̄ 蓋有不知而作之者,我無是也。多聞擇其善者而從之,多見而識之,知之次也
- Particle 好勇疾貧,亂也。人而不仁,疾之已甚,亂也 dzıt lwàn yáe n̯ı̄n sickness disorder
- 群居終日,言不及義,好行小慧,難矣哉 v small gȷūn kȷō ts̯ūwng n̯ıt ngȷōn
- 曾子曰:「慎終追遠,民德歸厚矣 careful people virtue tsōng tsı́ hȷwot dz̯ı̀n
- Country 甯武子邦有道則知,邦無道則愚。其知可及也,其愚不可及也 pāewng dáw tsok ṭȷē gı̄ khá
- Nōm south nan 子謂伯魚曰:「女為《周南》、《召南》矣乎?人而不為《周南》、《召南》,其猶正牆面而立也與 hȷwē ts̯ūw dz̯éw n̯ı̄
- Carriage mȷū have/volitional prefix/don’t small 人而無信,不知其可也。大車無輗,小車無軏,其何以行之哉 gı̄ ts̯hāe
- Particle i kū master sell,vend,advertise 子貢曰:「有美玉於斯,韞匵而藏諸?求善賈而沽諸?」子曰:「沽之哉!沽之哉!我待賈者也 tsı́ hȷwot
- ȷō locative preposition 王孫賈問曰:「與其媚於奧,寧媚於竈,何謂也?」子曰:「不然,獲罪於天,無所禱也 hȷwot mı̀ȷ love flatter
- Hate particle ù ts̯ı̄ v to/(3p object pronoun
- Hȷūn 禮云禮云,玉帛云乎哉?樂云樂云,鐘鼓云乎哉 léȷ hū tsōȷ lak propriety ceremony
- Master 子在陳曰:「歸與!歸與!吾黨之小子狂簡,斐然成章,不知所以裁之 tsı́ kȷwų̄ȷ yó 1st earthly branch/child
- Tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master v particle
- Particle tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master
- Propriety léȷ ceremony 能以禮讓為國乎?何有?不能以禮讓為國,如禮何 nōng yı́ n̯àng hȷwē
- Yı́ master to/(3p object pronoun attributive particle 君子義以為質,禮以行之,孫以出之,信以成之。君子哉
- 臧文仲居蔡,山節藻梲,何如其知也 pillars tsāng mȷūn ḍȷùwng kȷō tshàȷ ṣēan
- 原思為之宰,與之粟九百,辭。子曰:「毋!以與爾鄰里鄉黨乎 ts̯ı̄ yó to/(3p object pronoun attributive particle
- Particle grieved dùwng master 顏淵死,子哭之慟。從者曰:「子慟矣。」曰:「有慟乎?非夫人之為慟而誰為 tsı́ ts̯ı̄ hȷwot
- Particle n̯ı̄ final to/(3p object pronoun attributive master
- Yı́ pàw virtue repay tok recompense 或曰:「以德報怨,何如?」子曰:「何以報德?以直報怨,以德報德 hȷwot
- 問人於他邦,再拜而送之。康子饋藥,拜而受之。曰:「丘未達,不敢嘗 pèaȷ n̯ı̄ ts̯ı̄ present bowed mȷùn n̯ı̄n
- Time 色斯舉矣,翔而後集。曰:「山梁雌雉,時哉!時哉!」子路共之,三嗅而作 n̯ı̄ dz̯ı̄ tsōȷ particle hill begin/(particle
- I 季氏使閔子騫為費宰。閔子騫曰:「善為我辭焉。如有復我者,則吾必在汶上矣 mı́n tsı́ khȷēn hȷwē ngá grieved
- Earthly master particle 子游為武城宰。子曰:「女得人焉爾乎?」曰:「有澹臺滅明者,行不由徑。非公事,未嘗至於偃之室也 tsı́ yūw hȷwot 1st
- Particle horse 孟之反不伐,奔而殿。將入門,策其馬,曰:『非敢後也,馬不進也 pȷūw máe not/不律 writing brush
- Particle 飽食終日,無所用心,難矣哉!不有博弈者乎,為之猶賢乎已 hū q particle)/in páew z̯ık ts̯ūwng
- Particle final 孔子曰:「祿之去公室,五世矣;政逮於大夫,四世矣;故夫三桓之子孫,微矣 tsı́ ts̯ı̄ s̯èȷ hı́ pȷū
- 子夏曰:「雖小道,必有可觀者焉;致遠恐泥,是以君子不為也 tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master particle
- Bek coffin retire gı̄ tshı̀ȷ particle modal particle/(3p
- Master particle tsı́ mȷūn 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle ts̯áe master nominalizing tsı́ pȷūw 1st earthly
- Particle gı̄ yáe master modal particle/(3p possessive final
- Hȷwot 子路宿於石門。晨門曰:「奚自?」子路曰:「自孔氏。」曰:「是知其不可而為之者與 tsı́ lù dzı̀ȷ 1st earthly branch/child
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman final particle
- Dẓı̀ pȷūw serve service affair not/不律 writing brush
- 鄉人飲酒,杖者出,斯出矣。鄉人儺,朝服而立於阼階 xȷāng n̯ı̄n ts̯hwıt village district person v
- Particle)/i we/speak speech/tall yó ngȷōn pȷūw s̯ıt give
- Particle 後生可畏,焉知來者之不如今也?四十、五十而無聞焉,斯亦不足畏也已 ȷwų̀ȷ ȷēn pȷūw yáe dz̯ıp fear
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Hȷwot master call brush pron ap e hàn
