phrase | Esa es una frase algo desafortunada. | That is a most unfortunate turn of phrase. |
phrase | Ponlo así en la primera frase. | And then pull at this position to the 'yi' phrase. |
phrase | Extraño para tal aberrante frase aparecer tan repetidamente. | Strange for such an aberrant phrase to appear so repeatedly. |
phrase | Llevas 15 años repitiendo esa misteriosa frase. | You've been uttering that cryptic phrase for fifteen years now. |
phrase | Debieron haber obtenido alguna frase nueva de él. | You must have gotten one new phrase out of him. Something. |
phrase | Supongo que escuchas esa frase seguidamente. | I guess you hear that phrase quite a bit. |
phrase | Tienes razón, deberíamos registrar esa frase. | You're right - we should copyright that phrase. |
phrase | Espera, siento una frase trillada venir. | Wait, I feel a hackneyed phrase coming on. |
sentence | La última frase debería modificarse en consonancia. | The wording of the final sentence should be modified correspondingly. |
sentence | Mañana quiero esa frase escrita 100 veces. | I want you to write that sentence 100 times for tomorrow. |
sentence | Pensé terminar la frase por ti. | I thought I'd finish your sentence for you. |
sentence | Propone que se suprima la segunda frase. | He proposed that the second sentence should be deleted. |
sentence | Me gustaría escuchar la primera frase. | I'd like to hear the first sentence. |
sentence | No tienes que terminar esa frase. | You don't have to finish that sentence. |
sentence | Necesito que copies tres veces esta frase. | I need you to copy this sentence three times. |
sentence | Ves, querías terminar mi frase. | See, you wanted to finish my sentence. |
sentence | Ahora tengamos la última frase intensa. | Br-r-r-r. Now let's have the last intense sentence. |
line | Dime una frase inteligente para empezar. | Give me a line a smarty would open with. |
line | Esa misma frase intentaron usar conmigo. | That's the same line they tried to use on me. |
line | Llevo un año practicando esa frase. | Over a year I've been practising that line. |
sentence | Hay una frase en ese párrafo que me cuesta entender. | I'm struggling with the meaning of a sentence in this paragraph. |
saying, phrase | Lo que mal empieza, mal acaba era la frase favorita de mi abuela. | I love learning sayings in foreign languages; it really shows you the character of the people. |