currently | El Ministerio de Justicia está actualmente elaborando directrices a este respecto. | The Ministry of Justice was currently drawing up some guidelines on that subject. |
currently | La Secretaría se ocupa actualmente de aplicar esas recomendaciones. | The Registry is currently working on the implementation of those recommendations. |
currently | La Misión alquila actualmente un helicóptero. | One helicopter is currently chartered by the Mission. |
currently | El Comité Mixto investiga actualmente el incidente. | The Joint Fact-finding Group is currently investigating the incident. |
currently | El OSE estudia actualmente cómo mejorar esta situación. | The SBI is currently considering how to improve the situation. |
currently | Se está estudiando actualmente esta prioridad. | Studies into this priority are currently under way. |
currently | Hay actualmente 80 nacionalidades y grupos étnicos en Tayikistán. | There are currently over 80 nationalities and ethnic groups in Tajikistan. |
currently | Las autoridades competentes estudian actualmente las conclusiones de esa investigación. | The survey's findings were currently being considered by the relevant authorities. |
currently | La UNPROFOR controla actualmente esas zonas. | Such zones currently exist under the control of UNPROFOR. |
currently | Y actualmente confiscan 30 coches al día. | And they're currently confiscating thirty cars a day. |
currently | Las estimaciones mencionadas muestran las conclusiones disponibles actualmente. | The above estimates reflect the findings and conclusions currently available. |
currently | Dinamarca está deliberando actualmente si ratifica o no del Convenio. | Denmark is currently deliberating the question of whether to ratify the Convention. |
now | Varias ONG trabajan actualmente en esta cuestión. | Several non-governmental organizations are now working on this issue. |
now | Se están estudiando actualmente actividades conjuntas de seguimiento. | Joint fThe follow- up activities are now under consideration for joint follow-up. |
now | La lista puede consultarse actualmente en línea. | The Space Network List is now also available online. |
now | La Comisión funciona actualmente con seis miembros. | The Commission now has an operating membership of six. |
now | Los ministerios correspondientes están actualmente revisando el estudio. | The study is now being reviewed by the relevant ministries. |
now | 2.1 La autora es una mujer filipina actualmente desempleada. | 2.1 The author is a Filipino woman who is now unemployed. |
at present | Recuerde, señor, que actualmente estoy sin empleo. | You will remember, sir, that I am not at present employed. |
at present | Se desconoce si actualmente está ocurriendo lo mismo. | Whether these sales patterns are the same at present is not known. |
at present, presently, currently | La situación económica es bastante precaria actualmente. | The economic situation is delicate at present (or: currently). |