activity | No ha demostrado poseer actividad mutagénica. | It has not been shown to possess any mutagenic activity. |
activity | Estos metabolitos carecen de actividad antisecretora apreciable. | These metabolites have very little or no antisecretory activity. |
activity | La computadora se corta si los sensores identifican actividad sísmica. | The computer's programmed to cut in if the sensors pick up any seismic activity. |
activity | Porque estaba mostrando la mayor cantidad de actividad mental. | It was showing the greatest amount of mental activity, I was just idling, so to speak. |
activity | Su primera resonancia mostró una actividad cerebral extraordinaria. | His first MRI, months ago, showed an extraordinary amount of brain activity. |
activity | Indican la ausencia de actividad cerebral. | They indicate an absence of brain stem activity. |
activity | Hay mucha actividad del cartel desde el incendio. | There's a lot of activity from the cartel since the fire. |
activity | Comandante, no detecto actividad inusual en este sistema. | Commander? I'm seeing no unusual activity in this system. |
activity | No me sorprendería sí empezáramos a ver actividad paranormal. | I wouldn't be surprised if we started to see some paranormal activity. |
activity | Señor Lin, nuestra escuela no tolerará actividad gangsteril. | Mr. Lin, our school won't tolerate gangster activity. |
activity | Hay mucha actividad en nuestra propiedad... | About all the activity on our property - on everyone's properties. |
activity | Porque estamos viendo mucha actividad seria aquí. | 'Cause we're looking at a lot of serious activity here. |
activity | S.H.I.E.L.D. continúa realizando actividad ilegal. | S.H.I.E.L.D. continues to engage in illegal activity. |
activity | Parece ser un Wormhole pero estamos detectando actividad masiva bioplasmática. | It looks like a wormhole, but we're detecting massive bioplasmic activity. |
activity | Quería saber si había alguna actividad ilegal dentro. | Wanted to know if there was any illegal activity going on inside. |
activity | Será preciso hallar recursos para esta actividad. | Resources will have to be found for this activity. |
business | Nadie mencionó la agricultura como actividad importante. | No one interviewed mentioned agriculture as a key business. |
business | Pero sigues en actividad y me has encontrado. | But you're still in business, I see, so you've found it. |
work | Está prohibido injerirse en su actividad. | Interference in the work of the judges is prohibited. |
agenda | La actividad de hoy será el almacenamiento y clasificación de los materiales. | The agenda for today includes the storage and cataloguing of materials. |
activity | La actividad en la fábrica no cesaba hasta la finalización del turno de la tarde. | Activity in the factory did not let up until the afternoon shift was over. |
physical activity | El médico me recomendó practicar más actividad física para evitar enfermedades del corazón. | The doctor recommended doing more physical activity to avoid heart disease. |
field of activity | Mi campo de actividad es la literatura comparada. | My field of activity is comparative literature. |