say | No podemos afirmar que satisfaga plenamente nuestros criterios. | We cannot say that it is entirely consistent with our approach. |
say | Lamento afirmar que este informe tiene determinado sesgo ideológico. | I regret to say that this report has a certain ideological slant. |
say | Puedo afirmar categóricamente que no es cierto. | I can say to you categorically that this is not true. |
say | Podemos afirmar sinceramente que Europa está bien encarrilada. | We can honestly say that Europe is fully on track. |
say | Sería deshonesto afirmar que todos los estudiantes internacionales se sienten discriminados. | It would be disingenuous to say that all international students feel discriminated against. |
say | No podemos sino afirmar que eso constituye una presión unilateral sobre nuestro país. | We can not but say that this is a unilateral pressure upon our country. |
affirm | Basta afirmar que existe la categoría. | It is sufficient to affirm that the category exists. |
affirm | Podemos afirmar que Europa barrió en el 17.1. | We can affirm that European athletes swipe out on the 17.1 workout. |
affirm | No basta afirmar que algo existe. | It is not enough to affirm that something exists. |
affirm | No voy a afirmar ni contradecir esta declaración. | I am not going to affirm or contradict this statement. |
affirm | Sin estos fuegos sagrados es imposible afirmar las Éticas Superiores. | Without these sacred fires it is impossible to affirm the Higher Ethics. |
affirm | Aprovechamos esta oportunidad para afirmar nuestro firme compromiso de cooperar con todos los Estados en ese sentido. | We seize this opportunity to affirm our unwavering commitment to cooperate with all States in that regard. |
affirm | La Declaración proporciona la base sobre la cual los jóvenes indígenas pueden afirmar sus derechos. | The Declaration provides the basis on which indigenous youth can affirm their rights. |
state | Deseo afirmar categóricamente que esa presunción es errónea. | I wish to state categorically that this assumption is wrong. |
state | Permítanme afirmar claramente que no queremos abolir la codecisión. | Let me state clearly that we do not want to abolish codecision. |
state | No es suficiente con afirmar nuestros ideales. | It is not enough to simply state our ideals. |
state | Los expertos, más que detectar lagunas, evitaron afirmar si era o no necesario elaborar normas internacionales. | It was not the case that experts had noted gaps; rather, they were reluctant to state whether international standards should be drawn up. |
state | Permítaseme afirmar claramente que el OIEA ha llevado a cabo una formidable labor desde 1957. | Let me state clearly that the IAEA has done a tremendous job since 1957. |
nod | Afirma con la cabeza si sientes dolor. | Nod your head if you're in pain. |
affirm, state, declare, assert | Afirmo que mi jefe es un inepto. | I affirm that my boss is incompetent. |
plant firmly | Afirma los pies en el suelo y golpea la pelota con el bate. | Plant your feet firmly on the floor and hit the ball with the bat. |