accept | Debemos aceptar que Underwood ganó las elecciones. | Look, we need to accept Underwood won the election. |
accept | Si desea aceptar la llamada presione uno. | If you would like to accept this call, press one. |
accept | Hasta cierto punto, quería aceptar. | In many ways, I wanted to accept. |
accept | Puedo aceptar una reducción del rango. | I can accept a slight loss of range. |
accept | Me autorizaron a aceptar tu oferta de asistencia. | I've been authorized to accept your offer of assistance. |
accept | No estoy preparado para aceptar algo así. | I'm not prepared to accept any such thing. |
accept | Representa nuestra negación a aceptar nuestras limitaciones. | It represents our refusal to accept our physical limitations. |
accept | Me han aconsejado aceptar cualquier acuerdo que propongas. | I have been advised to accept Any arrangement you propose. |
accept | Debo aceptar la venganza que Elizabeth decida infligirme. | I must accept whatever vengeance Elizabeth chooses to inflict upon me. |
take | Fuiste imprudente al aceptar ese trato. | You're a foolish man to take that deal. |
take | Decidí aceptar tu oferta de ayuda. | I decided to take you up on your offer of help. |
take | Quiero aceptar este trato, jueza. | I want to take this deal, judge. |
take | No voy a aceptar este trabajo. | I'm not going to take this assignment. |
take | No podemos aceptar más KG-9 Gaalan. | We can't take any more KG-9's, Gaalan. |
agree | Varios dijeron que no podían aceptar dicha propuesta. | Others stated that they would not be able to agree to such a proposition. |
agree | El PRESIDENTE dice que podría aceptar la enmienda colombiana. | The CHAIRMAN said that he could agree to the Colombian amendment. |
accept | Aceptaron su propuesta. | Their proposal was accepted. |
accept | Tienes que aceptar que tu novio es un imbécil. | You have to accept that your boyfriend is a moron. |