wine | Mirabella quería saber qué vino se servirá. | Mirabella had to know what wine will be served. |
wine | Vine a dejarles este vino para disculparme. | I wanted to drop off this wine to apologize. |
wine | Admítelo y tendrás vino para tomar. | Admit it and you'll have wine to drink. |
wine | Un brindis por este fantástico vino. | A toast to bond for this fine wine. |
wine | Y Vincenzo eligió un vino increíble para acompañarlo. | And Vincenzo chose this amazing wine to go with it. |
wine | He bebido mucho... vino. estoy avergonzada. | I've had just a bit too much... wine. I'm so embarrassed. |
wine | No sabía que hacían vino en Oklahoma. | Men. Boy, I didn't even realize they made wine in Oklahoma. |
wine | Tráigannos vino y bebamos con holgura. | Bring us some wine and fill our belly. |
wine | Debo traer más vino del almacén. | I must gather more wine from the stores. |
wine | Lo importante es que tenemos nuestro vino. | The important thing is that we got our wine. |
wine | Debo advertirte... he bebido mucho vino. | I should warn you, I've had quite a bit of wine. |
wine | Sinceramente, demasiado vino y no podrán despertarme mañana. | Honestly, too much wine and I can't be woken the next morning. |
wine | Encantadora escogencia del vino, Martin. | Lovely choice of wine, by the way, Martin. |
wine | Brian, tomas demasiado vino últimamente. | Brian, you really seem to be enjoying your wine lately. |
wine | Las disculpas no tengo cualquier vino para ofrecerle. | Apologies I don't have any wine to offer you. Today's a weekday. |
wine | Un vino vive más que nosotros. | Just think: wine lives longer than us. |
wine | Podríamos tomar vino... mucho vino. | Maybe we could have some wine... a lot of wine. |
wine | Sulfito (un vino estabilizador que impide el crecimiento microbiano y permite su vino a edad correctamente. | Sulphite (a wine stabilizer that prevents microbial growth and allow your wine to age properly. |
wine | Nadie bebe vino envejecido e inmediatamente quiere beber vino joven. | Nobody drinks aged wine and immediately wants to drink young wine. |
vine | Hicimos añicos el mito del vino francés invencible. | We have shattered the myth... of the invincible French vine. |