any | Si alguno de ustedes quiere recordar a Glenn... | If any of you need to collect your thoughts and remember GIenn... |
any | Las víctimas no han cometido delito alguno. | Women who are victims have not committed any crime. |
one | Al descuidar alguno inevitablemente se debilitan los demás. | Neglect of one inevitably leads to the weakening of the others. |
one | Me halagaría si hubiera leído alguno. | I'd be flattered if you'd actually read one. |
one | Usualmente termina cuando alguno alcanza la videocámara. | Usually it's over which one gets to hold the camcorder. |
one | El reparto estará firmando autógrafos si alguien quisiera alguno. | The cast will be signing autographs if anyone would like one. |
one | Podríamos estar comiéndonos a alguno de ellos. | We might as well be eating one of them. |
one | Tendremos que conformarnos con alguno de ellos. | We'll have to settle for one of them. |
one | Podría haber comido alguno con medicina. | I might have gotten one with the medicine. |
one | Ningún arresto ni perspectivas de alguno. | No arrest... not even a promise of one. |
one | Quizás los apaches hayan dejado alguno. | Maybe the Apaches left more than this one. |
one | Hablaré con alguno de los demás. | I'll have a word with one of the others. |
one | Sonarán la sirena cuando alguno de ellos vuela. | They'll sound off the siren when one of them comes in. |
one | No conozco ningún restaurante, y podrías mostrarme alguno. | I don't know any restaurants, and you could show me one. |
one | Probablemente sea alguno de esos ecoturistas. | It's probably one of those eco tourists. |
some | Podrías soltar alguno de tus michelines. | You can work off some of the flab. |
some | Cuando vendamos alguno de sus cuadros. | As soon as we sell some of your paintings. |
some | Quizás alguno de los chicos sepa algo. | Could be some of the decent boys might know something about this. |
some | Me imagino que podrías necesitar alguno. | So, I figure you need some right now. |
some | Pensé que podríamos reenrutar alguno de los servidores. | I was thinking I would reroute some of the servers. |
some | Alguna persona va a resolver el problema, pero no sé quién. | Some cars have capacity for seven passengers |
one | Si te gustan los pasteles, llévate alguno. | If you like the look of those cakes, just take one. |
the odd | El escritor recibía alguna que otra carta de sus admiradores. | The writer would get the odd card from his admirers. |
some, a few | —¿Vieron zorros? —Vimos alguno que otro, pero no había tantos como creíamos. | "Did you see foxes?" "We saw a few, but there weren't as many as we thought there would be." |
without a hitch | Tras un viaje de más de doce horas, llegamos a Nueva York sin contratiempo alguno. | After a journey of more than twelve hours, we got to New York without a hitch. |