- Particle final sȷē yáe split v.)/this/斯須 short time
- Dẓı̀ serve service affair earthly 季路問事鬼神。子曰:「未能事人,焉能事鬼?」敢問死。曰:「未知生,焉知死 mȷùn kȷwų́ȷ
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Kȷūn dz̯ı̄n prince lord ruler slave subject 定公問:「君使臣,臣事君,如之何?」孔子對曰:「君使臣以禮,臣事君以忠
- Particle i 不得中行而與之,必也狂狷乎!狂者進取,狷者有所不為也 pȷūw gȷwāng kwèn ts̯áe not/不律
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- V advance particle men 先進於禮樂,野人也;後進於禮樂,君子也。如用之,則吾從先進 sēn tsı̀n ȷō
- Particle ts̯áe nominalizing 子見齊衰者、冕衣裳者與瞽者,見之,雖少必作;過之,必趨 kèn ts̯ı̄ pȷıt master
- 吾與回言終日,不違如愚。退而省其私,亦足以發。回也,不愚 hwōȷ pȷūw ngȷū not/不律 writing brush pron
- Call person kȷūn ts̯hı̄ng hȷwot n̯ı̄n lord ruler
- Master 三家者以雍徹。子曰:「『相維辟公,天子穆穆』,奚取於三家之堂 sām kāe tsı́ mȷuwk household particle
- Master 魯人為長府。閔子騫曰:「仍舊貫,如之何?何必改作?」子曰:「夫人不言,言必有中 n̯ı̄n tsı́ hȷwot hā pȷıt ngȷōn
- Ṭȷē pȷūw mȷū yı́ yáe not/不律 writing brush
- Master 君子無所爭,必也射乎!揖讓而升,下而飲,其爭也君子 kȷūn tṣēang yáe n̯ı̄ lord ruler
- People tsok mȷı̄n then/rule pattern quiver n.)/garment wear
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master zi 德行:顏淵,閔子騫,冉伯牛,仲弓。言語:宰我,子貢。政事:冉有,季路。文學:子游,子夏
- Ṭı̀ȷ mȷūn hostage gift ornate solid 質勝文則野,文勝質則史。文質彬彬,然後君子 s̯ı̀ng
- Filial master 子游問孝。子曰:「今之孝者,是謂能養。至於犬馬,皆能有養;不敬,何以別乎 tsı́ nōng 1st earthly branch/child
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive accuse final
- Master tsı́ ṣı̄ȷ yáe hȷwot 1st earthly branch/child
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- To/(3p object pronoun attributive particle ts̯ı̄ master 為命:裨諶草創之,世叔討論之,行人子羽脩飾之,東里子產潤色之
- Particle kèaȷ ts̯ı̄ guard to/(3p object pronoun attributive
- Ashamed khȷūw ṭhı́ hill mound shame to/(3p object
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman particle 子入大廟,每事問。或曰:「孰謂鄹人之子知禮乎?入大廟,每事問。」子聞之曰:「是禮也
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- 樊遲問仁。子曰:「居處恭,執事敬,與人忠。雖之夷狄,不可棄也 fan chi master respectful particle bȷōn ḍı̄ȷ
- Particle yáe final n̯ō to/as master 子語魯大師樂。曰:「樂其可知也:始作,翕如也;從之,純如也,皦如也,繹如也,以成 cure/joy
- N̯ı̄ 原壤夷俟。子曰:「幼而不孫弟,長而無述焉,老而不死,是為賊!」以杖叩其脛 pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- Particle 林放問禮之本。子曰:「大哉問!禮,與其奢也,寧儉;喪,與其易也,寧戚 mȷùn léȷ yó gı̄ yáe nēng
- Master filial tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman 子夏問孝。子曰:「色難。有事弟子服其勞,有酒食先生饌,曾是以為孝乎
- Friend 朋友死,無所歸。曰:「於我殯。」朋友之饋,雖車馬,非祭肉,不拜 bōng hȷúw set cowries v present
- Particle gı̄ modal particle/(3p possessive master 子貢問為仁。子曰:「工欲善其事,必先利其器。居是邦也,事其大夫之賢者,友其士之仁者 tsı́
- Pȷūw particle not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Hwōȷ yáe final particle 賢哉回也!一簞食,一瓢飲,在陋巷。人不堪其憂,回也不改其樂。賢哉回也 hēn tsōȷ ȷıt
- V i master particle 道不行,乘桴浮于海。從我者其由與?」子路聞之喜。子曰:「由也好勇過我,無所取材 bȷūw ngá yūw
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman hȷwot pray
- Earthly master hàn tsı́ hȷwot kūwng n̯ı̄n 1st
- Master government tsı́ hȷwot 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Final particle master v 君子謀道不謀食。耕也,餒在其中矣;學也,祿在其中矣。君子憂道不憂貧 kȷūn tsı́ mȷūw
- Hȷúw hȷwot kúw hı́ master exist final particle
