take | Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para llegar al público. | We'd like to take this opportunity to reach out to the public. |
take | Deseo aprovechar esta oportunidad para expresarles públicamente mi agradecimiento. | I would like to take this opportunity to publicly express my appreciation to them. |
take | Deseo aprovechar esta oportunidad para rendir homenaje al pueblo sudafricano. | I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the South African people. |
take | Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para felicitarlo al asumir este importante cargo. | I should now like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on assuming this important post. |
take | Pensé que podrías aprovechar la oportunidad de inspeccionarlo. | I thought you might take this opportunity of inspecting it. |
use | Permítaseme aprovechar esta oportunidad para señalar algunas tendencias preocupantes. | Let me use this opportunity to draw attention to some disturbing trends. |
use | Podríamos aprovechar el tiempo para la entrevista. | We might as well use this time for the interview. |
use | Podríamos aprovechar sus habilidades en este caso. | We could really use your insights on this one. |
use | Quisiera aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecerles sinceramente su buen trabajo. | I would like to use this opportunity to sincerely thank them for a job well done. |
use | Podrías aprovechar e irte a dormir. | Uncle Lucas, you look like you could use some extra sleep yourself. |
make | El yacaré tiene que aprovechar mientras pueda. | The caiman must make the most of them while they can. |
make | Intento aprovechar el tiempo porque ya no te esfuerzas por verme. | I just try to make the most of it, 'cause you don't even make an effort to see me anymore. |
make | Y tienen que aprovechar esa ventaja. | You've got to make that work for you. |
harness | Nos permitirá aprovechar nuestra experiencia y compartirla. | It will seek to harness our experience and help to share it. |
build on | Ya hay iniciativas multilaterales que podemos aprovechar. | There are already multilateral initiatives that we can build on. |
capitalize on | Dicha estrategia permitiría a la organización aprovechar sus ventajas comparativas. | Such a strategy would allow the organization to capitalize on its comparative advantages. |
take advantage of | La joven aprovechó un descuido de su madre y se escapó con sus amigos. | They took advantage of my absence to throw a party for their friends. |
make the most of | Aprovecha el tiempo; no lo desperdicies sentado frente al televisor. | Make the most of your time; don't waste it sitting in front of the TV. |
use | Martín aprovechó el sobrante de madera para hacer estantes. | Martin used the leftover wood to make shelves. |