both | El enfrentamiento causó numerosas muertes en ambos lados. | The clash involved extensive loss of life on both sides. |
both | Wachowskis, ambos quieren trabajar contigo. | Wachowskis, both of them want to work with you. |
both | Creo que ambos nos sentiríamos más cómodos. | I think that we would both feel more comfortable. |
both | Pero ambos trabajan para la discográfica. | But they're both on the record company's payroll. |
both | Si ambos responden afirmativamente, el matrimonio se declara concertado. | If both reply in the affirmative, the marriage is declared concluded. |
both | Bloquearon ambos lados de la carretera. | They blocked off both ends of the road. |
both | Sabemos ambos que siempre me rescatarás. | We both know you'll always bail me out. |
both | Tang Sing ambos somos servidores públicos. | Tang Sing, we're both civil servants. |
both | Si grito... ambos estaremos muertos. | If I scream... we'll both be dead. |
both | Y creo que ambos debemos descansar. | And I think we should both just get some sleep. |
both | Estoy confundido... hoy ambos parecen haber surgido juntos. | I'm confused... today both seem to have risen together. |
both | Hombres malos en ambos bandos causaron este problema. | Bad men on both sides, they have brought about this trouble. |
both | Nuestra amistad acabó destruyéndonos a ambos. | Yet our meeting ended up destroying us both. |
both | Tampoco tú porque ambos somos mercancía defectuosa. | Neither are you because we're both just damaged goods. |
both | No podemos tener ambos la misma alucinación. | We can't both be having the same hallucination. |
two | Porque el último artículo que ambos escribieron fue fantástico. | 'Cause the last article you two c o-wrote was fantastic. |
both of them | Quiero una identificación positiva para ambos. | I want a positive ID on both of them. |
both of them | Consigue dos móviles pre-pagados, ambos distintos. | Get two prepaid cells, both of them different. |
both | Ambos amigos comparten la casa. | Both friends share the house. |
both | Ambos son buenos profesionales. | Both are skilled professionals. |