- V small master desire 子夏為莒父宰,問政。子曰:「無欲速,無見小利。欲速,則不達;見小利,則大事不成 tsı́ mȷū yowk
- 誦詩三百,授之以政,不達;使於四方,不能專對;雖多,亦奚以為 yı́ pȷūw recite hundred not/不律 writing brush
- Master tsı́ particle)/i we/speak speech/tall 1st earthly branch/child
- To/(3p object pronoun attributive particle ts̯ı̄ people call
- Master x ṭȷē tsı́ i particle 1st earthly
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman pȷūw not/不律
- Yó n̯ō give to/as final particle yáe 朝,與下大夫言,侃侃如也;與上大夫言,誾誾如也。君在,踧踖如也。與與如也
- Particle final ṣȷó v place n i 吾之於人也,誰毀誰譽?如有所譽者,其有所試矣。斯民也,三代之所以直道而行也
- Dz̯ıp n̯ı̄ ten i hàn 吾十有五而志于學,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七十而從心所欲,不踰矩 ngú pȷūw
- Final particle 有子曰:「信近於義,言可復也;恭近於禮,遠恥辱也;因不失其親,亦可宗也 gȷų̀n ȷō khá yáe v.t
- Particle 1st final tsı́ earthly branch/child gentleman master
- Particle final yáe khá acceptable hȷwot 宰我問曰:「仁者,雖告之曰:『井有仁焉。』其從之也?」子曰:「何為其然也?君子可逝也,不可陷也;可欺也,不可罔也 n̯ı̄n
- Tsok then/rule pattern 弟子入則孝,出則弟,謹而信,汎愛眾,而親仁。行有餘力,則以學文 déȷ n̯ı̄ younger brother
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman kȷūn yówng
- Ts̯ı̄ yı́ to/(3p object pronoun attributive particle 道之以政,齊之以刑,民免而無恥;道之以德,齊之以禮,有恥且格
- Friend hȷúw friendship particle 孔子曰:「益者三友,損者三友。友直,友諒,友多聞,益矣。友便辟,友善柔,友便佞,損矣 ȷıek ts̯áe sām
- Final particle yáe master tsı́ hȷwot 1st earthly
- Particle tsı́ khá 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master
- Particle master final tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- N̯ı̄n clever 或曰:「雍也,仁而不佞。」子曰:「焉用佞?禦人以口給,屢憎於人。不知其仁,焉用佞 hȷwot pȷūw ȷēn yòwng nèng
- Particle master hȷwot ngȷōn ts̯ı̄ kind particle)/i we/speak
- Majestic ngȷwų̄ȷ hū particle high q particle)/in 大哉,堯之為君也!巍巍乎!唯天為大,唯堯則之。蕩蕩乎!民無能名焉。巍巍乎!其有成功也;煥乎,其有文章
- Hȷwot master particle final 子適衛,冉有僕。子曰:「庶矣哉!」冉有曰:「既庶矣。又何加焉?」曰:「富之。」曰:「既富矣,又何加焉?」曰:「教之 tsı́ n̯ȷēm hȷúw
- Master pȷūw 1st earthly branch/child gentleman not/不律 writing
- Sı̄ 子張曰:「士見危致命,見得思義,祭思敬,喪思哀,其可已矣 kèn v sacrifice mourning thoughts tsı́
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- V particle xàw haewk pȷūw earthly love study
- Master earthly 1st branch/child gentleman ṣı́ tsı́ send
- Sı̀n earthly truthful confidence 子夏曰:「君子信而後勞其民,未信則以為厲己也;信而後諫,未信則以為謗己也 tsı́ n̯ı̄ húw
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman gȷūwng poor/exhaust
- Seek 君子食無求飽,居無求安,敏於事而慎於言,就有道而正焉,可謂好學也已 mȷū gȷūw ȷō n̯ı̄ 1st master
- Basket 譬如為山,未成一簣,止,吾止也;譬如平地,雖覆一簣,進,吾往也 phȷı̀e n̯ō ȷıt khwèaȷ ts̯ı́ ngū
- Particle to/(3p object pronoun attributive ts̯ı̄ tok hwàen
- Particle mȷūn ornate heaven sȷē yáe split v.)/this/斯須
- Master tsı́ particle 1st earthly branch/child gentleman hȷwot
- Ts̯ıp master seize i tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child
- Khá yó acceptable give mȷų̀ȷ yet/8th earthly branch
- Particle kind treat i chief 齊景公待孔子,曰:「若季氏則吾不能,以季、孟之閒待之。」曰:「吾老矣,不能用也。」孔子行 dóȷ khúwng
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive follow item
- ȷō locative preposition 曾子曰:「以能問於不能,以多問於寡;有若無,實若虛,犯而不校,昔者吾友嘗從事於斯矣 yı́ nōng mȷùn pȷūw
