
Bread Pan Con Y Para I Tengo Olive

Index 1342
Question pan
Question sentences
Tengo Olive Garden para ofrecernos pan ilimitada.
No podemos vender pan con conservadores químicos.
Answer bread; loaf
Answer sentences and translations
breadTengo Olive Garden para ofrecernos pan ilimitada.I got Olive Garden to offer us unlimited bread.
breadNo podemos vender pan con conservadores químicos.We can't put out and sell bread with chemical preservatives.
breadVolveré con pan de ajo del mediterráneo.I'll come back with some garlic bread mediterraneane.
breadBueno, vamos maravillosamente con vuestro pan.Well, it'll go wonderfully with your bread there.
breadHay pan y queso en McDonalds.There is bread and cheese in McDonald's.
breadTe observé varios días partiendo el pan.Several days I've watched you breaking the bread.
breadCompré pan en la panadería Beverly.Got you some bread at the Beverly Bakery.
breadTengo pan holandés y pasta para untar.I've got tiger bread and spread for dipping.
breadEste pan hawaiano está tan bueno.This hawaiian bread is so good, though.
breadHubiéramos tenido todo el pan que necesitáramos.We would have had all the bread we needed.
breadMe preguntaba qué hacías vendiendo pan.I wondered what you were doing selling bread.
breadDejaré tus favoritos y traeré pan.I'm going to keep your favorites and I'll bring back bread.
breadCantaban la Marsellesa y pedían pan.They were singing the Marseillaise and asking for bread.
breadPeroantesde la AtomicOcho partir el pan, esnuestroturno.But before the Atomic Eight break bread, it's our turn.
breadPara esta demostración usaré un pan normal.For this demonstration, I'll use regular bread.
breadPrueba este pan, es asqueroso.Look, try some of these bread things, they're terrible.
breadSeñor, bendice nuestro pan diario.Lord, bless this, our daily bread.
breadTenía pan y no quise compartirlo.I had bread and I would not share it.
breadNo quieren postre porque se llenaron con pan.They don't want dessert 'cause they filled up on bread.
loafComería si tuviéramos pan de Tony.She'd eat if we were having Tony loaf.

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