
Aportar Provide Contribute Bring Para La Y Dicha

Index 1343
Question aportar
Question sentences
Si son excesivamente sucintas no pueden aportar dicha orientación.
Agradecería todas las informaciones que la delegación pueda aportar al respecto.
Answer provide; contribute; bring
Answer sentences and translations
provideSi son excesivamente sucintas no pueden aportar dicha orientación.If they were too laconic, they would not provide that guidance.
provideAgradecería todas las informaciones que la delegación pueda aportar al respecto.Any clarifications that the delegation could provide in that regard would be welcome.
provideSus recomendaciones pretenden aportar los elementos necesarios de esa política.The recommendations made in this report attempt to provide the necessary elements of such a policy.
provideSeguiremos trabajando productiva y creativamente con la Comisión para aportar el material suplementario.We will continue to work productively and creatively with the Commission to provide the supplementary materials.
provideTambién es importante aportar tanta claridad jurídica como sea posible.It is also important to provide as much legal clarity as possible.
provideUnanimidad para aportar recursos y mayorías cualificadas para impedir sanciones.We need unanimity to provide resources and qualified majority decisions to avoid penalties.
provideDebemos aportar proyectos nuevos también para este aspecto.We need to provide intact projects for this, too.
provideEl quejoso puede anexar documentos e informes pertinentes para aportar evidencia adicional.The complainant may want to attach relevant documents and reports to provide additional evidence.
provideMe complace aportar mi testimonio sobre nuestra excelente colaboración.I am happy to provide my story regarding our excellent collaboration.
provideNo tenemos nada útil que aportar.We have nothing useful at all to provide.
provideEl investigador no pudo aportar evidencia para justificar dicha intervención.The investigator was unable to provide any evidence to justify this intervention.
contributeHa fallado en aportar argumentos jurídicos sólidos a las indagaciones.It has failed to contribute with solid legal arguments to the investigations.
contributeEn particular la comunidad científica puede aportar una rica experiencia.The scientific community, in particular, has rich experience to contribute.
contributeQueremos participar y aportar nuestra contribución.We want to join in and contribute our share.
contributeEstamos convencidos que todos tenemos algo que aportar.This means that we believe everyone has something to contribute.
contributeParece que tienen tanto que aportar.It seems like they have so much to contribute.
bringPensé que quizás podría aportar un nuevo enfoque.Exactly my point. I thought maybe I could bring some fresh eyes to it.
bringPensó que podía aportar algo especial.He just thought he would bring something special.
bringIntentamos aportar calidad a nuestros residentes actuales y visitantes.We're trying to bring quality for our current residents and visitors.

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