- Final particle yáe follow i 麻冕,禮也;今也純,儉。吾從眾。拜下,禮也;今拜乎上,泰也。雖違眾,吾從下 léȷ kı̄m
- Ts̯ı̄ v to/(3p object pronoun attributive particle 顏淵問為邦。子曰:「行夏之時,乘殷之輅,服周之冕,樂則韶舞。放鄭聲,遠佞人。鄭聲淫,佞人殆
- Particle n̯ı̄ final ts̯ı̄ yáe haewk to/(3p object
- Particle khá ṭȷē acceptable final yáe 子張問:「十世可知也?」子曰:「殷因於夏禮,所損益,可知也;周因於殷禮,所損益,可知也;其或繼周者,雖百世可知也 tsı́
- Particle tsȷowk sufficient/foot final ngū nōng ts̯ı̄ pȷūw
- 孟氏使陽膚為士師,問於曾子。曾子曰:「上失其道,民散久矣。如得其情,則哀矜而勿喜 tsōng gı̄ remote ancestor)/surname zēng 1st earthly
- Hȷwē master make act government tsı́ ts̯èng 1st
- Master 1st earthly branch/child gentleman tsı́ hȷwot zi
- ȷwų̀ȷ n̯ı̄n fear v threaten person n stands
- Ngȷōn ts̯ı̄ particle)/i we/speak speech/tall to/(3p object pronoun
- 子夏曰:「賢賢易色,事父母能竭其力,事君能致其身,與朋友交言而有信。雖曰未學,吾必謂之學矣 hȷwot hēn dẓı̀ nōng gı̄ hȷúw haewk
- Tsok master then/rule pattern kind 季康子問:「使民敬、忠以勸,如之何?」子曰:「臨之以莊則敬,孝慈則忠,舉善而教不能,則勸 tsı́ kȷàeng
- Particle earthly master to/(3p object pronoun attributive ts̯ı̄
- Tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master i 曾子有疾,召門弟子曰:「啟予足!啟予手!《詩》云『戰戰兢兢,如臨深淵,如履薄冰。』而今而後,吾知免夫!小子
- Master mȷùn tsı́ hȷwot 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle master tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- N̯ı̄n n̯ı̄ person 柳下惠為士師,三黜。人曰:「子未可以去乎?」曰:「直道而事人,焉往而不三黜?枉道而事人,何必去父母之邦 sām hȷwot khȷò dáw
- Pāewng dáw country government 直哉史魚!邦有道,如矢;邦無道,如矢。」君子哉蘧伯玉!邦有道,則仕;邦無道,則可卷而懷之 tsōȷ hȷúw n̯ō
- 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master father tsı́ kȷūn
- Particle master to/(3p object pronoun attributive tsı́ ts̯ı̄
- Particle master kind 樊遲問知。子曰:「務民之義,敬鬼神而遠之,可謂知矣。」問仁。曰:「仁者先難而後獲,可謂仁矣 mȷùn hȷwot ts̯ı̄ n̯ı̄
- N̯ı̄ hū v q particle)/in 禹,吾無間然矣。菲飲食,而致孝乎鬼神;惡衣服,而致美乎黻冕;卑宮室,而盡力乎溝洫。禹,吾無間然矣 hȷú ngū
- Master 子張曰:「《書》云:『高宗諒陰,三年不言。』何謂也?」子曰:「何必高宗,古之人皆然。君薨,百官總己以聽於冢宰,三年 tsı́ hȷwot kāw tsōwng sām hā
- V gı̄ modal particle/(3p possessive kèn final particle
- Particle propriety to/(3p object pronoun attributive ts̯ı̄ hwā
- Particle pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman kȷūwng person
- Yó gı̄ give modal particle/(3p possessive final particle
- Particle v final ts̯áe master nominalizing 闕黨童子將命。或問之曰:「益者與?」子曰:「吾見其居於位也,見其與先生並行也。非求益者也,欲速成者也 tsı́
- Master particle tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman ts̯ı̄
- Master s̯ek scared/go bȷón n̯ıp ȷō eat drum
- I particle yáe ȷō gı̄ master final locative
- Particle tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master final
- Tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master particle father
- Particle n̯ı̄ final tok kèn obtain v master
- Particle master outer coffin ts̯ı̄ v to/(3p object
- Particle n̯ı̄ ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive ts̯áe
- Khá yı́ acceptable ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive
- Particle final master hȷwot white tsı́ 1st earthly
- Particle final filial v n̯ı̄ xàw ts̯áe pwón
- Hȷwot kȷó lift raise/all talent 仲弓為季氏宰,問政。子曰:「先有司,赦小過,舉賢才。」曰:「焉知賢才而舉之?」曰:「舉爾所知。爾所不知,人其舍諸 hēn ṭȷē
