bread | Tengo Olive Garden para ofrecernos pan ilimitada. | I got Olive Garden to offer us unlimited bread. |
bread | No podemos vender pan con conservadores químicos. | We can't put out and sell bread with chemical preservatives. |
bread | Volveré con pan de ajo del mediterráneo. | I'll come back with some garlic bread mediterraneane. |
bread | Bueno, vamos maravillosamente con vuestro pan. | Well, it'll go wonderfully with your bread there. |
bread | Hay pan y queso en McDonalds. | There is bread and cheese in McDonald's. |
bread | Te observé varios días partiendo el pan. | Several days I've watched you breaking the bread. |
bread | Compré pan en la panadería Beverly. | Got you some bread at the Beverly Bakery. |
bread | Tengo pan holandés y pasta para untar. | I've got tiger bread and spread for dipping. |
bread | Este pan hawaiano está tan bueno. | This hawaiian bread is so good, though. |
bread | Hubiéramos tenido todo el pan que necesitáramos. | We would have had all the bread we needed. |
bread | Me preguntaba qué hacías vendiendo pan. | I wondered what you were doing selling bread. |
bread | Dejaré tus favoritos y traeré pan. | I'm going to keep your favorites and I'll bring back bread. |
bread | Cantaban la Marsellesa y pedían pan. | They were singing the Marseillaise and asking for bread. |
bread | Peroantesde la AtomicOcho partir el pan, esnuestroturno. | But before the Atomic Eight break bread, it's our turn. |
bread | Para esta demostración usaré un pan normal. | For this demonstration, I'll use regular bread. |
bread | Prueba este pan, es asqueroso. | Look, try some of these bread things, they're terrible. |
bread | Señor, bendice nuestro pan diario. | Lord, bless this, our daily bread. |
bread | Tenía pan y no quise compartirlo. | I had bread and I would not share it. |
bread | No quieren postre porque se llenaron con pan. | They don't want dessert 'cause they filled up on bread. |
loaf | Comería si tuviéramos pan de Tony. | She'd eat if we were having Tony loaf. |