affect | Este medicamento puede también afectar a algunos resultados analíticos. | This medicine may also affect the results of some blood tests. |
affect | Y podrías posiblemente afectar el resultado del show. | And you could possibly affect the outcome of the show. |
affect | Surgió algo que podría afectar sus deliberaciones. | Something's come up that could affect your deliberations. |
affect | Presumiblemente porque evitaba afectar a otra persona. | Presumably because you wish to avoid having an affect on another person. |
affect | Pero está empezando a afectar mi carrera. | But it's really starting to affect my career. |
affect | Podría afectar desfavorablemente el destino del futuro. | I might adversely affect the fate of the future. |
affect | Pequeñas cosas inofensivas le van a afectar realmente. | Little things that we take for granted are going to affect him truly. |
affect | Tengo opinión personal sobre tu podría afectar mi desempeño profesional. | I have personal opinions about the state of your marriage which would affect my professional judgement. |
affect | Puede afectar las cosas entre nosotros. | It could really affect things between you and me. |
affect | Debemos eliminar los factores medioambientales que pudieran afectar los resultados. | We need to eliminate the environmental factors that could affect the outcome. |
affect | Esta conversación podría afectar todo nuestro matrimonio. | This conversation sounds like it could affect the entire course of our marriage. |
affect | Porque él no quiere afectar su rendimiento. | Because he doesn't want to affect his performance. |
affect | No tienes la influencia para afectar programas nacionales. | You don't have the clout to affect national shows. |
affect | Adicionalmente, la complejidad no parece afectar el número cromosómico. | In addition, complexity does not appear to affect the chromosomal number. |
affect | Puede afectar cualquier dedo del pie. | It can affect any of the toes in the foot. |
affect | No existen obstáculos jurídicos que puedan afectar a la participación de las mujeres en las actividades de recreo. | There are no legal barriers that could affect women's participation in recreational activities. |
affect | La reorganización institucional no debe afectar al funcionamiento de los mecanismos y procedimientos de derechos humanos. | The institutional reorganization should not affect the functioning of the human rights mechanisms and procedures. |
impact | Esto último podría afectar el uso de hidrocarbonos en algunas jurisdicciones. | The latter may have impact on hydrocarbon use in some jurisdictions. |
impact | Se hizo hincapié en que incluso las sanciones selectivas podían afectar considerablemente a terceros Estados. | It was emphasized that even targeted sanctions could have a significant impact on third States. |
concern | El calentamiento global es un problema que afecta a toda la humanidad. | Global warming is an issue that concerns the whole world. |
affect, alter, change | Lo que me dices no va a afectar mi decisión. | What you're telling me won't affect (or: change) my decision. |