- Master tsı́ ḍı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman regulate
- Particle final yáe ḍȷùwng middle brothers stop moon
- Tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master particle wind
- Yı́ hȷwot master sȷūw kı́ dried meat 6th
- Particle tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master
- Master particle tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman ts̯ı̄
- 仲弓問仁。子曰:「出門如見大賓,使民如承大祭。己所不欲,勿施於人。在邦無怨,在家無怨。」仲弓曰:「雍雖不敏,請事斯語矣 ḍȷùwng kȷūwng n̯ı̄n hȷwot n̯ō dà pȷūw
- Master particle paek tsı́ father’s elder brother 1st
- Hȷwot master particle n̯ı̄n tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child
- V yowk gı̄ particle desire modal particle/(3p possessive
- Particle s̯wèȷ yáe v speak/say/explain final easy difficult
- Particle v earthly master final tsı́ 1st branch/child
- Tsȷowk sufficient/foot hȷwot pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron
- Master bamboo slip writing/select large-minded tsı́ kéan 1st
- Master final particle 憲問恥。子曰:「邦有道,穀;邦無道,穀,恥也。」「克、伐、怨、欲不行焉,可以為仁矣?」子曰:「可以為難矣,仁則吾不知也 tsı́ hȷwot pāewng dáw
- Hȷwot yı́ pȷūw chestnut tree v not/不律 writing
- Propriety tsok then/rule pattern n̯ı̄ mȷū léȷ have/volitional
- Master hȷwot particle tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st earthly branch/child
- Cure/joy enjoy lak find enjoyment particle 孔子曰:「益者三樂,損者三樂。樂節禮樂,樂道人之善,樂多賢友,益矣。樂驕樂,樂佚遊,樂宴樂,損矣 ȷıek
- I particle die master slave subject v tsı́
- Final particle n̯ō to/as yáe guest 君召使擯,色勃如也,足躩如也。揖所與立,左右手。衣前後,襜如也。趨進,翼如也。賓退,必復命曰:「賓不顧矣 pȷı̄n
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive n̯ı̄n pȷūw
- Particle v kind n̯ı̄n nominalizing pȷūw i not/不律
- N̯ō to/as countenance 執圭,鞠躬如也,如不勝。上如揖,下如授。勃如戰色,足蹜蹜,如有循。享禮,有容色。私覿,愉愉如也 ṣuwk hȷúw yū scepter
- Particle final yáe ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive
- Master particle tsı́ hȷwot 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Country pāewng dáw ashamed v 篤信好學,守死善道。危邦不入,亂邦不居。天下有道則見,無道則隱。邦有道,貧且賤焉,恥也;邦無道,富且貴焉,恥也 pȷūw hȷúw
- Brother particle hȷúw xȷwāeng déȷ tsı́ exist elder
- Particle tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master i
- Master particle tsı́ tā 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle to/(3p object pronoun attributive ts̯ı̄ kind pȷūw
- Tsok then/rule pattern n̯ı̄n 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle ts̯áe earthly master nominalizing tsı́ ts̯ı̄ pȷūw
- Kwáe v occasions gı̄ master modal particle/(3p possessive
- Hȷúw exist person particle n̯ı̄n gı̄ king modal
- Master n̯ı̄ earthly poor i 子貢曰:「貧而無諂,富而無驕,何如?」子曰:「可也。未若貧而樂 tsı́ hȷwot
- V xàw love final particle yáe pȷı̀eȷ cover
- Particle n̯ō to/as final pȷūw not/不律 writing brush
- V particle master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle master yó give tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child
- Master pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Ts̯ı̄ tok pȷų̄ȷ yó gı̄ v to/(3p object
