announce | Además quisiera anunciar las actividades siguientes. | In addition, I should like to announce the following activities. |
announce | Pronto debería estar en condiciones de anunciar resultados importantes. | She should soon be in a position to announce significant results. |
announce | Estamos listos para anunciar los premios. | We are now ready to announce the awards. |
announce | Quisiera anunciar... una serie de cambios operativos internos. | I would like to announce a number of internal operational changes. |
announce | Sería el momento perfecto para anunciar nuestro compromiso. | It would be the perfect time to announce our re-engagement. |
announce | Debo regresar al pulvinus... para anunciar tu ejecución. | I must return to the Pulvinus. To announce your execution. |
announce | Cómodo piensa que pronto va a anunciar su sucesión. | Commodus expects that my father will announce his succession within days. |
announce | Creí que iba a anunciar su compromiso. | I thought for sure he was going to announce their engagement. |
announce | No pueden anunciar la distancia confusión. | Confusion in the stadium, because they can't announce the distance immediately. |
announce | Proceda a anunciar la liberación de Trillo. | I think you should go ahead and announce Trillo's release. |
announce | Si quieres anunciar tu candidatura presidencial... | If you want to announce you're running for President... |
announce | Padre me gustaría anunciar algunas buenas noticias. | Father, I would like to announce some good news. |
announce | Oirás anunciar un fallo de energía. | You'll hear them announce a power failure. |
announce | Me gustaría anunciar un nuevo testigo. | I would like to announce a new witness. |
announce | Estoy aquí para anunciar mi retirada del baloncesto. | I am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. |
announce | Me gustaría anunciar abiertamente ahora ante cualquier rumor moverse. | I'd like to openly announce it now before any rumors get around. |
announce | Igualmente puede anunciar su matrimonio con la primera. | So he might equally announce his marriage to the first one. |
advertise | Podríamos también anunciar por qué estamos aquí. | We might as well advertise why we're here. |
advertise | No tengo que anunciar nada a nadie. | I don't have to advertise anything to anyone. |
announce | La Escuela anunció hoy que se abrió el concurso para el puesto de Asistente de Dirección. | The school announced today that a vacancy for Assistant Director has opened up. |
herald | Esas nubes tan negras anuncian lluvia. Mejor llévate el paraguas y la capa. | Those dark clouds herald rain. You better take a raincoat and umbrella with you. |
advertise | El Instituto anunció en el periódico de hoy la matrícula para los cursos de español. | The institute advertised in today's newspaper that registration is open for Spanish courses. |