understand | Necesitábamos comprender este poder si queríamos utilizarlo. | We needed to understand this power if we were intent on utilizing it. |
understand | Intento comprender porqué no estas devolviendo mis llamadas. | I totally understand why you're not calling me back. |
understand | Solo estoy intentando comprender qué pasó. | I'm just trying to understand what happened. |
understand | Tomé tu habilidad para así comprender como detenerlo. | I took your ability so I could understand how to stop it. |
understand | Pero deben comprender que seguimos negociando en Washington. | But you must understand that we are still negotiating in Washington. |
understand | Para comprender algo usted necesita una explicación. | You only have to understand something if it needs an explanation. |
understand | Debes comprender que no busqué esta batalla. | You must understand, I seek not this battle. |
understand | Sra. Silvestry, intento comprender. | Mrs. Silvestry, I'm trying to understand. |
understand | Quizás viera algo que no estuviera preparada a comprender. | Maybe she saw something that she wasn't ready to understand. |
understand | Señora Sarek, no logro comprender. | Mrs. Sarek, I just don't understand. |
understand | Estoy intentando comprender porqué hizo eso. | I'm trying to understand why he did it. |
understand | No podía comprender que quería ser capturado. | I could not understand he wanted to be caught. |
understand | Tienes que comprender que no significó absolutamente nada. | You have to understand that it didn't mean one single thing. |
understand | Sólo estoy intentando comprender los hechos. | I'm just trying to understand the facts. |
understand | Debes comprender que ahora éste es el futuro. | Listen, you have to understand, this is the future now. |
comprehend | Te sorprendería lo que puedo comprender. | You'd be surprised what I can comprehend. |
comprehend | Ahora, Pablo dijo para comprender las alturas, comprender las profundidades y comprender las anchuras. | Now Paul said comprehend the heights, comprehend the depths, comprehend the widths. |
understand | Comprendo tus razones pero no las comparto. | I understand your reasons, but I don't share them. |
comprise | La República Mexicana comprende treinta y un estados y un Distrito Federal. | The Republic of Mexico comprises 31 states and one federal district. |