- Yáe final particle dzȷōwng ts̯èng follow government officer
- Particle tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master
- Particle master v n̯ı̄ hȷwot tsōȷ begin/(particle stone
- Kind n̯ı̄n particle v n̯ı̄ master man 子貢曰:「如有博施於民而能濟眾,何如?可謂仁乎?」子曰:「何事於仁,必也聖乎!堯舜其猶病諸!夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人。能近取譬,可謂仁之方也已
- Master propriety 1st earthly branch/child gentleman ṭȷē tsı́
- Master particle tsı́ hȷwot 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- I particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive follow
- Kwán tube flute/exhausted helpless/helpless guan dz̯é clan propriety
- Tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman master particle kàw
- V walk hāeng master particle tsı́ 1st earthly
- Particle master pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- Particle ts̯ı̄ master to/(3p object pronoun attributive tsı́
- Particle change v nominalizing ts̯áe pȷıt necessarily mourning
- Kȷūn lord ruler prince particle give to/(3p object
- Master hȷwot tsı́ khȷò 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle complete ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive dz̯ēng
- Hate v ù particle nominalizing ts̯áe master tsı́
- V people fan x dare pȷūw master not/不律
- Propriety léȷ ceremony hȷwot pȷų̄ȷ mȷut kind master
- Sı̄ regard anxious 孔子曰:「君子有九思:視思明,聽思聰,色思溫,貌思恭,言思忠,事思敬,疑思問,忿思難,見得思義 tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child
- Particle master hàn tsı́ kwán ḍȷùwng kūwng 1st
- Particle final master yáe tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child
- Khúwng tsı́ v surname 1st earthly branch/child gentleman
- Particle v dzóȷ pȷıt master arrive present necessarily
- V particle master time mȷūn sȷē hāeng hear
- Lose thēn pȷūw heaven not/不律 writing brush pron
- Garment fur wear pȷūw yı́ pȷıt ȷų̄ȷ gȷūw
- I yı̄ȷ ṭȷūwng level peaceful/foreigner east center yıt
- Master earthly particle tsı́ 1st branch/child gentleman hȷwot
- Particle ngȷōn particle)/i we/speak speech/tall n̯ı̄ pȷūw not/不律
- Hȷwot particle master call final tsı́ mȷùn hā
- Particle earthly master hȷwot tsı́ 1st branch/child gentleman
- V i hȷwot haewk earthly particle study imitate
- 1st master tsı́ pȷūw earthly branch/child gentleman particle
- Pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳 ap
- Particle master tsı́ 1st earthly branch/child gentleman v
- Particle hȷwot yó master give tsı́ ts̯ı̄ 1st
- Particle ts̯ı̄ to/(3p object pronoun attributive year master
- People hȷúw v exist n dzóȷ dzwóȷ mȷı̄n
- Master n̯ı̄ pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú
- Particle pȷūw not/不律 writing brush pron wú 吳
- Particle master hȷwot final to/(3p object pronoun attributive
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Chinese Mandarin HSK1 Words and Sentences
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Post imperial chinese context (cultural/historical context)